Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio
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Uploaded February 01, 2007
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Comments (35)

spinzoa's avatar
15 years ago
[quote]undefined I understand that you didn't get the joke. Thank you for your comment, though. I appreciate it.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

kirei-kuro's avatar
15 years ago
I'd just like to throw it out there that finding 100 yen is like finding a DOLLAR - in Japan, they don't use "change" like we do in the US, so the conversion system is roughly moving the decimal point over two places to the left. It won't buy you much more than the gum they were initially shooting for.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

namixplush's avatar
18 years ago
omg!!! spinzoa, I can't wait to make my characters so you can battle me and make them better looking!! TwT;;
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

(Pi)'s avatar
18 years ago
spins - you've already got really cool mangaka abilities, which makes things really pretty and smooth, but you've gotta watch those hands. Marcus especially, your hands tend to get all noodle-y and stretched. I'd also like to see more body types from you, seeing everybody be all tall and bishie makes me jealous. Awesome writing, keep it up. linus - inconsistent anatomy is the biggest thing I see, mostly dealing with arm length and foreshortening. Your poses could also use a lot of work, something I think gesture drawings will help you with, in order to get those poses looking natural and not so stiff. Also, since it looks like Marcus is a more fight-oriented character, it would definitely to find better camera angles, since that can really improve or detract from an action scene. Pick up some hard-hitting action comics and really analyze the different angles they use, where they put the reader in order to maximize impact and effect. Keep up the hard work, I look forward to your improvement.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

AtomicAtomic's avatar
18 years ago
WHeee! It was really hard to vote with this....! I liked you both!
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Monday's avatar
18 years ago
OK ok ok I really cant stand not commenting on this yet, but Its hard to formulate a decent critique for this either. Yuki, your shits crazy its so well executed and the plot had so much element that it didn't feel linear at all- yet it still flowed. Fucking wow. 20 pages, you break my heart hero(?). T _T Linus, I commend you for making the 10 page mark however few things were an issue. Sergio felt out of character and was used more as a device, frankly almost anyone else could've played his role save for a few parts that called out to Sergio's inner tailor. The story was competent though albeit feeling like a template. This could be the working of a continuing plot that will soon become formidable but so far you're going to absorb some losses as this one felt more like a device. ALl in all a good battle , Yuki takes this one on originality, feeling natural, and a lovely body odor.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

vespa's avatar
18 years ago
I rated both comics highly in the entertainment category, since I got many lawls from each. :3 Both had some spelling and grammar issues, but they didn't distract too terribly much, even for a grammar/punctuation/spelling-Nazi like me. @ spinzoa: Your style is so confident, and it looks great, very professional. :'D I love the way you handle facial expressions, especially the slightly-demented ones. And your story was so unabashedly ridiculous... The smothering-with-pillow scene cracked me up. ;_; @ Linus: I have to agree with a lot of other comments... the first three pages were quite reminiscent of Death Note, but moreover felt out of place and kind of info-dumpy. If that even makes sense. Also, in a few panels the action looked kind of stiff and unnatural (though the kick on page 8 made MY nose hurt.) I did like your use of backgrounds, though, and overall I liked your story. :3 I enjoyed reading both comics, and I look forward to reading more from you two!
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Dingo's avatar
18 years ago
i'm a bit too lazy to read all of the above comments, i read a few, but...i'll try not to repeat anything, sorry if i do XD; spinzoa: i know neko said this, but i feel it has to be emphasized. i could barely tell the characters apart....and at one part i thought a third character suddenly popped into the picture? maybe they did, i dunno...they all looked the same 8| srsly, add some wrinkles to some faces so we can tell em apart better D: other than that, it was a beautiful comic, and you are able to take such a simple concept and turn it into a funny, cute, interesting comic...keep it up yo ;3 linus: okay what.....what was up with the beginning? it was nice and all, it just....was outta nowhere. the only thing i really liked about your story was that you lost. LOST?! that rarely happens, and it's nice to see things that are different. other things with the seemed to go really fast and the mood of it all changed on almost every page. and the way sergio approached your character... \"HEY YOU, WTH, oohhh your fabric, ASS KICKING TIME, oh btw you can train with these people\" it was all just....really.....blahg XD; i dunno how to explain it. hopefully i made sense? well nice job on both sides, my points went decisively to spinzoa though.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Maus's avatar
18 years ago
Linus- Hate to be repetative... but deathnote, whaa? And I didn't see how that had to do with the rest of the story... maybe I was just slightly confused. I liked it, though! Your style was cool and the flow was pretty even, though the panel layout is slightly boring. I liked your backgrounds and use of black and white. Spinzoa- anime, but good anime! nice tones! And lines! Overall the art was better but the storyline... it was cute... silly... but I liked Linus's better. I like the jokes though, and the characters :3
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Rone Rivendale's avatar
Rone Rivendale
18 years ago
I'll get the negitive part out first cuz I hate writing it. The art in both wasn't that good to me (not like I am one to talk). Now, entertainment wise, both comics were great. I got deeply involved in the storylines and I got a good chuckle out of it. I give a slight edge to Spinzoa as I think his comic gave me just a tad more enjoyment. Linus' comic was more serious except for the age thing which was golden. I guess today I'm in a humorous mood and therefore I have to give higher marks overall to Spinzoa. Both entries were great, average art but great storylines there were long without being drawn out.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

DeB's avatar
18 years ago
Spinzoa, You know I always liked your work right... hell, you where to first artist I've ever chalenged on Void, and' i'm still waithing for our battle. but this.. this is a UGE step foward man! WOW! great lines, and I just loved the way you used textures and all. amasing my only itch and it,s minor, ist that I find page 7 to be a bit confusing, but still understandable. GREAT work man! Linus, sadly I read yours in second, and well... the comparaison is not in your adventage. but your story was funny, the origin of your character is also verry interesting. there,s a cool underground feel yo your work and I can,t wait to see more. story telling need improvement but overall your definitaly on the right path. congratz to both of you. best battle I saw this week peace A
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

shirano's avatar
18 years ago
Spinzoa - all A's...I thought it was hilarious and very creative - who would've thought of a fight over a quarter and the tooth fairy? XD It really made me smile, although the homo-fantasy-nightmare thing was creepy XDDD Your inks and tones made the quality grade easy. Linus - I thought it was pretty good but I had a hard time following it at some I thought of Death Note like a bunch of other people who commented. The story was pretty original though. Great job for a debut battle.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

kenko's avatar
18 years ago
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Craqued's avatar
18 years ago
Love you Spiiiin, you make me giggle and snort. Linus, yours was cute, I love how rough Marcus looks but his gentle personality. Both of your's was fresh, thanks for the titters.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Bittermause's avatar
18 years ago
what can I say? You guys were both very entertaining! I gave you both high scores. Linus - I enjoyed Marcus's prologue as well as the continuity of your storytelling. Pages 5 and 6 got me laughing as well as the whole \"he's only 29\" bit. I hope to see him in action again soon! Spinzoa - Man, you weren't kidding when you said in the forums that your submission was gonna be huge. I kept forgetting to scroll all the way down on each page before going to the next. Otherwise I truly enjoyed the art & dark humor of it all.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Larathen's avatar
18 years ago
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Larathen's avatar
18 years ago
spinzoa, I love you ;o; I had a little hard time following the direction in your comic, but overall it was full of luls :D Marcus, as repeated in the comics, that intro was all death note-y (even though Im not into anime), and it felt out of place in the comic.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

ArtisticEnigma's avatar
18 years ago
great restart for Void definite stylizing on both sides...perplexing endings...but great all the same
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Kumaru's avatar
18 years ago
Guys, both your comics. Were. Hilarious. Good dynamics both of you as well, Sergio very clean work!! Although I would also love to see more backgrounds/less whiteness. Linus you have good balance with the black and white + tones allover, sometimes things feel a bit muddy and you could punch up the antatomy (heads get a bit wonkey sometimes). But seriously, the writing on these two was so fast and randomly amusing, it's great. GOOD JOB YOU TWO, A++ :D
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Nathan's avatar
18 years ago
Linus: Your art is interesting, especially your facial expressions, although not as good and clean as spinzoa's. However, I found your plot to be more interesting and with purpose than spinzoa's. Firstly, the explaination as to why Marcus sucked, and that whole sequence. Nice job, it's good to see that sort of thing, since it's not very common. There's more to say, but I think it's been said better by others. spinzoa: Your style is anime, which, I mean. Yeah, it's really well done, but not *incredibly* original. I'm not going to bash anime, 'cause...well...duh, I'm a huge anime fan myself, but it's more interesting to see non-anime stuff in my opinion. Anyway, you've certainly got art down very well, and if you and I fought I'm sure I would lose. :P However, I found your story to be...uhhh...weird...and not very...uhhh...story like. There's not much room for continuity, and it seems that you don't reall mind. xD I dunno, I like to see characters progress more. This was a fight over a quarter...and some...weird stuff involving the tooth fairy. What were you smoking, man? xD and where can I get some? Haha, no really, it's all good, I'm looking forward to seeing who wins, 'cause in my opinion you both did very well, although in different areas.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

kidscribbles's avatar
18 years ago
whoa this was a good fight!
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Krissy's avatar
18 years ago
Both of you guys had some great jokes that left me laughing all the way through. I enjoyed this little battle set up. Spinzoa: I have to say, everytime I see your line work, it makes me squishy with glee because it is so smooth. I did have to step back a bit and remember the guy you drew was Marcus. Perhaps next time around, try not to make someone who has those wrinkles and what not like a bishounen. Because at first it didn't feel like I was looking at the same character. Other than that, you took the word critique from th elats battle and added more backgrounds. Huzzah! Linus: I got the deathnote vibe too on the first two pages and it left me a little \"what?\" but the stry picked up so good on that. I did feel like the story was a bit on the \"tired and old and done before\" kinda thing. There is also a big jump in page quality as you go about too. Otherwise, even though its been done before, I like the idea of getting beaten in a match and learning somethign from it. :D
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Kotori Ky's avatar
Kotori Ky
18 years ago
Yuki, your lines are sex and candy. My god... it's so.... so good. And Sergio was so cool this time! Granted, I howled with laughter a few times...(Finding Marcus under the pillow, the homo-paralyzed... yeah, golden.) Liuns: Nice. The beginning really hit me as 'This is just like Death Note...' but you had some really good jokes in there. The being nakkid thing had me snickering. Good job, both.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

spinzoa's avatar
18 years ago
Hey Linus, I just finished my side of the comic, too. I think it might take a lot more time for our battles to be uploaded, because there are so many other battles out there with the same due date, but your side of the comic is the one I'm most excited to see! Though I might say, Marcus went through pretty tough time in mine, artistically and maybe characteristically. I hope you still won't mind after reading my side. I can't wait to see how you drew Sergio, too.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

linus's avatar
18 years ago
Uploaded! Finally. Last seven pages were made before the primary deadline and I started making the first three ten days before this deadline. I'm really satisfied with the outcome though i can spot several things i could've done differently. And I'm SOOOO hyped over what Spinoza will bring to the table, if this one is anything like his last one I'm going to get my ass so kicked :D *Also bear with my shitty handwriting, I really want it in my comics so I need practice ;/ (hope you can atleast read it)*
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Bittermause's avatar
18 years ago
With Sergio's perverted antics and Marcus's vengeful streak...this will definetly prove to be one hell of a match. I wish you both the best of luck!
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

rabbitrabbit's avatar
18 years ago
YAY SERGIO! Do good, both of you! :D
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

UndeadOrion's avatar
18 years ago
Can't wait to see how this one pans out!
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Dejichan's avatar
18 years ago
ohh! this looks interesting =D I wanna see more sergio! hope you bot6h make a great fight ^^
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

animedarkside's avatar
18 years ago
Looking forward to that smexy Sergio. :] Good luck to you both.
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

DimAmentia's avatar
18 years ago
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Craqued's avatar
18 years ago
sergiooo go go go
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Monday's avatar
18 years ago
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Larathen's avatar
18 years ago
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Chia's avatar
18 years ago
Oooooh~ @_@ This one will definitely be entertaining!
Posted on Marcus vs Sergio Pancrazio battle