Upward Mobility
Story: PyrasTerran & Rivana Layout: PyrasTerran Inks: PyrasTerran Rendering: Rivana Lettering, Editing: PyrasTerran
No critique preference
This comic has been rated suitable for teens and up by its creator(s)
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Comments (7)

Kilcra's avatar
3 years ago
Beautiful work! It's a lot of text on one page, but it reads very naturally and I like the Dynamic between Sable and the Wake boss. I think the only critique I have is that the sitting pose was a little stiff. The hips and torso could turn more to get a stronger sitting gesture and let the legs extrude from the pelvis more naturally. This is a very professional looking page, so finding something to criticize is hard haha
Posted on Upward Mobility battle

Flytee's avatar
3 years ago
gorgeous comics and a nice hook for future antics. I loved Sable, she really stands on her own as a character in my mind, I genuinely forgot she was a lovechild.
Posted on Upward Mobility battle

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
3 years ago
Things I like the most when you two work together, lightning/rendering, inks and expressions, so fucking clean and professional.
Posted on Upward Mobility battle

Putrid's avatar
3 years ago
The visuals in this are AMAZING- you 2 work perfectly together, I loved it!
Posted on Upward Mobility battle

TheCydork's avatar
3 years ago
Seconding Snowy, it’s super cool you two are continuing to link Sable to death tournaments, and treat them as canonical events that happen in Void. Comic is top quality as usual, though Sable’s braid kind of stuck out to me since it looks very flat compared to other rendered surfaces like her skin. I know her hair is Vantablack and will not have shine, but the lines within the braid don’t seem to warp properly, and the braid has smooth edges when it should have bumps from where each clump of hair has been woven in. Still, this is just something small that needs finetuning. Excited to see what battles might come of this!
Posted on Upward Mobility battle

Snowy's avatar
3 years ago
I love Sable's comics so much, how they interact with the various death matches and dead characters is so interesting! I hope that you get to fight some of these soon-to-be dead characters. As always, the art is so nice to look at, you both work so well together.
Posted on Upward Mobility battle

InkyBrain's avatar
3 years ago
GAWD. I love this character so FRIGGIN' MUCH for so many FRIGGIN' REASONS, not to mention being super relatable regardless of an occupation that is difficult to fathom. In just one page, you guys accomplished so much, and the hype to see Sable finding new ways to perform her duties under this spotlight should make her next adventures especially interesting~ Can't wait! PS. I don't even feel like it needs mentioning but I'm gonna say it anyway: the art you two pull together is too powerful, so friggin' good!
Posted on Upward Mobility battle