I want to read more comics by you, Salt!
Corny, this could be my computer, but I thought things were maybe too dark.. obviously it's night, but sometimes it was hard to see the action.. and it seemed to be just obscuring Salt's lines... I don't know. You did a good job though.
so...hats off you two
I agree mostly about the soft shading. I think it was well done...just over done. And I could say that for any coloring style if its everywhere then it just makes everything look like mush...and that's what happened here I think if you isolated the soft shading to things that are actually soft (hair, upholstery, clouds,etc) and then contrast that with other textures and techniques (even just solid tones...seriously this would have worked in solid tones...) then you will get greater depth and strength to your work. Over all Im impressed with the pacing and story. The last joke was hilarous (I've been wanting to do a "this is canon" joke since I got on Void) ....and I can't believe I'm saying this (because Im notorious for being messy) but I think your syle (Salty) could get cleaned up...use a stronger more confident line and this could be golden!!!
A+ work yo..
I really like soft touch on the shading, Corny
Storywise, sometimes we just need warm fuzzies, and this comic gave me that
Awww, cute li'l Ronin - the ending was quite well done, too, I feel
First off, nice thumb choice ahahha
Got to hand it to you guys, it was a very nice read, with both nice lineart and coloring,
Salt: My only real deal here is that the gutters are too distant in between panels?
Corny: Good job too! Im not SUPER fan of the ultra soft shading, but its very moody, and gets along very well here too.
Maybe the pinky was too bright throughout the comic?
And yes, this is possibly canon thought I thought Ronins thing was with MA? ahah
Good job, I want to see more ; ;
[quote]I'll take this as canon, since it's just a nice little aside that explores Jong's controlling and asshole nature, really nice..
Me too. And love the thumbnails!
Ahaha, you guys did a great job.
Salt: I love your dry writing and adorable art style. It's a great combination that always proves to be hilarious. For the love of GOD do more comics!
I'll take this as canon, since it's just a nice little aside that explores Jong's controlling and asshole nature, really nice.
Corny: I already said it in the chat, but watch out for the saturation! I see it a lot in your comics where pinks and reds always seem too bright. Also get a feel for what you are coloring, while i like they style you used here, I don't think it was that fitting for the simplistic style of Salt's lines. Maybe flats or cel shading. I REALLY loved the coloring on the first page.
Those thumbs were boss, great job guys.
Comments (22)