Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2
im a page short sadlyy.. script time, life and a little burn out and ive fallen short of the battle page
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded April 01, 2022
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Comments (7)

Reecer6's avatar
2 years ago
xeno: i need to say i absolutely adore the energy you bring to your comics, and i await seeing even more! that said, your comics do seem to have some major clarity issues, in a couple of ways. you could certainly benefit from some script editing, because your punctuation is misleading at best. you also try for some really fun shot choices, but they accentuate that i don't think your line art does a good job of making the reader aware of what they're looking at; page 1 panel 2 for instance isn't all that complex but it still took me a good while to figure out it was just maple and lily standing at an angle. at the very least, the sequence of events here is far more digestible than your round 1 comic, so that's excellent! even given that you couldn't finish your last page. drawins: both your art and your writing is wonderful and fun through-and-through. i don't really have anything to comment on; this is just a stand-out comic! lily do be hungry tho...
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle

johannhawk's avatar
2 years ago
Xeno: Love this heavy buildup Lil: food is very important! excellent way to end it.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
2 years ago
These were fun to read! Awesome one weekers!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle

Bobert's avatar
2 years ago
Xeno: It seems 2022 is not slacking in terms of giving out hardships to people who do not deserve it. In spite of your setbacks, I think this comic is more clearer and easier to read than your round 1. Lil: You put out a good and short comic again. I don't really have much in the way of a formal critique, my apologies.
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle

Juxta's avatar
2 years ago
-XENO: Hey life happens- I am loving this set up and how much atmosphere you were able to induce into each shot. I also love that 2nd-to-last panel, such a cool illustration all on it's own. So sick. I hope to see more Sybil in the future, she's so cool :D! -LIL DRAWINS: Your inks are so solid and I love the choice to have Sybil's string act as a pop of color!! That SFX too though! It's so well incorporated into the art!!! Fantastic job. Maple and Lily are such a great duo!!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle

DesDemonical's avatar
2 years ago
Tea parties and picnics oh my! Xeno I very much enjoyed the "EXTEND THE PINKIE" line hahahaha Lil- once again your art is fantastic! Loved the final panel
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle

Fridgeman's avatar
2 years ago
XENO: A very creative payoff to your plot here and your art conveys it very cleanly. However, I think it might help you to write your comic text in all caps and to practice using a diamond shape for your speech bubbles. LIL_DRAWINS: Once again your background work is amazingly varied and high quality (forests are tricky, god damn!) and you got real bold with all those hand-centric shots in the first page! It worked!
Posted on Invitational Tournament 2022, Round 2 battle