HR99 vs Rip Van Winkle
This story is effectively the first half of what I planned, a BB will likely complete it ! While I'd like to think this was good for 24 hours, I feel I can do better with setting up themes.
Open to any comments or critiques
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Uploaded December 01, 2023
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Comments (4)

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
1 year ago
Jebus! 9 pages in 24hrs!! I enjoyed both of these! It's nice to see Monday's wonderful painterly style after all this time. It's always impressive the quality you can put out in such a small time frame. Pizza! The creative touch with the 'where juna' page, how different winkles outcomes were on page 4. I always enjoy your story telling. Friggin AWESOME JOBS ON THESE
Posted on HR99 vs Rip Van Winkle battle

Monday's avatar
1 year ago
Pizza yours looked very fun and had a good mileage. Number 48, was very animated and the Demon exposed a lot of Rip’s struggle with sleep deprivation real and imagined. Even if we fell short on time I can see vestiges of what you were planning and I dug the concept behind the last 3 pages. Thanks for the comic !
Posted on HR99 vs Rip Van Winkle battle

Bobert's avatar
1 year ago
These were both fun, I wish I could fight Rip one day. I'm impressed how you both did 9 pages!
Posted on HR99 vs Rip Van Winkle battle

Pizza Man's avatar
Pizza Man
1 year ago
I think I cursed myself I've fallen asleep three times today and woke up more tired each time this took waaaay more out of me than I thought it would @u@ I forgot who said it but page limits are definitely the way to go for 24 hour battles if you plan on doing one. I wish I had considered the idea of putting this into two parts it would've made the creation process a lot more smooth. GG Monday I had a blast thinking up various deaths for your character. Your first page is straight fire. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing other people tear my robots to pieces I might have a problem. It was really fun to watch Rip play around with the robots like a jovial child sadistically breaking his toys. I was curious on what occurs in the loops where they were testing out theories. I always thought Rip looked so gloomy frowning all the time but after seeing him smile and drawing him smiling maybe it's better that way lol Thanks again for the battle Monday fighting you really helped me establish in my mind what I want to do in the future for these robos and helped me realize what I am and am not capable of in a 24 hour battle :>
Posted on HR99 vs Rip Van Winkle battle