Roommates Final Round
snager: when i close my eyes, all i see is screen tones
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded July 10, 2022
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Comments (16)

snager's avatar
2 years ago
i also had a lot of fun with this tourney! thanks to Picto juulz for having me. Best Sempai 2022. thanks for keeping Tikka and giving her ice-cream and letting her torment miller. this is the best outcome for Tiga~ Gus/Dairyu/Rickter OT3 4lyfe also pretend i posted this BEFORE the tourney to hype it lel kek (its Saga. get it? like a real comic?) and one last chance to listen to their playlist:
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
2 years ago
Had a blast this tourney! Thankies Snowy for partnering with me! We're gonna do more with these three definitely! Thankies Snager and Julz! You made Whispy so damn adorable! We're gonna keep kitten Tigga! so she can haunt miller and be an absolute terror.
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Snowy's avatar
2 years ago
Thank you so much for the comments and critiques, everyone! I really appreciate the suggestions, they're very helpful!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Juxta's avatar
2 years ago
-SNAGER & JULZ: WOAH! SCREENTONE CENTRAL! Your efforts weren’t in vain with those! The screentone textures/values combined with the super expressive line work made every page come together so well and the whole style felt very united. Very intense, wacky, and fun side from you two and overall great job on the whole tournament!! -FLUFFSAMASPRIME & SNOWY: The color palette for this one is SO nice! I love how self-contained the story is and just the overall relaxed tone! Very refreshing and nice to see. I want more of these two already!! Amazing work in this tournament guys! :D
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

snager's avatar
2 years ago
pyras: you're right, i did consider adding a little montage to the end showing Kurdis and Nyasuu living their lives Tiga-free with the new baby, but we weren't sure what that would look like and I'm still not sure what it would look like. red: disappointed to know the screen tones didn't work out, wish i knew which pages worked and which did not. i figured I wanted to do an experiment and if you can't experiment and dick around while treating void as a learning exercise, where can you? juulz wanted to put color on the screen tones, but i already wasn't sure if they were working or not. maybe it would have helped them seem less overwhelming? i wish i had had a particular manga or old comic to reference for tone style, instead of just winging it; maybe that would have helped.
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Putrid's avatar
2 years ago
SNAGER & JULZ- Great inking! the expressions and exaggeration were great, very impressive draftsmanship overall. The compositions in each panel were pretty sweet and creative, too! I have to second what Pyras said about being hungry for more in the Kurdis not loving Nyasu bit, but I understand that a lot was going on too already. Loved the ending! FLUFFS & SNOWY- The colors and rendering were BEAUTIFUL, this was so dang pretty to look at! Loved the way each character looked. The domesticity between Dairyu and Rickter was so sweet, and that little tease of -their kid- is making me super excited! Kurdis' body language was so fun and expressive. Both of you make a really great team!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Red's avatar
2 years ago
Snagulz - I thought this was a really great ending to your story arc. There were some panels that were really stand-out to me, but I think the overall quality was inconsistent. I don't think it could have been too much shorter without sacrificing pacing or story though, so maybe with the time limit it was the right call. I thought the screentones were kind of overwhelming in some spots, but in the places where it looked like you guys took more time they look really nice. I definitely gave you points for creativity, but I feel like I've enjoyed the goofiness of your teamwork more in other comics. Page 4 was my favorite and I was just craving more of that type of humor. I definitely enjoyed the comic though and I think overall it turned out great. Fluffowy - Incredibly well put together and high-quality comic. The colors and shading were applied well, but I felt like it was a little low contrast overall. I feel like with a slight adjustment with the colors it would have been excellent. The art itself was adorable, and the part where Kurdis was describing Nyasuu was so precious. It was a pretty cute story that felt like a simple slice-of-life tale with a surprising joke at the end. If the story was about them having a discussion about children, I feel like an encounter with pregnant Nyasuu could have had a bigger impact on their feelings after their interaction? Maybe it was sort of there with Dairyu saying not to worry about it, but I think even with some panels that showed their reactions to a couple expecting a baby could have told a lot more story, even without dialogue. Even if they looked at each other like "what if that was us?? or "yeah maybe we don't want this!" I think I would have screamed lol. But overall a really nice comic with beautiful artwork and just very clean and professional looking!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
2 years ago
Awesome comics both teams! Snager and Julz: Liked a lot the plot and the monster/god forms of everyone. Snowy and Fluff: The colors are so good, liked how slice of life this is and the joke at the end!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
2 years ago
Ya'll made that cats tum so soft! I love it! Thankies for the battle, it was a lot of fun! Thankies to Snowy for collabing with me pretty much all month! I wanna do more with Rickter and Dairyu!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
2 years ago
great job everyone I'm just gonna drop my lil nitpicks Julz+snager: I'm disappointed that we didn't return to the drama of Kurdis revealing they don't love Nyasuu. I don't understand the gravity placed on Kurdis' cowardice towards having not killed Tiga yet (a little confused: if they could kill Tiga, what were they afraid of?). For me seeing Nyasuu and Kurdis try and tackle their feelings was more interesting than the god battle at the end, which also ended a bit abruptly. I was hoping at the end we could go back to that. snowy+fluffsa: While the colors are well set up I think more work could be done with the values to help the characters stand out from their backgrounds more. I think having chibi-bodies in far away shots with less-chibi-bodies for closeup shots confused the proportions a bit, I think Rickter's chibi body in particular needed a bit more time to polish, there are times where it doesn't quite match the proportions of others in the same shot other than that I enjoyed y'all's stuff good work making it this far
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Julz's avatar
2 years ago
Hey guys, we forgot to ask when posting initially, but crits would be tight, thanks
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

snager's avatar
2 years ago i had to sit on this song for at least a week to avoid spoilers pls enjoy reading our comic. Julz always has talks me down and: np snowy~ I finally got to have Girl's Night with at least two demi god worm beings. i was dying to draw them. had to do it to em. i finally stopped seeing screen tones when i closed my eyes and saw digital ink washes instead.
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Snowy's avatar
2 years ago
Thank you for the battle! You made Wispy adorable, and I liked the drama between Kurdis and Nyasuu! Body horror Gus and god form Dairyu looked really nice in your styles. 🙂
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Bobert's avatar
2 years ago
The great and ancient beaste Snajul: I liked the horrifying true Gus in the divine dimension and if this comic wins, it will be really funny material for future stuff. Gods among men Gusryu: This was cute and goofy and the joke about raising worms made me smile a little.
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
2 years ago
I am ready!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle

Julz's avatar
2 years ago
YESSS!!! Are you ready??!!! Good luck everyone!
Posted on Roommates Final Round battle