Monster Maker Round 1
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Uploaded October 25, 2023
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Comments (12)

Juxta's avatar
1 year ago
FLUFFS The layout and action sequences are just top-notch. The transformation sequence on page 4? FIRE. You've successfully portrayed Tarkos as a super menacing and un-compromising character, made me excited about the havoc he'll wreak in the upcoming comics. By his line on the 3rd panel I already knew he'd be quite the threat. Great stuff! STEALREHN I absolutely adore Octavia! The poses and expressions you've given her right from the get-go do an amazing job of bringing her character to life. Loved the exchange between Tarkos and Octavia, kept me hooked. Her essentially having him as an unsatisfied client was a great way to lead into the conflict. It honestly made me feel so bad for her especially after her self-talk in the beginning, I know that feeling! Cool way of showing both of their transformations at the end (his being a consequence of hers, though he seemed to see it more like an inconvenience) Loved it!
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Putrid's avatar
1 year ago
FLUFFS- I've always LOVED Tarkos!! It's delightful to see him in action! Really dig it when he gets scary and threatening! Comic was short and sweet, really liked it- specially the care you put in pushing the characters expresisons STEALRHEN- Octavia giving herself a pep talk at the begining was such good writing. The monster forms- specially the silohuettes look amazing! Octavia's transformation was pretty wicked, specially!
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Snowy's avatar
1 year ago
Fluff: TEETH!!! I love how you draw teeth and expressions! This was a really fun comic to read, and the transformations were fun! Can't wait to see what Tarkos does with his mouth belly! Rehn: Interesting scars, I was surprised to see Tarkos turn into just an arm lol. I really liked the silhouette of monster Octavia and how sassy you made Tarkos!
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Goldie's avatar
1 year ago
Both of these were a good read, and I'll parrot JCee and say don't be afraid to add a little bg detail Rehn, or even a few effects! Good job to you both!
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

JCee's avatar
1 year ago
I like the scars in both these matches. Very fun and grisly! Rehn: I'm not sure if it was due to time constraints, but don't be afraid to include some backgrounds. It helps establish the setting for your stories and even convey a mood. I know they can be a pain, I myself am not a fan of drawing backgrounds, but they are a useful visual tool worth adding. They don't even have to be super detailed, just enough to let the reader know where the characters are. Fluff: Love the action going on there, the expressions and transformation are spot on ~ I second that getting a clearer visual of Octavia's scar would've helped a lot, but just the same I like the setup for it! I can't wait to see what else lies in store for both Octavia and Tarkos.
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

SirJellyRaptor's avatar
1 year ago
Fluff: short and simple, gets the idea across, and it looks good. It was an interesting choice Only showing monster Octavia from the back. We get the gist of the scar but it still leaves it open for rehn to interpret how they will. And on that note... Rehn: more than anything I'm surprised how drastically you were willing to change your own character for this. Despite this being a monster maker tournament, everyone else's self inflicted monstrosity still leaves their character somewhat recognizable, physically, mentally, or both. But you made Octavia completely different. It's impressive dedication to the bit. That being said, I do agree with rose that the inciting incident goes from like, 15 to 100 really fast, but I also understand when you have to get from point a to point b in a script, and when you only have so much time to get that figured out, sometimes the direct approach is better just in the interest of getting the comic finished.
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Animeshen's avatar
1 year ago
LOVE WHEN YOU TWO BATTLE! Great work you guys!! Fluff: You really know how to make a comic foreboding! Tarkos' belly mouth scar is SUCH a cool look for him, though I wish we could have seen Octavia's a little clearer. Rehn: Octavia is so relatable omg. I love that tarkos' spell backfired, and the arm monster scar? Very creative! Little hard to see Octavia's monster form though- that seems to be a thing in both comics.
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Rose's avatar
1 year ago
Fluff: You know, I assumed what Octavia valued most would be her looks and I have to say I think Tarkos just made her hotter??? I always love your comics, and I love seeing your quality get better and better! Very fun monster scars and just a fun comic in general! Rehn: WHAT CREATIVE SCARS!!! Bummer you couldn't finish coloring everything, but it was a pretty fun story! Something about the conflict between Tarkos and Octavia felt a bit forced... like Tarkos seemed to go from not giving a shit to pissed off in an instant, and I would have liked to either see that he was a reactive type earlier on OR, if you were going for him just wanting an excuse to transform Octavia, make it clearer that he was goading her into getting pissed off by having him offer increasingly brazen insults and having Octavia try to remain professional but lose it. Either way, the monster designs are really fun, and I would love to see more of what happens after this! I really hope we get more Octavia either way, and I'm personally very disappointed that I probably won't be able to fight her in this tournament because there's no way I'm winning my round XD Awesome comics both of you! This was a fun matchup for sure!
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
1 year ago
Fluff: crazy action and poses! I love! And the transformation of both characters were crazy good! Steal: loved the transformations here too, specially Arm forme Tarkos hahaha, pretty original.
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

ManDemolition's avatar
1 year ago
Octavia is a treasure~ Love both comics. Don't really have more to say than that. :)
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

Bobert's avatar
1 year ago
Fluff: Fluff this was a nice comic! My only personak gripe was that I feel like the scars didn't get as much visibility as I'd have liked. Partially because I wanted to see more of Octavia but also because I didn't immediately realise that the cut Octavia did to Tarkos on his abdomen turned into a belly mouth. But otherwise these scars were cool and you did manage to do it all in 5 pages so that's groovy. Rehn: I like how drastic your execution was. Freaky monster hand and a kaiju. Neat stuff.
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle

marrionberrypi's avatar
1 year ago
Rehn: I saw the arm on the ground and thought "He just lost an arm? Now that's not very monstrous" And then I saw that he was just the arm. Very clever, especially as a way to scar a shapeshifter.
Posted on Monster Maker Round 1 battle