Always nice to see a good beyond battle setting up some story threads and worldbuilding. The lineless art style lends a mythical feeling to the parts with the goblin hunters. Real badass looking group, too. Great designs.
Good stuff.
Its quite the interesting gamble whenever one uses a lineless style but I cam say here that it helps the story's fantasy setting immensely. This is one awesome story so far and I cant wait to read the next installment
Nice to see you expand on your ideas more and the direction of the story. (You had a typo on page two in the last panel with "her" instead of "here" by the way) ((Also, also, I posted fanart of the Goblin on the EnterVoid discord, well I posted it in another server and then posted the link in the EV server. Anyways, here is a frescoe most foule and grotesque: ))
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