Comfy Royale
A recap of ten years worth of comics about Holden Shark and Lilyfeather being dorks in love. Every panel referencing a previous comic is completely redrawn- no copy/paste or tracing- and done as they were uploaded- pencils, inks, or colours- with some adjustments for emphasis.
No critique preference
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded September 23, 2023
Comments (11)
I actually got a sneak peek of your comic because I noticed the uploader messed up the page numbers, and holding in my emotions was TOUGH. I think I literally squealed out loud when I got to the proposal! I am MELTING at how cute these two are together (and Gus is adorable as a lil comic relief)! I'm so happy for them 😭💖 Beautiful comic as always!batty
This was such a cute concept! I love seeing Jozzik's day-to-day 💖 I chuckled at the "classic movie" and enjoyed how you featured all your cameos being their wonderful zany selves. Very comfy indeed; wish I could go to this house party!shen
SHEN GURL YOU ARE MAKING ME CRY WTF 🥹 That was so beautiful, and I think your experiment worked PERFECTLY. God I can't get over it! This comic is essential Lily lore now, I am SO in love with how you pulled this all together!!! And the little ring made of bone to match Lily's blood ring??? SO CUTE in that special macabre way that makes these two such a great match. Fun fact: I think you just made me like Heart and Soul, despite the fact that going into this comic I thought it was hella cheesy 😂 I can't believe you actually got me choked up. Please can you teach me your ways; your work is always so good at evoking emotional responses, and I want to know how to capture that essence!!! GOD TIER COMFY COMIC AND I AM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE!!!!fluff
I was expecting more, but honestly Songbird's face is so priceless I'm happy with this short and sweet punchline XD Also the "trash" being taken out was great. I always love your work Fluff! Makes me happy ☺️selevan
I DO like Ohm 😳 giant woman... Also I love her philosophizing and really want to see more of her! I am INTRIGUED by this character!boogi
Mind boggling work. Truly spectacular. I have no idea what's happening but I am here for it! Proud of you for getting something submitted despite your setbacks!goldie
Girl you are really going to turn this lesbian bi if you don't stop it with this beautiful man 😒 You are truly spoiling all of us with this comic 😩 Wish I could be half as classy as Cairo tbh. Also I totally forgot he's like technically a villain or whatever? That last panel really got me XD amazing job. Honestly this is such a perfect comic for him and for this event!jcee
I ADORE THIS COMIC. Raven finally getting positive responses to her cooking is more precious than words can describe. Also thanks for making me sad that we don't have Karrin Klash around anymore 😭 I enjoyed the way you cameo'd every character and brought out what makes each of them special, both personality-wise and in their relationship to Swan. Such a fun comic and a perfect comfy vibe!jelly
I AM SCREAMING YOU DREW TIFFANY SO CUTE WTF. Honestly, I love how cute everyone was, even as sketches. The way everyone came together to help Zalice have her own home was so sweet and cute and AAAAA I can't handle it. This might be the comfiest comic of the event frfr. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for friendship and found family and stuff like that ☺️ It's a shame you lost time to Voidlands, but your work on that collab was so amazing, I can't imagine it without your contributions! You still made a great comic here, and my heart is full of warm fuzzies!