Ajay Godwin vs Skye
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Uploaded April 21, 2008
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Comments (11)

subakunokasai's avatar
16 years ago
interesting...this batle ended on my birthday...
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Noerusan's avatar
16 years ago
I am new in this place but I have known this guy for a looooong time. For Chia's entry, it's kinda confusing at first but it was good so far. You did a good job on the character and the story. For Solly's entry, IT KICKS ASS!! I have never been eye candied ever since he fought in the 'ENDZONE' in Skye still has his slick moves and the way the angles in moved in every panel of comic. A word to Solly, You did a great job on Skye's look in this one and the way of the last page has gone to. (but please come back to Deviantart sometime for a while, okay?)
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Rone Rivendale's avatar
Rone Rivendale
16 years ago
I'm glad I read your entry before I heard your excuse Chia, because I actually thought you did a great job! =) You both had nice artwork and entertainment wise I think you were basically even. So for me it came down to the fact I liked Chia's light hearted storyline a little bit more than the cliche' story I found Solly's to be.
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

JoshuaEliGilley's avatar
16 years ago
Great job both of you, awesome 1week battle! Even battle in my opinion. Solly, yours looked more finished, and your dark moody colors were nice. so you got the quality nod. Chia, I liked your character drawings very much. Chia, your storytelling was more entertaining for me, good use of setting in the fight, and more interesting writing. I was hella confused on page 6 though. Skye, on page 8 I get confused when AJ is running away, and then I guess Skye falls down from injury? Maybe more transition between Skye about to gun her down, and falling over? That simultaneous injury panel on page 7 was brilliant by the way. Same scores on creativity, both scenarios are cool.
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Aluísio C. Santos's avatar
Aluísio C. Santos
16 years ago
Finally free to post here! This battle is really cool! Fist to the face action is my favourite type! Chia: I'm kind of divided about your art this time, since it's a bit sketchy, but in other hand we are talking about 10 pages in a one week, so it's okay! The anathomy is very good, except in some part where she hides behind the car, which has the car really big. Some action panels were a bit tough to figure, like she getting the blood out and also, she getting to poison him, which were a bit unclear. Except for that the action screens are very cool! The other only problem I had was when Skye was getting out of the place, in the next panel, I was confused where was he, since the inside of the window was white and such, it made me think he went back to the restaurant. Good job anyway! I wish to see those kickass color more oftenly though! Solly: This work is nuts! I hope you can carry this quality over to SDT in next matches (assuming you go to round 2)! I love your grays, they are kind of soft and stuff, and blend nicely with your lineart. The action panels were really good, and so is your panelling, which is very interesting! I liked both entries, but Solly takes this for having a better quality entry!
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

nanashi's avatar
16 years ago
Chiaaa it was awesome to get to battle you, even if only for a week. Critique wise Angie pretty much covered what I would've said, but your comic still looks good! Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing you battle more and maybe we can fight again in the future, hoho. Angie, thanks for the crits! I'll be sure to practice more on my lines and anatomy among other things. After I'm done with the SDT I'll probably take up some battles with longer deadlines.
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Chia-It's a shame you had to rush, but for the most part the line quality stayed consistent. The lineart was pretty good considering you had to rush, I think the backgrounds hurt you the most though. You made some good choices for the angles and the action was readable most of the time. I think the only page that had me confused was the second one due to all of the closeups. It also took me a minute to realize what Ajay was using as a weapon, perhaps making the needles a little stronger/more noticeable would have helped. Even zooming in on them once may have helped give me an idea of what she was using, since after one closeup it's established what she's using. Solly-I'd never read any of your battles before so I took the time to read your old battles prior to this one. This was very good for a week entry, I really want to see you try taking a longer deadlines to really gauge how you've improved. Your angles and action were very nicely done and you had a nice atmosphere going on. But the anatomy was occasionally odd and the faces really jumped around in quality. I would also like to see you slow down on your lines a little, while you're very good at the sketchy style and don't need to change it or anything, it hurt you in some panels like Ajay kicking Skye. I also felt the extremely dark panels could have been lightened up just a tad since it felt a little too much like you were hiding having to draw certain things. I hope you plan on sticking around, I'm especially interested in seeing more after reading your previous battles as well as this one. Good showings for both of you considering you just had a week, I hope you both stick around and continue to battle.
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Chia's avatar
16 years ago
Uploaded two days early. 10 pages very rushed and only 1 complete page. D: I work this coming Thursday/Friday so I won't even have time to get online 'til the weekend, which would be too late... So, I hope you guys can forgive me. My whacked out perspectives, sketchy lines, blank space, cheesy sfx and dialog, etc. I learned my limit for a 1 week battle, so hopefully I'll manage my time better when I try it again later... o.o; Also, good luck to you Solly. I know you have this and the SDT to do!
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Monday's avatar
16 years ago
how many bullets does it take to get to the center ?
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

YaRoof's avatar
16 years ago
FooxAjay Pr0n for the win!
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle

Dimension's avatar
16 years ago
Oooo Gotta see this! D: I wish you luck guys. :3
Posted on Ajay Godwin vs Skye battle