Glittergym Forever
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Uploaded November 08, 2024
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Comments (6)

Radji's avatar
2 months ago
Yama duo: Shame you defaulted. Hope you'll do better next time! Gym team: Your issue was super cool and positive! Highlight of the tournament for me! Team Emo child: Shame it wasn't finished but it's nice to see Cam back in business. Misery is ready to join an emo band from the edgyness
Posted on Tag Team Resurrection : Round 2 battle

Minteh's avatar
2 months ago
Gregly and Bloombeard, first and foremost thank you so much for this battle! I wish we could have put together a stronger showing, but I personally struggled with this cast. Shen and I both vowed to get started much earlier, which is when our first page was made, but then the longer my script got the more I didn't like it. Coming into the final week I had four unfinished scripts, it's the first time I've struggled so hard to write a comic, so I'm even more blown out of the water how well you two worked on this! I laughed so hard at your story, Bartender's desperation as his fancy drinks are being rejected one after another was such a good bit and absurd foil to the fight going on in the back like it's just another Tuesday. Huge props to you for all the work you put in, I know you also said you don't like it so much, but I seriously think it came out awesome :)

Gregly's avatar
2 months ago
Fluff and Snowy- Sorry to see you guys default but I understand if the motivation isn't there anymore. I would have loved to see your take on Scout and Boris! Animeshen and Minteh- The finished page looks really good! Good colors and the bgs are very detailed. The story is still readable in this form but it's too bad you couldn't develop it more but you were strapped for time-- it would have been cool to see the demon fight! Boris's ankle getting snipped is so brutal and makes me wince, haha. Bloombeard and me- Forrest wrote this so fast after we met up so I had a lot of time to work on it-- I still really have trouble with coloring though and get so demoralized. I think next time I'll try to do more cell shady because the soft gradients everywhere might be what makes me not like it so much. I tried to be good with the staging and bgs in this one, i think it worked out!
Posted on Tag Team Resurrection : Round 2 battle

Minteh's avatar
3 months ago
Here we are running down the last day of the comic, just wanted to apologize to Gregly as Shen and I both knew we'd have minimal time in both rounds, and my brain has been so far away from creative space the last few weeks. We didn't think we'd get as far as we did, and unfortunately we won't have a complete comic this round. We're still working away at it though, so hopefully we can still tell a story for y'all!
Posted on Tag Team Resurrection : Round 2 battle

Rose's avatar
3 months ago
HELL YEAH THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD!!! So many of my friends and amazing artists in this lineup I don't know who to root for!!!
Posted on Tag Team Resurrection : Round 2 battle

JCee's avatar
3 months ago
Colour me HYPED! I can't wait to see how this one goes!
Posted on Tag Team Resurrection : Round 2 battle