Itami vs Veronica Nightingale
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Uploaded August 10, 2005
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Comments (12)

Fuudasha's avatar
19 years ago
Ah, a very interesting match up. Rikun, I sorta wished you had pushed your story a bit more after knowing about how much you wanna do with Itami, but your entry was nice and straightforward. The set up and action were nice, though a bit hard to follow in some spots, but your work has obviously gotten much more ambitious, so keep on improving. Some of those angles are toughies, but pushing those dynamics will definitely help push the style of Itami's fights. Kura, very interesting fight on your end. I like how your stories always aim to keep folks on their toes so I think that's your strongest point here. Some of the action scenes look a little rushed (the loose expressive strokes work better in some places more than others, namely still shots such as in pg.2 versus actions shots like in pg.4), but you handle the action and poses well and the layouts do help to compliment the pacing. I think you two should bounce off of each other some more in later battles, your styles are similar but unique and a match up like this makes for an interesting comparison. I'm really enjoying the development of both characters and I'm expecting great things in the future. Good luck to both of you!
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Majikura's avatar
19 years ago
oh, ho-ho. The world would be a better off without me attempting to handwrite my text. A 5th grader has better penmanship than me.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

mr. robot's avatar
mr. robot
19 years ago
rikun-- as has been said, i see improvement. movement is pretty well-done in general, though i don't like the computer blurs you've used... in general i think it would be better to rely more heavily upon your drawing skills than computer tricks. backgrounds are lacking (i'm one to talk), as well is detail and precision in anatomy... i like the writing though; all in all pretty decent action. kura-- main thing i think, is that you're in a hurry, or you're not willing to spend much time on your pages, or something. and i haven't seen this problem in some of your other comics, so that's probably no big thing. some of the images seem a little too straightforward... nice movement, and i can really tell from this that you can draw well, if that's worth anything? plus she's naked. vote's to you, but narrowly. and both you guys, i have a feeling your comics would look a lot better if your text was hand-written. you're both capable artists; it can't be that hard to write legibly, eh? computer text just feels like... cheating to me, sometimes.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Kii's avatar
19 years ago
Y'both done good. Rikun: You'ved improved alot since the last time I've seen you battle. You do need a little more study on anatomy and positioning. Veronica: Good job ma'am. Always creative and always have a way to tie a story into your battles. >_< Something I need to work on.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
*whoops, accidently submitted the comment. I'll just continue where I left off. ^^;;* Her left foot is raised above her right, which is not right if she's on a level surface like the inside of a studio. Furthermore, her right hand (the one on the ground) should be dropped as well, to fit in the same perspective as her feet, assuming that she just hit the ground with all three limbs at that very instant. In the first panel of page four, since Itami is in front of Veronica, she should look bigger than her, instead of smaller, as shown here. I'm going mostly by head size, so either Veronica's head is too big or Itami's is too small or both. Lastly, the final panel of the last page looks okay, but doesn't fit the character. Veronica is supposed to be rather slight of build, but you've got her looking a bit thick there. Anyways, like I said before, this is way better than the stuff you've put out before, in my opinion. Keep improving. Kura: I really like the stuff you've got going on with this one; it just seems a tad confusing in places. In the last two panels of page two, it looks like Itami throws the guard and kicks him into the ceiling? I'm not sure, but that's what I got after scrutinizing it for a bit. The flying shapes in the last panel didn't help much. Pages four and five look pretty cool, but Itami looks weird in the fourth panel of page five, almost boyish. Everything else is looking nice, I dig the plot you've got in the works, dealing with Fuu's weaving and all. Good stuff, keep it up.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
Ooh, rematch time! Rikun: Definitely an improvement from your other stuff. Main points that I think could use work in this particular battle are perspective and posing. Page one was pretty good, but Veronica's dress needs a lot more detail, seeing as it's closer to the viewer and all. The hands in page two need work, but that's pretty minor. Bigger things in page two: the perspective of panels 3 and 5. Itami looks all sorts of wrong in panel 3, especially her head being too big and her right leg (the one that's out) looking flat across her left. Also, her torso has all but disappeared, judging how her belt is now right under her breasts. Panel 5 is a tough perspective shot, so kudos for taking the risk. However, Veronica doesn't share the same perspective, so instead of looking up at her, it looks like we're looking right at her. In panel 3 of page three, Itami's pose needs lots of reworking. I can see what you were trying to do, but her left leg should be closer to the viewer. Right now her left foot looks bigger than her right, which is good, but
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Rikun's avatar
19 years ago
Mine are uploaded too. Could've done more with the color job, but I'm happy with how my linework went. Let the best woman win!
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Majikura's avatar
19 years ago
uploaded. I'm sorry to say that this isn't my best work. Didn't really have the drive to draw it like I did with my other works. I'll do better next time for sure.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
19 years ago
Both Artists have purchased an extension.....match deadline pushed forward one week
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Majikura's avatar
19 years ago
im runnin a little behind so I may ask for an extension. However I'll give it my best effort not to resort to that again.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Fanta5y's avatar
19 years ago
Gah, here it goes again~! FINAL CHALLENGE.
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle

Kevin Birtcher's avatar
Kevin Birtcher
19 years ago
Good luck to you both
Posted on Itami vs Veronica Nightingale battle