Love the pacing, paneling and specially the transition from the crying panel to the stoic look one in page 3, as badger said, the main critic from me is the size of the pages.
Awesome job man!
Love the colors in this comic! The lighting on the first page feels appropriately ominous, and the gradient to red on the second and third pages really helps to highlight the stress and fear (I want to protect him aah!)
A little crit and suggestions – The lettering here seems a bit inconsistently sized. Some of it I can see is due to the character’s speaking volume (shouting = larger text) which is a good idea! When sizing up text though, I would recommend keeping an eye on the spacing between each line of text (the leading) as well as the space between the edge of the speech bubble and the letters themselves, so that it’s always consistent. (also, don’t forget to resize your pages!)
This character concept is super cool and I absolutely love the design- his description says that he’s close to snapping and I can already feel that from this comic. The storytelling is really working here! I’m excited to see him in Monster Maker > : )
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