Speed Dating 2022, Round 1
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Uploaded February 03, 2022
Comments (11)
Short and fun comic! Love Ghost's absolute shock at how much Itami can drink, and I love at the end that after all that alcohol she says she lost her "buzz." 😆 Like you had how much alcohol and only got buzzed? The ending reminds me of a D&D podcast I listen to where instead of vampires they have "drunkulas" who drink the alcohol out of people's blood. Poor Ghost though. Love that an immortal vampire is more of a lightweight than some young human woman. I'm not sure the airbrush worked for me, especially for your backgrounds, and everything was a bit sketchy, but it was a week long drawing period so I'm not gonna dock you for it or anything. I think you could probably paint bucket some faint background colors to give your comic contrast even if you can't shade or color the whole thing, though, so that might be something to consider!Shen
It's a shame you had so much going on and couldn't ink this! Your writing is great; you had me smiling the whole time. Not sure how I feel about Itami having sex with Ghost while he's blackout drunk and she's... relatively sober? Or maybe she just thinks she's more sober than she is. Either way, it made the punchline at the end work, so I'm not gonna complain that much. Love the Celif cameo! I can't really comment on the art because it all just comes down to "if you had more time..." so I'll just say that I really liked the stuff you did manage to ink, and the poses you sketched looked like they would have made beautiful inks as well! Love the attention to backgrounds, especially. Felt like a real bar. I think my favorite part is honestly still the first page, where Ghost offers to buy Itami a drink at an open bar. Feel just so perfect. Fun read, and hopefully the next two rounds will be kinder to you, time-wise! Don't be afraid to edit down if there's any doubt 😄