Kalkyza vs The Heir to the Universe
rated adults only for nudity I lost my previous laptop due to a hardware failure, and am using a loaner, so this comic has a lot of inconsistencies from my previous Heir work.
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated adults only by its creator(s)
Uploaded November 07, 2021
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Comments (4)

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
Bummed that we wont be getting anymore heir comics cause they are always a trip to see how you work a character into the heirs world. Loved the color pallet for this along with the gritty darkness of it all. The bright colors do well to make the action in yours pop. The heirs cap is fantastic for the flow of the pages its in. I'm glad Kalkyza got another comic before their untimely demise.
Posted on Kalkyza vs The Heir to the Universe battle

snager's avatar
3 years ago
heeehheeeyyy, Camel.. You ok, there, Buddy? reecer: that was really cool. you did a nice job of setting up the world and making Heir fit into the world. both of yall: really nice artwork, i think you were each trying to grow towards each other's styles and it looks good. also cute the way both sets of character combine common words into new words that are also puns. makes me wonder, as usual, how much cooperation went into these stories. XD
Posted on Kalkyza vs The Heir to the Universe battle

Reecer6's avatar
3 years ago
imposing an inheritance tax on this boy
Posted on Kalkyza vs The Heir to the Universe battle

Camel's avatar
3 years ago
Don't forget your Flesh Pillory!
Posted on Kalkyza vs The Heir to the Universe battle