Comfy Royale
A recap of ten years worth of comics about Holden Shark and Lilyfeather being dorks in love. Every panel referencing a previous comic is completely redrawn- no copy/paste or tracing- and done as they were uploaded- pencils, inks, or colours- with some adjustments for emphasis.
No critique preference
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded September 23, 2023
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Comments (11)

Animeshen's avatar
1 year ago
I feel so bad I didn't link the song in the comments here, I don't know why I assumed everyone knows it XD that's on me, sorry everyone. This is the song. (also Bang and I started a BB about the effects of Rantu's scar on them but we took too long to finish it so it's been divided into several stories, this is sort of the abbreviated version bcoz comfy, some upcoming BBs will have more information)
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

Flytee's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy- This comic radiated warmth and comfort. The pallet was so lovely, I think you've always been great at colours but I felt like they really shined in this comic! The way the day unfolded ending with a proposal was adorable and flowed really well, I'm very invested in these two which is a testament to your writing and art! Batty- I loved this SO Much! It made me want to go to the spa. All the little details were delightful, the photobashing worked really well as well/ was smart for the short time frame. This was cute, it looks like it was a lot of fun to make. Shen- SO CUTE, EXTREMELY COMFY. All of my ships are getting repped in this event and it makes me so happy. Is it weird that I'm not familiar with this song? This is a me-problem, but I did have to look it up to make this comic work. This was a great entry though, it felt like a real love letter to you and your collaborator's characters, how could I not love that? Fluff- This cracked me up. Such a smart entry, really great use of colour to help keep us focused on the main character/ not get too lost in the quite frankly excellent details. Selevan- This was such a fun read, your art style is rad, and I want to particularly shout out how you drew the villain on page 3, I loved his speech bubbles as well, your handwriting and the flow of the bubble worked really well! Solid entry! Boogie- That was wild! I could tell you had a blast making this, nice job. Goldie- Oh my god, I loved this. Firstly to get the obvious out of the way, YOUR ART IS TOP-NOTCH, with great expressions, skillful anatomy, and lovely backgrounds. The story was also great, I found it funny how it's presented as a pretty regular slice-of-life affair then you have the reveal which made things considerably less regular. Also, your cameos were really well chosen and placed, they just added to the character of the city, which I think is the mark of a great cameo. Jcee- This was an absolute treat to read, I'm a sucker for food-based / recipe comics so you really scratched that itch for me. It was really smart to use a comfy event as the framing device for lots of great character moments/ interactions. + Beautiful art as always SirJelly- Reading this all I could think was "holy shit those are some absolutely perfect pencils, they're so clear and crisp, I'd ink those in a heartbeat" I couldn't shake the thought, that's how good these look xD The big panel on page 7 was absolutely EXCELLENT as well. I really hope you finish this because the art and character interactions are extremely charming.
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

Putrid's avatar
1 year ago
Holy shit everyone did absolutely incredible! SNOWY- This was so cute and sweet! the colors and inking are gorgeous as usual, and it's very exciting to see those two making it official! Loved how Gus was complaining about Rickter being nervous about popping the question. Super hyped for their wedding!! BATTY- I got sm serotonin from this! Very sweet and natural, made me want to join in for a relaxing day! The little details regardin their activities were very cute to notice, they added a lot of flavor about what kind of gathering it was SHEN- I liked the references for past events between these two! I would have liked if Holden's scar had more of an impact on their relationship, as it seems like it hardly affected them. But other than that, seeing those two make music together is really romantic! Wedding season!!! FLUFFS- For a single page, those were a bunch of good cameos! The limited color palette is very tasteful, and Songbird's expressions are always great SELEVAN- I love your inking and Ohm! Pretty fun comic, I liked the body languages and expressions BOOGIDI- Your linework and colors are so expressive and dynamic! It gave me a slight surrealistic vibe which I really appreciated! GOLDIE- First off! Your artwork is always absolutely stellar! Not to mention!! Thank you so much for the cameos!! I adore the chemistry and dynamic between Cairo and Vincent!! I'd also like to thank you for referencing Behemoth's story with this! Cairo's self-care routine looks very relaxing and indulging. And that tit galore...very delicious!! JCEE- Holy shit, the amnount of detail in this, the fact that it's colored, and how many cameos there are.. I'm floored! The interactions between characters is so organic and natural; not to mention, it's very sweet seeing others hype up Raven's cooking! That moment with Swan and Lily was very tender too! SIRJELLY- Your pencils are very clean and neat! Super easy to read, the poses, expressions and body language are amazing! Character interactions were very endearing, and the story itself made me feel all squishy in the best way. The parts with Mob were very cute and funny, and the montage was very sweet- almost nostalgic
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

BoogidiBzdo's avatar
1 year ago
Hmmmm, i should of cameoed some people for more credibility… But i never learn Maybe NEXT TIME Now I give my reviews: Snowy- Your colors and line art are always so clean, i don’t know how you do it! Your story was perfect for the theme of the event. Batty- i loved that bg work in here. All those details, again, i don’t know how you do it! It’s like the event itself was made for your comic! Animeshen- Those colors are awesome! How do you know how to match color and mood? That’s a whole other level. Fluff- Great humor in this! It’s one page but it has cameos, awesome! I need to learn to be brave and cameo folks like the best! Selevan- I like the complexity of your character’s design and yourlinework is amazing in this to capture the details so.And that first page with the mini Ohms looked cool! How did you do all the details throughout on time? I am amazed. Goldie- This looks like a real manga you could buy, the quality blows me away like a small leaf! Excellent work! Jcee- You colored this whole thing?! It is astoundingly beautiful! And all the cameos, I can’t believe it! Sirjellyraptor- This is magnificent pencilwork. The draftsmanship is A+. I like to look at your pencils because they are amazing! Good job everyone!!
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
1 year ago
Snowy - I absolutely love your coloring and paneling, Snowy! It's been awesome seeing how you get better and better! I'm super happy for Dairyu and Rickter, wishing the best for them in the future, and a big wedding! Batty - Loved the pacing and story, it was heartwarming seeing Jozzik spent time with her mother and seeing him throwing a big party, I want to join hahaha! Animeshen - I will always enjoy comic with little to no dialog, it was a amazing you telling a story just with images, what I get at the end is that Lily found that the Necromancer/Undead connection was severed but then she realized they have the same strong feelings for each other. Fluff - Short and Sweet! Loved all the cameos you crammed, they were perfect hahaha. I also enjoy the constant hate between Swan and Songbird. Selevan - I love Ohm, she is such an interesting character with her philosophy of everything having rules to follow. Great work! Boogi - This one was a trippy journey and I enjoyed every second of it. I'm always intrigued by how you come up with this crazy good stories! Goldie - What's not to like, your anatomy is top notch, your stories super interesting, and that ending, holy shit it caught it off guard. Like someone said, I often forget that Cairo and Vincent are capable of things like those! So seeing this takes me back to remember what kind of character are they, and I love that. JCee - This one was super comfy! Seeing everyone just having a good time and enjoying the food bring me peace IRL. This is the kind of stories and settings that wants me live in the world you present to us. Awesome job!!! SirJelly - The plot and interaction between the characters was my favorite thing here, it was heartwarming seeing Zalice and the others build a little home and act like family! It was specially cool seeing you apply Mob's powers and abilities here! Even using the nails on his helmet to help! Perfect slice of life content here.
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

SirJellyRaptor's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: this is just simply a good looking comic. Putting aside the writing, which is also good, I m really drawn to how good the color choices are here. Batty: jozzik is just like the rest of us. He puts his shoes on one glamorous and prohibitively expensive top designer brand boot at a time. Shen: this is honestly just delightful. I just so happen to have brushed up on my Lilyfeather/Holden lore while looking into characters for the Royale and the emulation of your previous comics and panels is immaculate. The fact it'd all.newly drawn and not reusing previously made assets really shows this was a labor of love, it's clear this project meant a lot to you. Fluff: one page, but a very good page. There's no escaping the swan. Selevan: I look forward to Ohms guest appearances in the next season of the Midnight Gosspel. For real though, this was an interesting direction to go for a character who's title is "the conquerer" but not necessarily an unwelcome one. I'm interested to see what's in store for this character more than ever now. Boogi: it belongs in a museum Goldie: I know you said on the discord you were struggling to get this finished on time, but honestly this looks great. Every page here is a goddamn meal, In more ways than one. I have a sudden and totally unexplainable desire to rewarch Hannibal. Funny, that. Jcee: even with you working looser than your usual style, This is still an incredibly clean comic. You've got a real skill for telling effective stories in a succinct manner a skill I really gotta work on myself.y one area of issuebis the color you used for the lineart and spot blacks, the dark red, doesn't always interact well with the other colors on the page particular when placed against cooler tones. It's a relatively minor nitpick, though, when weighed against the strengths on display. Also, Ravens cooking is far from the least edible thing Zal has eaten
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

TRM_that guy that is cool's avatar
TRM_that guy that is cool
1 year ago
Just lovely all of them each one really dose have it's own custom comfy vibes going on
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

Rose's avatar
1 year ago
snowyI actually got a sneak peek of your comic because I noticed the uploader messed up the page numbers, and holding in my emotions was TOUGH. I think I literally squealed out loud when I got to the proposal! I am MELTING at how cute these two are together (and Gus is adorable as a lil comic relief)! I'm so happy for them 😭💖 Beautiful comic as always!
battyThis was such a cute concept! I love seeing Jozzik's day-to-day 💖 I chuckled at the "classic movie" and enjoyed how you featured all your cameos being their wonderful zany selves. Very comfy indeed; wish I could go to this house party!
shenSHEN GURL YOU ARE MAKING ME CRY WTF 🥹 That was so beautiful, and I think your experiment worked PERFECTLY. God I can't get over it! This comic is essential Lily lore now, I am SO in love with how you pulled this all together!!! And the little ring made of bone to match Lily's blood ring??? SO CUTE in that special macabre way that makes these two such a great match. Fun fact: I think you just made me like Heart and Soul, despite the fact that going into this comic I thought it was hella cheesy 😂 I can't believe you actually got me choked up. Please can you teach me your ways; your work is always so good at evoking emotional responses, and I want to know how to capture that essence!!! GOD TIER COMFY COMIC AND I AM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE!!!!
fluffI was expecting more, but honestly Songbird's face is so priceless I'm happy with this short and sweet punchline XD Also the "trash" being taken out was great. I always love your work Fluff! Makes me happy ☺️
selevanI DO like Ohm 😳 giant woman... Also I love her philosophizing and really want to see more of her! I am INTRIGUED by this character!
boogiMind boggling work. Truly spectacular. I have no idea what's happening but I am here for it! Proud of you for getting something submitted despite your setbacks!
goldieGirl you are really going to turn this lesbian bi if you don't stop it with this beautiful man 😒 You are truly spoiling all of us with this comic 😩 Wish I could be half as classy as Cairo tbh. Also I totally forgot he's like technically a villain or whatever? That last panel really got me XD amazing job. Honestly this is such a perfect comic for him and for this event!
jceeI ADORE THIS COMIC. Raven finally getting positive responses to her cooking is more precious than words can describe. Also thanks for making me sad that we don't have Karrin Klash around anymore 😭 I enjoyed the way you cameo'd every character and brought out what makes each of them special, both personality-wise and in their relationship to Swan. Such a fun comic and a perfect comfy vibe!
jellyI AM SCREAMING YOU DREW TIFFANY SO CUTE WTF. Honestly, I love how cute everyone was, even as sketches. The way everyone came together to help Zalice have her own home was so sweet and cute and AAAAA I can't handle it. This might be the comfiest comic of the event frfr. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for friendship and found family and stuff like that ☺️ It's a shame you lost time to Voidlands, but your work on that collab was so amazing, I can't imagine it without your contributions! You still made a great comic here, and my heart is full of warm fuzzies!
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

Selevan's avatar
1 year ago
Everybody did such a good job!!! I'm currently at work so I can't comment in depth but Aaaaaaaaaaaa so good
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

JCee's avatar
1 year ago
Submitted ~ I had more pages planned but had to cut for time (and comfiness). So I apologize in advance for not featuring some characters as much as others.
Posted on Comfy Royale battle

BoogidiBzdo's avatar
1 year ago
I have to redo mine from the beginning, I don’t think I am doing the theme right. I’d better get cracknin!
Posted on Comfy Royale battle