Celif vs Lilyfeather
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Uploaded September 23, 2021
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Comments (19)

Kilcra's avatar
3 years ago
Shen: I loved this! Lily was terrifying in her serenity as she crippled Celif. The shots were composed really really well, and you made this look so polished and complete with only red and black. I'm going to have to study this one to learn how you make your splash color comics so appealing! Fluff: The juxtaposition of Celif's cheery attitude and his brutal career was what stood out to me the most here. The way he interacts with Lily's body is really good, it's so creepy. Great body language too!
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Kozispoon's avatar
3 years ago
SHEN- This was such a great unsettling peek of what Lily could be if she was tipped in the wrong direction. Who knows? After this encounter, I wonder if she's already listing. Taking her own brand of vigilante justice out on the scum of society in REALLY horrifying fashion wasn't something I expected from her. She so often downplays or tis ashamed of the grossness of her power, so its refreshing to see her embracing it here to her advantage. She's a queen among the dead, and actually maneuvering them well despite the loss of her flute. perhaps she feels empowered over the fact she still has that ability in her arsenal despite the deal/sacrifice she made paying off Saal. This scar was just the right creepy and feels so much like the calling card of an evil necromancer, it leaves me wondering after Lilyfeathers smle. FLUFF- Short, sweet and to the grisly point. It was awesome to see someone go ham on a scar. A whole body in a tub of ice. GNARLY. Shopping around for Celifs victim was great too. Way to just get the ball rolling, especially with the page count you had.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Footini's avatar
3 years ago
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

TheCydork's avatar
3 years ago
Shen - This was so messed up, it was great. You took me on a rollercoaster of "OH Celif gonna get Fucked Up" to "oh maybe not??" to "OHHH". It's exciting to see Lilyfeather act that much colder and more confident. Also visually, the spotblack/red combo is classic and slaps. Fluff - Holy shit XD Celif is such a creep, I love it. Does he always hang out naked with his victims?? Can't wait to fight you both *shaky eyes*
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Animeshen's avatar
3 years ago
Heathen: Only one panel stuck out to me as not working, and that's the last panel on page 3. Having all of the figures plainly visible in a flat composition took the drama out of that exchange a bit. The "fairies" are just standing around, and I don't get any sense that Celif is feeling cornered or surrounded. The ones behind him actually seem to be on his side, because of how the shot is blocked.
I hate to keep bringing this up but i feel compelled to defend myself here lol; i know that panel is phoned in. it was the last panel i had to do before my cat got sick and died. I just wanted it over at that point, I wasn't focusing anymore. Sorry for that one.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Heathen's avatar
3 years ago
Fluff: I'm guessing there was a page or two between these that were cut for time, but even still, I dig the tone and execution here. I'd like to see you keep exploring this sort of grizzly procedural style with Celif's comics. The last panel on page 1 is really funny when you see what comes next. Also, gotta say, there's no better way to get the attention of potential opponents like a cameo where they're being considered as potential opponents. Shen: Great style execution with the black white and red. And I really like this scar. It's nice and clear, speaks to Lily's character, and gives your opponent new narrative avenues to explore. Only one panel stuck out to me as not working, and that's the last panel on page 3. Having all of the figures plainly visible in a flat composition took the drama out of that exchange a bit. The "fairies" are just standing around, and I don't get any sense that Celif is feeling cornered or surrounded. The ones behind him actually seem to be on his side, because of how the shot is blocked. Also, the panel is backwards. If you flip it, it fixes the 180 and the talking/reading order.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Fred's avatar
3 years ago
so cute UuU lily is a good girl
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Juxta's avatar
3 years ago
Shen: I always wonder how you break out tons of finished pages in such a short time span!?! The red was a really cool touch. I love when things come full circle at the end!! Great work! Fluff: I'm impressed by how MUCH was told in only 2 pages. Celif's personality shines in this one and although I'm pretty familiar with him from reading his past comics, I'm still shocked by the stuff he does LOL. Overall really fun and excited to see what else he'll get into!!
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
snager: WOW shen, you REALLY did not want to lose this scar match. what were you so scared of? Lilly would just have a few stiches on her ribs XD
She has two!
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Animeshen's avatar
3 years ago
snager: WOW shen, you REALLY did not want to lose this scar match. what were you so scared of? Lilly would just have a few stiches on her ribs XD
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Snowy's avatar
3 years ago
Shen - Gosh, this scar is so perfect and personal, and I love your use of spot blacks. Lily bringing back the dead that were affected by Celif was such a nice touch! That's such a clever use of her powers too, I kind of hope she keeps going down this path of being 'righteous' while being absolutely terrifying. Fluff- Celif whhhyyyy XD I love how he just does whatever it takes to get what he wants. I loved the inks and storytelling in this, it really played off how much real-world experience Lily doesn't have while showcasing that Celif has perhaps too much experience.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

snager's avatar
3 years ago
WOW shen, you REALLY did not want to lose this scar match. what were you so scared of? Lilly would just have a few stiches on her ribs XD Celif, looks like you not only don't get to be a weird villain, but you can't be a weird anti-hero, either. :/ unless you want to just be a terrible quack who fucks up every surgery. y'all nasty.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Minteh's avatar
3 years ago
SHEN- This comic reads like a dream, it's so good. the pacing was super on point, I've missed a lot of Lilyfeather it looks like and I really dig where she's at! The scar is super personal and clever, you knocked it outta the park! FLUFF- short, sweet, and to the point! Poor Lilyfeather being left on ice, I do wish there was a little more to it, it works as-is but I super want something inbetween. For what is shown, the character posing is so good, you could take the words away and still interpret the same story it's so good. Also I'm just imagining like, tindr for organ harvesters posting target profiles, so thank you for that image in my head lmao
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Animeshen's avatar
3 years ago
sorry about the quality in a couple pages, my cat died and i lost motivation
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
Footini: People who jump right into battles one after another are insane.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Footini's avatar
3 years ago
People who jump right into battles one after another are insane.
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
The worst and I love it
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle

Animeshen's avatar
3 years ago
this is a terrible idea
Posted on Celif vs Lilyfeather battle