NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas
Written and Drawn by Cab, Colors and Co-writen by Footini, Thumbs by Fluffsamaprime, and additional Colors by Platinum Artist
No critique preference
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
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Comments (9)

Rose's avatar
2 years ago
Been sitting on this for way too long, but I wanted to know what my girl was getting up to :D I love how Shi says they need agents who are combat-ready and able to survive near supernatural stuff and then immediately cut to Aiko, who is like the MOST not that aside from Grim haha. I LOVE Hyde's expression at hearing there was a possibility of no Christmas; I feel like it's just such a perfect example of everything I love about him. Two brain cells between all five heads, and they will be 100% dedicated to making sure Christmas happens. Fave! I busted up at Shi 100% deadpan telling Nikola "Santa is real and I fought him too" like WHERE IS THAT STORY!? Such a great line. Also, Krampus' design is HORRIFYING. Thanks for the nightmares 😂 It's so fun to see everyone's work here! It all shines through. It's clearly cab's signature art style, but you can see remnants of Fluff's thumbs in how expressive everyone is, Footini's sense of humor and vibrant coloring, and Platinum's contributions to round things out. Excellent group effort, and thanks for giving my girl some screen time! I swear I'll do something with her eventually XD
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

Rikun's avatar
2 years ago
It's always good to see the NDA up to their paranormal shenanigans!
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

Natamoon123's avatar
2 years ago
i loooooved the interactions with the characters, and how krampus looked. this is def a really great read yes!
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

brownkidd's avatar
2 years ago
Well done! Not really being too familiar with the characters, I felt like you all did a great job at getting their quirks across. Fun, entertaining, and the art was great! Nicely done!
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

Flytee's avatar
2 years ago
That was a great collab, everyone's contributions blended together seamlessly! I hope I see you guys working together again. Writing-wise, the character interactions really sold this for me. There was a nice flow to the conversations and the exposition bits didn't feel clunky or too obvious. The story was simple but fun, it worked perfectly for this kind of comic. The art was decent, Cab has such a strong, unique style, it was cool to see it so nicely coloured and polished by Footini and Plat. I found some of the panels pretty cramped, it did feel like the speech bubbles were fighting with the art a lot. I actually think this collab would've benefited from a sketch phase where the layouts and spacing could have been revised more. The final page was really cute and gave me a nice warm christmasy feeling- which helped me recover from the demon nipples xD Oh, and on a personal note, I really got a kick out of seeing people use their NDA agents, great job!!
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

snager's avatar
2 years ago
you guys work REALLY well together. the finished project looks amazing! The bluish hue to everything is very charming and I'm surprised you took the extra time to do shading as well. I think the credits page showing the wips is an especially endearing way to gives us a sneak peak at you guys' process. i'm impressed at Cab's ability to take very loose thumbs and use them as pencils. I even got to learn something new about Krampus, being made out of snow and baskets? wild. thanks for inviting Ada to the christmas party at the end.
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

Petrichor's avatar
2 years ago
LMAO good job guys!! I love these NDA comics. That was a super fun read! (although Krampus' nipples are going to give me nightmares gdhjgajsgd)
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
2 years ago
The NDA goes to the isle of misfit toys to bring them all to sweet justice
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle

Footini's avatar
2 years ago
The comic in which Shi beats up Heatmeiser.
Posted on NDA- Operation: Saving Christmas battle