Elliott Clochard vs Songbird
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This comic has been rated suitable for teens and up by its creator(s)
Uploaded January 13, 2024
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Comments (15)

Snowy's avatar
12 months ago
Wonderful work, both of you! I love that the pettiness for Swan has leaked over to the dynamic between these two. I hope to see more of these two in future comics, the banter and almost intense rivalry is so fun!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
1 year ago
Putrid - the colors, the ambience, the plot, the sassy comebacks I loved everything about your entry. Also thanks for the Mob cameo! Fluff - your entry had me wanting more!!! Excellent expressions, the monochrome you use is super nice too!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Rivana's avatar
1 year ago
Late to the party but this has been a blast to read on both sides! I love that it's looking like this won't be the last time we are going to see Elliott and Songbird in a comic together because I can't get enough of these two. Well done!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

RanZombie's avatar
1 year ago
Super great job you two! I love how in their respective comics, each seemed to get the upper hand or final say leaving the other a lil pissed. It's even better seeing how they both work perfectly as a linear story of a first official contact and subsequent dealings. Putridvodka: I am always so mesmerized by the colors you choose and how it all blends so well together. The variety of perspectives really helps to keep the scene interesting, even though what was discussed in it was already pretty gripping itself! Funnily enough I would've like to have seen more dialogue between the two, but what's there is already great and it serves it purpose perfectly! Fluffsamasprime: even though its not nearly as colorful, you always have just enough to set a certain mood and help the eye stay on the characters. The banter among Elliot and Songbird was pretty GREAT, and it's clear that you really enjoy having characters interact on a more personal manner, getting up in their space n such. Shame about having to cut some content in this story, but I definitely look forward to whatever comes next!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Flytee's avatar
1 year ago
Wow, these are fantastic, Having connecting stories was a cool surprise and the art/polish is top-notch. This was such an entertaining battle to read. I'm also continuously amazed by what people can achieve in a week, excellent job.
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
1 year ago
I absolutely loved your comic Putrid! I'm very down for having the story's connect. You sent me with the faces onpage 2! They are now absolute enemies!Also your colors were on point for the club atmosphere!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Bobert's avatar
1 year ago
Both of these comics were so lovely. I don't have much more to say sadly.
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

JCee's avatar
1 year ago
I'm just regurgitating what I already told you before, but what the hey, well done to you both! These two stories connect nicely with one another, and it's always a joy to see Elliott's tough boy side and Songbird's sassy-ness collide. It makes for some fun chemistry between them, and I hope to see these two interact more in the near future!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
1 year ago
I really enjoyed these little interactions with these bad boys! Great job guys~
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Juxta's avatar
1 year ago
I just loved both of these comics!! Also really cool how both of them show one going into the other's "setting". <3 PUTRID GREAT choice of colors throughout, these dense pink/purples and greens especially set the atmosphere of the Gilded Cage really well. As for Elliot and Songbird, the banter between those two is a total treat!! The flow of their conversation in the earlier part of the comic is so engaging (and hilarious). I really really would love to see where their interaction heads next- And to think you've put this together in just a week? That's seriously impressive. Keep up the amazing work! FLUFFS I gotta say, the dreary color/atmosphere you set up here is absolutely my jam. Elliot looks SO GOOD in your style too! The dynamic you've created between the two is also AMAZINNGGG – the tension is so thick, you could cut it with a knife! Seriously, this is one of those comics that leaves you craving more. You've got a real talent for storytelling through your art. ALSO VERY IMPRESSED WITH YOUR ABILITY TO CHURN OUT THESE COMICS LIKE NOTHING!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

FrankenToon's avatar
1 year ago
YOU BOTH KNOCKED OUTTA THE PARK WITH THIS ONEE the quality and storytelling for just a one weeker!! As far as the comics themselves-- Songbird being in their element and getting a one to one with Elliott was so good!! Putrid, your colors and art as always are sucha damn treat, but now you're really starting to master bite-sized shortstories! It left me wanting, but without feeling there was still so much missing between them. And Elliott as always is great to see in action, the faces in this were [chefs kiss] Fluff, I gotta commend you for fitting in sm, I could feel how much fun you had on this!! I feel songbirds personality really was the highlight of it all. The expressions on him were a delight, as well as his movement and dialgoue. Pitting him and Elliott together gave sucha great chemistry, and I think you captured your opponent well!! AWESOME JOB YOU TWOO!! ♡♡
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Putrid's avatar
1 year ago
FLUFFS, I LOVED YOUR SIDE SO MUCH!! You have such a good eye, the way you drew the Velvet Orchid in the background was perfect! Not to mention, Songbird's body language and dialogue were such a treat to read! I adore the prospect of Madame and Songbird being allies! Elliott fuming in the background because of it is a cherry on top LMAO Thank you so much for the battle! ♥
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Goldie's avatar
1 year ago
AYOOOO! Wonderful job you guys! Puti I can't express how much I LOVE your color choices and posing, I adore it so much! And Fluff I can just feeeel the tension in the room with yours! You both killed it!
Posted on Elliott Clochard vs Songbird battle

Goldie's avatar
1 year ago
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JCee's avatar
1 year ago
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