The Great Switcheroo
No critique desired, comments encouraged
This comic has been rated suitable for teens and up by its creator(s)
Uploaded April 29, 2024
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Comments (8)

Rikun's avatar
9 months ago
Energy: Shame you weren't able to get this to completion. I think what will help you out the most is thumbnailing out the simplest story you can manage and then from there figuring out how long it would realistically take you to complete it. Perhaps do a comic by yourself and keep track of how long it takes to do each part of the process so you have an idea of your own workflow. TRM: Gonna speak from a bias since this is my girl here, but despite all the weird overlapping dialogue balloon placements I could see what you were going for and I'm entertained by the overall switch up from martial arts to vampire slaying. And hey, you managed to make a memorable new character even if they didn't last long!
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

Bobert's avatar
9 months ago
I forgot to comment on this one, sorry. Energy: Sorry you didn't get it fully done. I think you should start copying artists you like more often in comics and standalone illustrations to spruce up your art. TRM: Good that you had fun with this one. I treated this Switcheroo tourno as a purely for fun thing too. I do also concur with the others that you're punching up, so keep going.
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
9 months ago
Energy- it would have been nice to get some dialogue boxes on the unfinished pages for more context in the ones that were inked. Was caught off guard when Ghost asked Itami to peg him. Trm- pages may have been a little large, but still solid and clean. You've come a long way in your comicing!
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
9 months ago
Energy: I recommend finishing the dialogs first, so you can still have a story even if you always have a hard time finishing the drawings. TRM: good little plot there, respect on having it colored.
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

TRM_that guy that is cool's avatar
TRM_that guy that is cool
9 months ago
whops I forgot to shrink the pages. to be honest I'm terrible at spelling if google docs doesn't catch it slips by vary easily. ill certainly try to get others to look at it though.
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

SirJellyRaptor's avatar
9 months ago
Energy: I agree with gregly here, the dialogue seems to have been a load bearing component, and i feel like getting that in should have been higher priority. The sketches read cleanly enough that we get what's happening, but the actual meat of the story simply isnt there. TRM: I like the concept here. Perfect for a star like Itami. Again, like Gregly pointed out, there's a number of spelling errors, which I've noticed is a recurring issue with your work. A little proofreading will go a long way.
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

Gregly's avatar
9 months ago
Energy- I wish we could have seen the script/text at least-- I like the ending, i just wish I knew what the beginning was! TRM- There were a couple spelling errors in this but I like the cheesy movie. Love the colors and the fight scene.
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle

Snowy's avatar
9 months ago
Both of these comics were interesting takes on these characters! Nice work both of you! Energy: I really implore that you cut down on your pages if you don't have time to do more than skeletons. I'm glad you got some pages done, though. TRM: I liked the style you used for this! I would.suggest working more on making poses not as stiff, but you've definitely been improving!
Posted on The Great Switcheroo battle