Heavyweight 2024
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded July 07, 2024
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Comments (13)

SirJellyRaptor's avatar
6 months ago
Thanks for all the feedback, guys, I'm glad my entry got such a positive reception ;-; Putrid: I've noticed I've been getting that a lot lately, people thinking or wondering if I'm using physical pens. All my comics on void, save one, have been done digitally, but my main method of drawing up until a few years ago was pencil, and I still have a lot of those old habits. It's how I learned to cross hatch, which can be very useful, but also I have to actively stop myself from doing it when I'm trying to just do quick sketches. That's what happened with pages 3-9, I'll elaborate on that later. Bobert: yeah it really did seem like we all were having a time with this one, though honestly I dug my own grave here, I gotta admit. Selevan: it was a main point of mine to try and make sure everyone got some spotlight here, to the best of my ability. Granted the core idea of my plot made it a necessity anyways. I do admit that writing for Harrison and quicksilver was one of the most fun aspects of making this comic That whole fight is so unserious, its great. Snowy: I spend a LOT of time just thinking about action shots and the framing and view angles of them. Im the kind of person that puts a song on, and watches the little movie in my head, except I keep restarting halfway through the song over and over until I visualize it right. So it's an aspect I do give particular attention to when making these comics, and I'm glad to hear it working ^^; . And paneling is something I've been trying to focus and work on lately. I actually started referencing your paneling a bit once I got into Dairyus portion of the comic. Since I was going through her comic archive a lot for references and ideas, I started looking at the panels as well. Also I didn't mean for my earlier "curb stomp" comment to be a negative, because unlike the average "my character wins and it's easy :)" that such a comic usually entails, Dairyus level of power is well established, and it's common knowledge that she holds back in most of her fights. And with that context, having a comic where she doesn't bother to do that doesn't feel cheap, it becomes a narrative device. All that being said, I absolutely get where your coming from with the fight choreography. I might get into that more on the discord since this comment has already gone on way too long. ItizJR: on the idea of going right from thumbs to inks, that was actually my plan for most of the first half of this comic. What I ended up submitting for pages 1 and 10-15 ARE the thumbs, mostly, and have just had some bits touched up just before posting that I felt NEEDED the extra clarity. Pages 3-9 were thumbed a LOT looser, that's just how it ended up happening, and I had to go over them again to take them from a bunch of scribbled composition markers to something I could work off in the inking stage. But then I went too far into it. Thinking back on it I think what killed me there was starting that process with pages 4 and 5, two pages with a lot of scenery, that I decided was batter to get planned out ahead of time instead of in the inking stage, but then that leaked into the character drawing, and by the time I got to the action scene I had already established the "level". Ultimately, something I started doing to make the inking process easier and faster ended up basically ensuring that nothing got inked at all. Page 16 through to the end were different, since at that point I was just doing the thumbnails in my sketchbook amd then redrawing them digitally later. That process took a lot less time, but I did almost fall into the exact same trap at the start of dairyu's section. Goldie: I'm glad to hear the readability wasn't hurt too much. I've said it before that's always my minimum requirement goal, is getting the whole story across, if nothing else. Badger: yeah, that initial conversation about the dangers of the ruins was planned to have some actual payoff, I wanted to get some monster shenanigans in there, but that was honestly the first thing to go once I actually started planning things out. Once the actual list of participants was chosen I was much more concerned with finding a place for everyone than I was about shoehorning monsters in. There is a monorat, though! I remember during the sign up period I was working through potential ideas for the applicants and before JCee dropped out I had some ideas for Black Swan that would have involved monsters, but alas, twas not to be. Batty: I was very excited with the prospect of a relic ruins battle with this amount of power in play, where there's no concern about preservation of their surroundings. If time wasn't a concern they all would have absolutely knocked down more buildings, but as things are, I mostly just had to focus on getting from point A to point B and then onto the next one.

Pizza Man's avatar
Pizza Man
6 months ago
I'll add more thoughts later when I have more time but I had to say that I loved everyone's entries and their portrayals of the robots!
Posted on Heavyweight 2024 : Round 1 battle

Batty's avatar
6 months ago
Holy ambitious undertaking, Batman! Both for you and for Keito! I really loved the idea of a free-for-all battle, just an arena where people get to really unleash and cause mayhem! All of the fight scenes were so well choreographed, like damn. I think my favorite fight tbh was with the HR99 bots! On the one hand I want to say that maybe cutting some pages/truncating some fights would have helped you get more completed, but in this case I really don't know what COULD have been cut that wouldn't have been sorely missed. I don't usually say this because I myself am not good at going back and finishing comics, but in this case I really would love to see what this comic could've been if it was fully rendered! Also: thank you for including Croi aaaaaa!

Badger's avatar
6 months ago
What an impressive page count! The story setup being a game/contest is very cool, the stakes feel really high here and I think the discussion over how dangerous the area is contributes a lot to that. Your pencils are absolutely gorgeous and I love your background work as well, the action feels dynamic and energetic, especially in the Dairyu vs Keito swordfight! It does get a little hard to follow in the unfinished pages but I understand that it’s due to time constraints. The story is still plenty legible though and I really like what you have here!

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
6 months ago
I had a lot of fun reading all these comic! Loved all the portrayals of Songbird. I feel like Pizzaman got him the closest. It had me laughing pretty good. I loved all these though. Everyone went very hard on heavy weight!
Posted on Heavyweight 2024 : Round 1 battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
6 months ago
Snowy - I loved your plot and the art was superb, liked a lot Dairyu here, also thanks for the cameo! Fluff - I loved your color palette and character expressions, but the thing I most loved are the references to Morshuu HAHAHAH YOU WANT IT!? IT'S YOURS MY FRIEND Keito - Really good sketches! Story was nice. Pizza - I will always love how free your style is. Selevan - Nice story and monochrome style!
Posted on Heavyweight 2024 : Round 1 battle

Goldie's avatar
6 months ago
Sorry these aren’t too in depth but here you go; Pizzaman: Loved the storytime storyline, and good job on the long scroll format! The only thing I wanna recommend is using the ellipse/circle tool for text bubbles, the odd shapes were throwing me off a bit Selevan: Excellent work on the character depictions and action, good sir! But I agree with Jelly in that there’s things left unanswered but the end of the comic. Maybe that’ll be in another comic you got planned but as a stand alone it can confuse peeps. Keep up the good work tho Jelly: Despite the fact these are sketches, they work so well as lines I had no trouble following along! Your panel work is stellar and your story amazed me, wonderful job! Fluff: I was laughing through this entire read, your comedy is always amazing! I loved your portrayal of everyone and your minimal palette~ Snowy: This has gotta be one of your most outstanding comics yet! Everything was so on-point, and I’m happy to see a different side to her than normal! Super excited to see more!
Posted on Heavyweight 2024 : Round 1 battle

ItizJR's avatar
6 months ago
This was very ambitious! It's hard to criticize art wise because I feel like any critique I give would have probably been resolved in a more polished version. It looks really good in this stage, but the only thing is the line weight is the same on a lot of things which just leads to visual overload. But like I said, pretty sure that would have been handled with a bit more time to polish. But maybe a good thing for you to start practicing is not penciling as much and just going straight to inks after thumbnails so you can have more time to do the other tasks in making comics? That's also the goal for myself since I see a lot of pros doing it in order to speed up their workflow. You've got a really good sense of how to position the camera in your panels and even the panels themselves really lent to the feeling of the story and the pacing you were probably looking for. You've really got a lot of outstanding pages in here! You also managed to pack a TON of story in here which *slow clap* for that. Overall, really good work though! Would be amazing to see a "finished" version of this using all your potential.

Selevan's avatar
7 months ago
Holy shit this was amazing!! The story was so good aaaaaaaa- Even if it isn't technically "finished" I do like it a lot, the dynamic paneling is so well executed that one doesn't quite realise just how many pages there are at first! It just seamlessly transitions to the point where I had to do some double takes to realise haha I loved all of the characterisation for everyone, you captured them quite well I have to say, and I HAVE to point out just how giddy I was to see my boi being in this for a good chunk holy shit- Standing here I realise that you did fantastic!

Snowy's avatar
7 months ago
I love LOVE the action shots in this, and your clever paneling! The characterizations for everyone felt spot on as well, which is impressive for royales because there's so many characters to juggle! I'm sorry you had such tough luch getting the comic done, but what you did get done is really great!

Bobert's avatar
7 months ago
Great comic! I do wish all of us had much better fortune for this tournament because your completed pages were awesome as hell! Although the incomplete ones feel nice because they feel like those lively needle thin ballpoint pen drawings I've seen some artists online do!

Putrid's avatar
7 months ago
Incredible effort from everyone! I've had little time to indulge in comics and art lately, so I apologize if my comments on each of the entries are brief PIZZAMAN- The stylization of some characters specifically is very fun and appealing. I liked the whole aspect of everyone telling their own story. The dynamic between characters was hilarious SELEVAN- The vougue-like cover already had me invested in what was gonna happen with Harrison. I got really excited when Harrison climbed on the train's roof to avoid crossing that door. Such a cool Western Spaghetti easter egg. I always like seeing characters be polite to others, even if they get in the way of their goal SIRJELLYRAPTOR- I'm a big fan of your art style, and regardless of your entry being considered sketches; the creativity with how you play with the panels and the line weight makes it feel as if it's inks instead. I'm always impressed with your work. Specially it (seemingly) being made with a ballpoint pen. Amazing work at dialogue, too FLUFFS - Holy shit your entry put a big ol' smile on my face lmao! The Zelda CD-i reference in the begining grabbed my attention right away. And then I read what was going on and got doubly excited! I am incredibly flattered and thankful for the cameo and references to my idiot himbo. Songbird's constant hatred for Swan will never cease to be hilarious and I love him for it. The scene with Songbird and Harrison trying to fool Dairyu was so endearing and funny SNOWY - The quality on your entry is absolutely stunning. Your inks seem to be getting even better with each comic I see from you. I really digged the expressions and body language in this! And seeing Dairyu starting to get overzealous over her family is both exciting and terrifying. These 'new' sides from her are very intriguing but I also worry about my fave air goddess- the words you ended the comic on would be very wholesome on another context. I really like how foreboding Dairyu's stories have been
Posted on Heavyweight 2024 : Round 1 battle

Bobert's avatar
7 months ago
Posted on Heavyweight 2024 : Round 1 battle