Roommates Round 2
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded June 17, 2022
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Comments (12)

snager's avatar
2 years ago
ALRIGht real review time! Diz trm: yall must have really been paying attention. Either you took notes when I drew Kurdis briefly pole dancing in the speed date with nyasuu, or you remembered all the development notes I was babbling about when I joined 2 years ago. either way, setting up a low-stakes competition with a pole dance contest was a really creative idea! also, adapting Nyasuu to yall's style made her so cute and fluffsu. there's some weird craftsmanship issues that look almost more like animation errors, like the bottom of page 5 when kurdis clips through the pole. XD but two weeks felt more like a speed battle, when you gotta juggle you and your partner's availability times. yall really did full spectrum coloring on every single shape and included all those background character designs. also I think this is the first comic that shows both kurdis in his monsterboy thirst trap form and his normie human form and its nice to see them both in the same art style :3c but nuh, the story idea is too pure and the characters are all so cute. simon and nyasuu getting into it over who is the most supportive roomate? then nyasuu wins because simon is paying with play money from his puppy purse? pure. ps i think Simon has Tumblr sexyman potential
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
2 years ago
Diz and Trm I really love seeing you guys work together. Hope to see more collabs from you! Snager and Julz you guys did and awesome job of utilizing your opponents. Loved the little background for nyassu and the superstition
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Animeshen's avatar
2 years ago
Julz and snager- the styles in this are so varied, theres always something interesting to look at! Especially love all the hidden visual gags scattered throughout! TRM and Diz- i liked the colours in this, and the inking is very crisp! Great colours!
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Platinumartist's avatar
2 years ago
These two were a fun read and I enjoyed them both Snager/Julz : The Craftsmanship that is displayed is really well done. good job on the lines and colors Diz/TRM :Man your setups for jokes is really good and it was quite the colorful comic. tons of references to other Void material and the creativity in the other supporting characters in this one is very nice Both teams did well and I hope to see more from All artist in the near future!
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Gregly's avatar
2 years ago
Snager/Julz- i like the superstition and being able to see nyasuu's catperson clan at the beginning. Simon acting as the wacky inflatable tube man made me laugh. I like the symmetry of cutting to Nyasuu and her having not heard what was just said twice in the comic. You did a good job of filling the backgrounds with details and making us feel their claustrophobia. They still got banned in the end! I must say the flash photograph panel looks great too, nice work! InvaderDiz/TRM_thatguythatiscool- Again I love the tight lines here and that you managed to fully finish all the pages this time. It's a little distracting how the text changes size just a little bit sometimes, it can be a little hard to read. I like how soft and round Nyasuu looks! That last page is great too, I love all the shapy shapes and energy in your panels, and the crowd scenes are pretty impressive too, great going!
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Kilcra's avatar
2 years ago
Goddamn! Very different comics, and I love the craziness in both! Snager/Julz: I love the superstition surrounding the pregnancy! It's so easy and hopeless to get lost in those self-imposed rules, and the anxiety Nyaasu is feeling is palpable. I love how Kurdis' panels go from total calm to total emotional meltdown one after the other. Every time I see him respond to something remotely abrasive there's tears on his face and he's barely holding it together. Being in a store with overactive employees is a nightmare to begin with. I love that Kurdis is freaking out externally while Nyaasu is screaming inside, for totally different reasons, with the same cause. This came together beautifully and I'm really really impressed! Invaderdiz/TRM: I was just talking to someone about how stressful being a frontman for a gig is, and this scenario is like THE panic attack nightmare that would drive me insane. The studio doesn't handle a double booking right, now you have to go on stage with someone you just met, and you bomb xD They held it together really nicely tho! I was surprised to see so little panic from them given this stressful scenario, and I think emphasizing that would have made the conflict stronger/more impactful. Great work on the conversation between Kurdis and Lacy, they were fast friends and conquered the situation together! Awesome job everyone :D
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Snowy's avatar
2 years ago
I hope Lacy becomes an evil mastermind. Nice comics, both teams!
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

johannhawk's avatar
2 years ago
sweet moves all around here. love the "origin story" and the "play money" bits
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
2 years ago
Pretty good read from both sides, well done!
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

snager's avatar
2 years ago
that was kawaii, DIZ and TRM! Thanks for the round, and may the best whacky hijinks win! I'll give a real review later X,D
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

InvaderDiz's avatar
2 years ago
Simon is about to dethrone Kuddles as the scariest toon in the city lol
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle

Bobert's avatar
2 years ago
Jokerised reviews: Julger: Kurdis brought a gun to a safe child friendly environment but it is Lacy who is to become Jokerised all along! Scandalous! Invader DirtM_Those Guys That Are Fused: Pole dancing in a bar with bug people!? Hysterical! Nyasuu also looks like Alex Kid if he was a cat girl! Madness! Actual reviews: Okay so I will gradually build up critique muscles that aren't stupid and also not unnecessarily mean (albeit I have not really bruised anyone with my comments here to my knowledge) to make up for my weird little knuckleheaded text blobs of enthusiasm. Snager and Julz: This was a nice comic. Sometimes the order of the panels was a bit whacky but that's not a real criticism or complaint but my own little experience reading it, which is trumped regardless by a a barrage of good jokes and blink and you miss it visual gags. The ending was funny and I liked it. Invader Diz and TRM: Just like Snager and Julz submitted a comic that surpassed their round 1 comic, so did you guys. I liked the play money joke the most and also I was thinking that if you ever bring back the fly guy to use his antenna as eyebrows to convey him emoting, that'd be really cool.
Posted on Roommates Round 2 battle