Wacky Races Double Dash 2023
Thumbs and Written by Rikun, Art and co-plotted by Cab
No critique desired, comments encouraged
This comic has been rated suitable for teens and up by its creator(s)
Uploaded July 19, 2023
Characters in this Comic

Comments (26)

Flytee's avatar
1 year ago
I don't have the brain space to do a big breakdown of each comic (the previous ones cover a lot of my thoughts) but I just wanted to comment saying how impressive this event was. Each comic is so visually unique and has its own flavour, there's just a great energy to these works, it looks like it was a really fun event to take part in. I hope to see some of these duos show up again because it's clear everyone worked really well together!! Huge Congrats to Ran and Rockman.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Bobert's avatar
1 year ago
TRM/Pizza: TRM your inking instincts began to get stronger with this comic, both of you made good work of each others sensibilities for this comic. Rikun and Cab: You guys didn't win but you put in a lot of good effort into this and it wasn't in vain, this comic is a behemoth. Radji and Gregly: Sorry that you guys were menaced by different problems from health to car/transport, shit isn't cash. I think the highlight for me was how Regi was behaving throughout the whole comic. Selevan and Techno: This comic was a visual marvel, especially page 14. Fluff and Snowy: This comic was nice too. I liked that you guys told a substantial story but in less pages. Both megacomics and very short comics should be treated with equal parts reverence but sometimes peoples biases slide towards one or the other. (Also I tend to read comic battles from shortest amount of pages to largest because I get monstrously overwhelmed super easily). A highlight of all the comics are the different announcers, I liked the one in your comic especially, she was cute. Rockman and Ran: You huffed the madness gases and won the got dang battle royale. Truly the Pizza Tower OST can make productivity beasts of us all. Forget stimulants, just blast The Death I Deservioli on until you are in the zone.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Snowy's avatar
1 year ago
Very late post, I'm just going to comment on fluff and my characters' appearances, sorry. :') TRM/Pizza - Very cute interactions, I loved the little mud scene with Rickter (I hope he tells stories to Yamato about spooky monsters now). Very light hearted and fun to read! Cab/Rikun - I'm guessing that y'all didn't know what to do with our characters, so you wrote them to be in a couple pages so you wouldn't default. All's fair though, there were teams we had trouble with too! Rockman/Ran2 - LOVE the shit talking, loved the interactions! Makes me want to fight you both again, your characterizations are 💯, and it's always a joy to read your comics! Selevan/Techno: Adore Yamato's part in this, and how worried his parents are! Him being the limpest noodle in other people's arms is so funny to me,.he's like a cat who doesn't want to be picked up! Radji/Gregly: I ADORE how you took Dairyu's personality and made her just a teeny bit condescending, and some of the scenes were absolutely great looking. Loved the interactions I saw in this!
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Pizza Man's avatar
Pizza Man
1 year ago
Just had to say I had a blast during this event and I also wanted to thank TRM for being an amazing person to work with!
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

BoogidiBzdo's avatar
1 year ago
Great job everyone! This battle royale was exceptional because everyone really got a lot done. Each entry so finely crafted and unique. The whole event was very engaging experience for reader like me. This is one of the most intense battle royales I have seen.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

RanZombie's avatar
1 year ago
Had been meaning to post a comment to express what I liked the most about each comic and such. Took me a while to get most of my thoughts in order, but here goes: TRM - PIZZA: When I initially looked at this team, I wasn't sure what to expect, only that there was potential for a lot of fun antics. And I wasn't disappointed one bit! I was genuinely laughing out load reading through this entry. In this day and age where dark humor is the most common trope, having a good run of just light hearted jokes really brightened my day like nothing else would. I was also impressed by the scope of environments and how it all played a role in the flow of events and such. It shows that the story was really well thought out! The only criticism would just be on the technical aspect, having a limited range of perspectives and panel styles can really start to show, especially in entries this big. But that's just something that gets naturally improved with time as one makes more and more comics. I look forward to further collaborations between you two! CAB - RIKUN: As always, I am blown away by the sheer amount of content you are able to dish out in any given time. Additionally, taking the time to combine the events story with your own world canon is no small feat, as it can be hard to adapt the other characters to it along with keeping track of all the moving pieces and stories. I should also say that of all your entries, this one feels like the most well written and focused. SNOWY - FLUFFS: Every time I read either of your works, I can't stop thinking about how much you've both improved from when I first saw you on site. The paneling style as well as the super duper smooth inks always blow me away. AND THEY JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER! The interactions and expression are also super endearing and really bring the characters to life. Add to that the excellent rendering and it's a super pleasant read all around. My only criticism is that in certain scenes the action can be a little hard to follow and it feels like maybe a panel was missing. Two instances of this (for me) was with the first explosion of Mob and Rantu's ride, and then with the burning of Mythra and Felix's. In those cases we can see the aftermath, and the previous panels are clearly leading up to it. But then the actual detonation per say feels like it's missing. That said, in the end I was able to understand what happened and still enjoy each scene fully! As always, I can't wait to see what other stories you two bring for us in the future! SELEVAN - TECHNO: This was another team up I wasn't sure what to expect. But given each others track record, I knew it was going to be some quality stuff! And damn right it was! The story flowed seamlessly and I enjoyed every bit of it. The highlights were the announcer, who stole the spotlight of every scene he was in, as well as the panels depicting Mythra and Felix just obliterating one of the dune worms. But by far the most memorable and impressive page was "Mythras reawakening". For me, a sign of a great comic is having that one page that becomes imbedded in your memory for how powerful it felt the first time you came upon it. I can effortlessly recall that scene and what comes after it from just how excellently executed that was. For this entry, I don't think there's anything I can offer advice wise aside from the usual technical and perspective improvements. Just overall, a very solid and a very entertaining comic! RADJI - GREGLY: Now this is a duo I had been looking forward for the longest time to cross paths with! I've always been a fan of Radjis crisp inks and Greglys character writing, and I definitely enjoyed what came from this chance encounter! I am sorry to hear that both of you had your own set of (ironically) car and life troubles that inevitably affected the quality of the comic. That said though, what's there is still absolutely fantastic. The setting does take a bit of a backseat in the race, but is perfectly justified as all the focus is placed on the characters battling it out verbally or physically throughout the whole story. LOVED IT! Got some really good laughs out of this entry as well and a lot of the interactions certainly stuck with me. It really feels like you executed exactly what you set out to do, so aside from the lack of shading and color (which I'm know had to be sacrificed due to unforeseen events) the comic was pretty much flawless in my eyes. One last thanks to everyone who participated and worked their ass off on this. Compared to other events where I've seen people being unable to turn in a whole entry for which ever reason, this one stands out as one of the few in which I'm certain everyone did absolutely everything in their power to turn in the best they could offer. All in all, fantastic job everyone! Looking forward to collab or fight against any of you in the future!
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Juxta's avatar
1 year ago
TRM - PIZZA: I just had a blast reading this entry by the two of you! The craziness and slapstick humor in so many moments was just great. And the fact that you managed to cram so many different settings into the story made it feel like a wild, unpredictable ride. [spoiler]I LOVED The scene on pages 29-31 where the duo get lost and run into that (shockingly nice) swamp monster LMFAO. it was such a funny and cute moment to me and was a solid reprieve from the chaos of the race while keeping the comedic tone hahaha.[/spoiler] I could really tell that you both had a lot of fun creating these pages, and that energy translated super well into them. Simon and Buffy were both so wacky and expressive. LOVE IT! CAB - RIKUN: What impressed me the most was the level of detail you guys put into each setting on all of these pages. Every background was richly inked with all sorts of little details that made each location feel unique and alive. Loved the pops of color throughout too, your pages were an absolute delight to read and look at! SNOWY - FLUFFS: The teamwork between you two was truly impressive. The way you guys can seamlessly blend your styles together is amazing, and it made for a really cohesive and enjoyable reading experience. The colors were super pleasing to the eye too!! LOVED the color palette of this comic!! I also, of course, adore how you guys stylized all of the characters in this entry. I better see more collaborative work from you both in the future :p. ROCKMAN - RAN2: Your pages were just AWESOME! The story was solid and engaging, and it really kept me hooked from beginning to end. The action sequences were absolutely fantastic - so full of chaotic energy!! What also stood out to me was just how hilarious your comic was! The humor was so clever and well-executed, and it had me literally laughing out loud throughout the entire read. I really loved how you guys managed to balance the action and comedy so well. Those panel layouts were really cool too, my hands cramping just thinking of how you guys got through all those! Each panel felt like a work of art in and of itself, with so much attention paid to the composition and flow on every page. This was just a blast to read! SELEVAN - TECHNO: I LOOOOVVVEDDD the dynamic between Mythra and Felix!! The way you guys wrote these two characters together felt so authentic. It was really amazing to see these kids grow and evolve over the course of the story. The ending was just super cute! It left me with a big smile on my face, and it was just a perfect way to wrap up the story tbh! Lastly, I have to mention the awesome ink work.Loved the texture of the lines and it just brought all of the art + colors together! Keep up the fantastic work, both of you! RADJI - GREGLY: Even though there was non-stop action throughout the story, I never once felt lost or confused. The way you two choreographed each scene was super smooth and I just love how everything came together. The pacing was so relentless and fast-paced, I really appreciated how you guys kept the energy level high throughout the entire story.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Cab's avatar
1 year ago
My thoughts are over all positives for everyone, it was a pleasure working on the third ever wacky races with everyone here, and thanks to anyone who came by the VC at nights and kept me company as I streamed all the work in progress pages, y'all saw a major preview compared to the rest. Ultimately to me this Battle Royale isn't about who wins or who loses, its's about who tells our stories and we all had some great stories to tell. TRM - PIZZA; By far the funniest and zaniest of all the entries, yours brought many a smile on my face as I read it. SNOWY-FLUFF: you two have proved how much of a dynamite duo you are with this comic, great colors, lay outs and an all around fun sweet story. ROCK-RAN2: My favorite of these tales, so sorry but I'm speaking my truths, this was an all around solid story, and I enjoyed it from beginning to end, certainly wasn't expecting to see Welcome wagon in this tale. SELEVAN-TECHNO: amazing two page spreads, nicely staged and that ending had me laughing, good stuff ( ps. Sorry we accidently gave Felix a voice in ours) Gregly_Radji: Third time's the charm as Gwen and Regi end Wacky Races and you and Radji certainly brought on the noise and mad skills of veteran voiders. I hope the fourth ever wacky races won't be too long away and if so, I wonder what kind of surprises it will bring (perhaps space ? or Triple trails ?) whatever it may be this has become a true Void Classic, thank you everyone for reading all 265 pages gathered here (and Thank you my partner, Rikun for writing and providing me thumbs).
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Radji's avatar
1 year ago
dIt was a tiring tournament for me since this whole summer has been hella chaotic for me, but here we go. TRMPIZZA: A proper slapstick comedy looney-tunes style, good pacing, and props for adding colors and different locations. CABRIKUN: Really liked this chapter style adventure. Allowed us to see many different biomes. SnowyFluff: Best colors of the tournament for me, a nice dash of humor, great sfxs RockmanRAN2: Action packed, well paced, great alchemy between your characters Selevan Techno: Also well paced, Inking and texture top notch, little subplot was very funny. Gregly: Thanks again for teaming up with me, I'm glad we managed to finish despite not being able to color.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Putrid's avatar
1 year ago
INCREDIBLE JOB EVERYBODYY! It's clear everyone put a lot of time and effort on their entries, and the fact that there was not a single default is pretty amazing, too! TRM & PIZZAMAN: Great job at keeping up with the coloring! Really good slapstick comedy. The way Simon and Buffy teamed up and stumbled into the race was pretty nice and funny. The way the car just got up and started running was hilarious. I really liked the group picture at the end, very sweet and wholesome comic overall! CAB & RIKUN: Amazing backgrounds as always, I really liked the page paneling and composition; it's pretty easy to follow along. Character interactions were pretty great and I enjoyed how it was divided by laps. The splashes of colors here and there in an otherwise black and white comic gave a lot of emphasis on some situations or actions. Great comic! SNOWY & FLUFFS: The quality and colors of your entry blew me away, it's very gorgeous to look at! The character movements, the banter and specially the cloud and wind effects are incredible! Those explosions look very delicious too! That little troublemaker Yamato always makes my heart feel all squishy. The part at the end where Rickter, Dairyu and Yamato were nose t nose with Rantu and Mob was pretty damn good ROCKMAN & RAN2: Yours is the one that I've read over and over. There's something about how both of your mix your sense of humor and action that is just the perfect blend and it will never fail at making me laugh really damn hard. The action scenes, poses and ridiculous situations the characters are in are absolutely incredible and I genuinely think you two are an amazing team. That part where Mob is ordering food and they kept offering shit back is probably my favorite part of the entire thing. It was also a very nice touch to see the contrast between Mob and Rantu. Rantu wanting to go out of his way to help those in need, having a heart of gold regardless if he's kind of a shit. I know you had a bit of trouble with inking at the end, but it doesn't take away any of the enjoyment from this entry. You two should be proud of this one! SELEVAN & TECHNO: I loved how textured the inking was in this one, it makes that very subtle gradient work beautifully with the artwork in general! Really digged that nod at how Rantu is able to see more of Mytrha than what others usually do. Having Celif be around at the beginning but getting disqualified was a good touch. The smoke, flames and explosions were very beautiful. That little 'sublot' of Vidia losing Yamato was really funny and adorable too. A lot of things were happening at the same time but did not feel overwhelming. Great job!! RADJI & GREGLY: Very clean and smooth lines! The character's expressions and the care in Smiley's movements were such a treat to see. The character movements, specially Simon's slapstick were incredibly executed as well! The angles on each panel had a lot of variation and it kept me engaged. Incredible action sequences! Gwen, Regi and Smiley interacting with each other was pretty cute and hilarious! The way they won at the end was pretty great too To everyone that participated, I can only imagine how challenging it must have been to draw so many vehicles through the enitre thing! You are all troppers for not only tackling said challenge, but sticking with it and submitting so many incredible comic pages! Hats off to you all!
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

JCee's avatar
1 year ago
Everyone did an amazing job! I had a lot of fun reading through each of them. It's clear a tremendous amount of effort was thrown into this, and no defaults on top of it! You should all be proud! Whatever the outcome, I hope you all continue to make more exciting stories and see what wacky adventures await these characters next.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

FrankenToon's avatar
1 year ago
There was a lot of love put in so many entries, and the variation is incredible!! Everyone should be super proud of every bit of effort they threw in, these were fun reads! I wish I could put in a longer comment, but I wanted to show love regardless
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Petrichor's avatar
1 year ago
Unfortunately, i don't have the time and energy to comment on each of these comics individually, but i just had to say that you all did an incredible job with your entries! I can see how much effort and passion you poured into these comics. Reading them was an absolute blast, and i wanted to let you know that your creative stories made my week a little bit better, so thank you for that.
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

Gregly's avatar
1 year ago
TRM_that guy is cool and pizza man- wonderfully complete and wacky throughout! every action is readable and every background is full. the teddy bear boats made me laugh and the group photo was such a cute way to end! cab and rikun- really expansive story and you guys had so many great ideas! i also like how you made the race feel much bigger with more contestants in the bg (love david in the hamster ball) i love these burger ladies. snowy and fluffsamasprime- the colors in this are so beautiful and the story is a lot of fun with yamato crashing the race! you drew smiley so cute and i love the page transition from p9 to 10 with the explosion, it has a lot of impact. therockman and ranzombie- this struck me like a good old-fash void comic, it's really ambitious and stylish and action packed. the third chapter with welcome wagon is so cool! and your drawings convey the motions and actions well. selevan and technoalchemist- the artwork in this comic is really striking! i like how felix breaks off a little bit of the bike. the big splash pages are really cool but i wish they had been resized to fit fully on the screen without needing to scroll around. nice work coloring the whole thing! radji and me- rly pleased with how this turned out, i wish we could have colored it. i think it flows really well and it was fun inking radji's sketches!
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

RanZombie's avatar
1 year ago
OKAY! So now that a day has passed, I was meaning to leave a quick comment with some notes in regards to details about the comic n such. Would've put that at the author comments, but my mind was blanking as Rockman and I scrambled to get everything uploaded in the last 30 minutes. First off, a huge inspiration for the mood of each race came from the Pizza Tower sound track (which we highly recommend everyone to experience for themselves). So much so that each chapter title is a reference to the song it's inspired on. For some added value, definitely listen to these 3 tracks while reading our comic. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: I would also recommend to catch up on a few comics in order to fully understand every event that is happening throughout their chaotic journey. Main recommendations are: Welcome Party - Into the Void Lands Vol. 1 - Armageddon 2022 - Would also recommend to check out the previous Armageddon winners! In regards to the ending. As mentioned, we were running out of time and a lot of things had to sadly be cut out as we approached the deadline. We had planned additional character interactions, environmental hazards, audience reactions, and to have Celif appear a little bit more throughout. And obviously, to have a proper conclusion at the very end. With that in mind though, I do plan to make an epilogue once the voting period is over. Not that said information should have any sway over the voting process. Despite its shortcomings, we're still happy with what we managed to put together in the end! On a final note, I wanted to take the time to publicly thank Rockman for sticking with me throughout the whole ordeal. The story we came up with was quite ambitious, and I wanted to do so much more despite being on a rather tight schedule. Moreover, he had to deal with some personal things in the middle of it all. Most people I feel would've called it quits then and there, and justifiably so. But in spite of it all, he stuck with me and we simply made changes accordingly as we went on. I could not have produced even half as good of an entry without him! So thank you Rockman! Thank you so much, dude! For sticking with me and seeing this to the very end!
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Goldie's avatar
1 year ago
IM SO HYPED!! Yall did amazing and should all be proud of the work you've put in!
Posted on Wacky Races Double Dash 2023 battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
1 year ago
Fantastic job everyone with getting complete stories out, it's an achievement in itself to juggle a 12+ character battle royale Team SimonBuffy: Nice wholesome comedy adventure, I could see the script working for a youth's cartoon. You've got the hardest part of doing a comic down pat: Finishing it. There are some drawing fundamentals that you still need to work on for the visuals to elevate along with your script; just keep it up and learn as much as you can from the community and beyond, and you'll get there sooner than you know it. Team ChanceGarland: Sorry that this will be brief since I want to focus on critiques, I'll say the pagecount to support the works-well plot is very impressive combined with the intricate backgrounds Team RickterDairyu: Great colors and easy-to-read compositions and lettering. It's clear that vehicles are a weakness and that's something I and many others struggle with as well. I strongly advice looking into 3D models to use as bases to reference and draw from, there are websites now that will let you view or upload 3D objects and move them around in every direction, then mess with the smoothing of your brush so you can give straighter lineworks for them. There's also a lack of detail fidelity that seems more apparent because the page size is on the larger side; with simpler styles like this, it may actually benefit you to shrink your page sizes a bit if you're not going to have a lot of details within the thick linework that require focus. Regarding the plot, either because of the shorter page count (even counting the longer page scrolls) or missing some bigger challenges for Dairyu and Rickter to face, the story comes off as passing through quicker than you may have intended. I think what would have helped you is really delivering on the promises set up (obstacles, monsters, intrigue, no powers) and especially see Rickter and Dairyu struggle and overcome each of these. Team MobRantu: In regards to an exciting race comic, everyone needs to study this entry; it has highest success rate in delivering creative paneling and compositions and sequences that FEEL fast. Even with incomplete pages the pacing and legibility is so well delivered, Chapter 2 especially is a Best Action Scene contender for the next awards cycle. All this makes it so frustrating that as I am gripped at the edge of my seat for those final panels, we are in fact given no conclusion. If this is a result of running out of time then it's tragic, but if this was the intended ending I think it does everything you built behind it a disservice (what's more, if it was gonna be 'winner is whoever wins the battle' that might have been a stronger punchline if you kept all racers to the end, having them all reaching for that finish line) Team MythraFelix: A strong beginning and the page 12-14 sequence was absolutely stunning, one of the best of the whole battle royale. The ending however is so abrupt that I wonder if so much of your time budget went into that sequence that it may have crippled the rest of your showing. Sometimes a comic that succeed on the strength of one sequence but it's a big gamble and I would advise some things with your plot pacing: Ideally you want a consistent quality level (with your plot as well as your visuals) across the board, but if you must pick and choose, make sure to end with a bang, with a strong opening being next in importance, and a weaker middle only if you must. You want to leave your reader hyped coming in and hyped coming out, those will stick easiest with them. Team SmilyGwenRegi: Speaking of consistency, this comic's quality level remains strong from beginning to end and that's something to be proud of. Weirdly the basic level of the sound effects wasn't something I expected though, I am guessing it was a time limit problem. I don't think you needed shading but you probably could have done with more liberal black spotting throughout. You had a missed opportunity with the twist end in Page 37 to show that winning skid trail as early as page 32 and just kept it there, something for readers to flip back and notice upon a second read and give you cleverness points. Great job again everyone you should be proud with reaching the finish line
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Marcelo Rockman
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