CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio
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Uploaded October 31, 2006
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Comments (43)

Toxic Toothpick's avatar
Toxic Toothpick
18 years ago
\"Manlyness threatened\" frame.....OMG!!! hahahahahahaha!!!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
that was just puuure beginner's luck... ;P
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

rabbitrabbit's avatar
18 years ago
Lucky for you, Spinzoa-san, it is INDEED a cute girl. XD And for backgrounds, if you just start out with one big establishing shot, it will establish the overall sense of place right away and you can leave every other panel's background as completely white space and it will go unnoticed. Mostly. I think. *is punched :D*
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
@Carstein - Thank you very much! I'm aiming at doing CosplayR a story based character, so I really need the developing. Thogh I dunno for how long this will go... @Shortfury - I'm workin on them, hope my next entry will be BETTAH! ;D Thanks a lot! BTW, I may need a japanese underground type of character *hint-hint* I'll hit you with a PM later with the details... @David - Aw, darn it! :\"( ... ;P @JinguJ - I really don't have much experience in comic books. Guess that's noticeble... K, I've noted it down, don't use lineweight in all the panels... I'm very glad that you like him! Thank you very much for your helpfull comment! Oh, and warn Iri that CosplayR is coming after her... soon ;) I'll PM you later with the details... @Rabbit Rabbit - K, I'm noteing it down. Anyway, I'm glad you liked my entry and... HELL YEAH! I'll kick your ass anytiiime! :P Don't worry, I'm not as perverted as Spinzoa over there... :D Cheers and thanks for your helpfull comments everyone!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

spinzoa's avatar
18 years ago
Rabbit Rabbit: I honestly can't wait to see what kind of character you'll come up with for VOID.! I doo hope it's a cuuuute, cute girl...[perverted drooling begins NOW] Oh, and yeah...I really wanted to focus more on the mood and the characters, rather than the background. I felt it was unnecessary to clutter them in on every panel, but you're right. Next time, I'll try to add in more backgrounds earlier on. As for where they were at before I start showing the bg, it took place in the Palace of Versailles. Then somehow, they ended up back in VOID. ..I kid, please stop punching ;_;
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

rabbitrabbit's avatar
18 years ago
Wow, this was TOTALLY worth the wait! :D Spinzoa-san: your line art is so clean and pretty! And your asides (\"manliness threatened\" and \"holy words\" side notes) added a lot of humor without cluttering things up. The only thing is I couldn't tell where the setting was until page 5. The backgrounds you have are well done, but there are so few of them! Hisshi-san: I LOVE the backgrounds! You obviously put a lot of time into this entry. And I don't think it felt unfinished at all, I think that was a nice spot to end at. Only thing is your screentones look kinda muddy, they kind of detract fro mthe flow of things. Awesome job, guys! I hope to see both of you in the ring someday when I finally get around to getting my fighter approved! >:3
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

jho's avatar
18 years ago
ok now I've read hisshi's page I'd say I love the story, it has nice feel to it. And it flows quite well.I was surprised how normal sergio looks haha! (well the contrast with his pages at least), and I like it. My only problem is probably the layouting, some of the panels seems cluttered and doesnt flow as well as it should (notable page 8 lower part), either because of the composition or the lineweights are all the same (notable page 4) so it feels like everything is as important, thus there's no focus point. But, that's something that could be improved on. :) honestly I wasnt sure what to expect from your character, but I really like him now he's unique. I like your story overall, that was a pleasant read, thanks :D
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

David's avatar
18 years ago
Dude Sergio Pancrazio ftw! Cosplayer! your entri was awsome, but SP's ring joke got me in the end
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Marley's avatar
18 years ago
God I love both of these. Very strong entries guys <3 Spinoza - Your work is so delicate and refined. The folds in his dress and the curls were fantastic. The ring had me laughing my ass off. Hisshi - You have really strong panelling. Everything is really grounded. I like how you put time into your story. There are little things here and there in your art that you need to work on, but I'm confident you're going to blast right past them. Keep drawing comics for justice. Awesome job guyyyys
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Carstein's avatar
18 years ago
Well it's offical, I love Sergio, spinzoa you are a genius. Other than the slight absance of backgrounds and some grammar work (I hear you on that one though) you rocked my box. Smooth lines, great humour and I love how you draw shoes. We need to fight soon, your manliness is threatend. And hisshi man that was one hell of a first entry. I liked your take on everyone, keep rocking on that character develpoment, story is important. Keep improving guys.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
@Blitz - Janken is the japanese version of Rock-Scissor-Paper. (I used the japanese version scince both characters are japanese, so...) When the \"battle\" starts both players say \"saisho wa guu!\" (\"starting with the stone!\") while pumping their fists to synch the moves...Now I notice that I skipped this part in the comic XD. Anyway, they repeat the same pumping while chanting \"Jan ken pon!\". On \"pon\", the players show their sign. If there's a tie, they continue playing accompanied by two more fist pumps with \"Aiko desho!\" (Isn't that a tie!) or with a single pump with \"Pon!\" Get it? :D @Spinzoa - aaaw darn it! I thought you were doing those lines traditionally... :P Anyway, \"hisshi\" means inevitable (spelling?) death or total darkness... guess you can call me \"Inevitable Cup Noodle of DEATH!\"... >:D Well, I was thinking of drawing everyone in a chibi-ish style, but then I thought that what will happen with guys wanting to draw my character? I'd have to do a whole new design for a real-lookin' CosplayR (though I'd like to change he's design into a less chibi one some time. I think I'll do it when I get further into the story when things get a little \"sad\" DAMN SPOILERS! :D ) So for now, I'll just leave him like this. Aw, come oooon! Your Sergio is way more sexy and creepy. :) You mean.. you're going to use \"MY\" Lampton Tailor or what? As for the mini battle... na-na-na-nanana :P Whoa! Long comment... Cheers!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Blitz's avatar
18 years ago
Oh wow I love both of these so much 8> They were both equally entertaining to me and the art was great. Spinzoa, I...I can't get over the beginning. I love you so much right now. hisshi, I'm not sure what the pon stuff was about, but i couldnt stop giggling.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Deja Wu's avatar
Deja Wu
18 years ago
Lmao, man-panties XD
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

spinzoa's avatar
18 years ago
Thaanks everybody, for all those wonderful c&c. I always feel happy and excited to be able to read more of your helpful comments! Hopefully, next time, I can finish it all way before the deadline to actually be able to fix most of my errors. Booh.. Anyway, now, for Hisshi: From now on, your name is Hisshin Cup Noodle. I've been thinking about it, and I think that is SO cool of a name to have, after Nissin's Cup Noodle. And your comics were so, SO hilarious, and I'm pretty picky when it comes to humor. Every page made me giggle so homofantastically, and that..sigh. OMG. Such a great feeling. And Sergio was awesome! Personally, I would've liked to have Sergio drawn as a kid, like CosplayR, but when I saw the way you drew him, I changed my mind. He is SO fucking hot. Hotter than he is even allowed by God to be. And you got him just right! Nice n' cocky<3 and I love his hair! You made it extra spikey, in which I would love to use your Sergio as refrence when I draw him again, next time. And thank you so much for drawing Lampton Tailor ;_; are the best. I can't wait to be able to read more of your comic! The mini-battle was also fun<3 Oh yeah, as for inking..I did it on the computer. I used DELETER, but you can still get the same result on OpenCanvas or Photoshop. All you have to do is blow up your image to around 5000px X 5000px (in general. Just over 5000 will do, in 600dpi), take any old pixelly line to ink over your scanned pencil image, then resize it into smaller size to get a smoother result. I hope that made sense...?
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
oh, and excuse my lack of manners. forgot to thanks everybody for they're helpfull c&c! :\">
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
OMFG! Spinzoa, your lines are beautyfull! What do you use?? Pen nibs? Anyway, great comic. I laughed my ass off! You've got the exact comedy style that I love!!! Also, I really like how CosplayR looks in your style. I'd really like to say bad things about it, but I can't find some right now... :( I guess your lines persuaded me in being your fanboy... Now, about mine. My line pretty much sucks, all my pens are empty or \"done for\" so I had to use a marker... Sorry for not getting Sergio as he really is, I wanted to focus more on CosplayR's development. :P I also had to stop with a \"to be continued\", bugger, I wanted to finish it at first, but the time didn't let me, so I'll have to continue it in a Beyond Battle (if the battles' results are favorable for CosplayR...) Anyway, more commenting after the fight's over! Cheers!!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Galactavision's avatar
18 years ago
If Sergio comes after me with a kid and paternity suit of any kind, he's full of crap. I'm just saying.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Neoriceisgood's avatar
18 years ago
It really pleases me to know that both of you newcommers are such amazing battlers, I'm definitely gonna enjoy reading any future battles by both of you, for me, B+ or A in entertainment on both battles I think, this was a really nice read. Also, Match made in Heaven.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

jho's avatar
18 years ago
I'll add longer comment later but, wow spinzoa, you're good, I'm so impressed how you lay out your paneling and such! good job. and the story is very funny too... great job.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

ColonelXonik's avatar
18 years ago
The \"Manliness Threatened\" arrow is the best thing ever.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Monday's avatar
18 years ago
Im voting based on the results of the Janken. Hisshi wins.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Kotori Ky's avatar
Kotori Ky
18 years ago
Very nice job from both of you~! Fully finished and complete fights for your first ones, which is fantastic. Keep up that great work. hisshi, I enjoyed your comic a great deal. It set up your character for further VOID activity by introducing him to the 'outside world'... and the fact that most of VOID is perfect for a cosplayer is a good fact to point out. Heh. I have to admit I wanted to see a bit more of Sergio's creepy side, but it was well done in general. Spinzoa: Dear lord in heaven, I'm in love! XD I really like your style... it's clean and elegant and Sergio is so delightfully creepy it's hilarious. There was a slight error in the dialog(picky English major mode, sorry.) You said 'third' twice instead of 'second'.... but other than that, it was amazing. I really look forward to more from Sergio. :D Great job both of you!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Kamicheetah's avatar
18 years ago
Whoa I wasn't expecting that at all! ahah great work guys :D Good battle. I like it when the opponents are in the comic through near all of the pages. Sweet deal.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Hiemie's avatar
18 years ago
Hay look, it's Hiemie, isn't that swell.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Monday's avatar
18 years ago
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

spinzoa's avatar
18 years ago
hisshi: [BREATHE] OMG I thought I'll never be able to get this done on time, and I JUST uploaded mine! I'm so...sigh. I can't wait to read your part, Hisshiewishiemichie<3!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
Done my part! Just uploaded the battle :D Spinzoa, hope you got it ready! Can't wait to see yours! Cheers!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Neoriceisgood's avatar
18 years ago
This battle is trés cute.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

rabbitrabbit's avatar
18 years ago
Clothes Fanatic vs. Clothes Fanatic! I get the feeling the fashion world will never be the same again...
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Azrael's avatar
18 years ago
I think I'll like this one.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Ravist's avatar
18 years ago
A match made in heaven. Or hell.
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Toxic Toothpick's avatar
Toxic Toothpick
18 years ago
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

linus's avatar
18 years ago
OOOH this'll be awsome! Do your best!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Carstein's avatar
18 years ago
Everyone knows creepy trumps cosplay, let see what you've got spinzoa good luck!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

gradamay's avatar
18 years ago
cosplay him to DEATH >[
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Larathen's avatar
18 years ago
Aw virgin battles are so cute >:
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Monday's avatar
18 years ago
dude yuki you btter go all ut opn this it would be awesome !! this fight matches l;ike no other . :E
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

sixtem's avatar
18 years ago
This should be fucking creepy. Spinzoa: if this doesn't make me lean back from the computer screen, reproachfully, a few times; then you have not done your best. DO NOT LET ME DOWN!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

AtomicPiggy's avatar
18 years ago
Sergio stalking CosplayR... interesting match up! :3 looking forward to seeing how this will turn out
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Ayname's avatar
18 years ago
*__*!! Good luck to the both of you on your first battles!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

cyrine's avatar
18 years ago
AMAGAD! I can't wait to sees~!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

Qyzex's avatar
18 years ago
good luck on your first fight both of you
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle

hisshi's avatar
18 years ago
This is just like my first fight in Void! :D *doing the happy-first-time-fight-in-Void dance*uh-huuuuh uh-huh Let's kick eeeeet!
Posted on CosplayR vs Sergio Pancrazio battle