Terfle vs Welcome Wagon
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated suitable for teens and up by its creator(s)
Uploaded February 27, 2021
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Comments (15)

Mixiemon's avatar
3 years ago
Sproigs: Congrats on your first battle, this is a fantastic comic especially for a one weeker. great job and I look forward to seeing more. Heathen: there's not much here but I will say that even in this rough form it's clear you did really good with the webtoon format and if part of the hold up was trying to figure out the right way to frame it, finish up this comic then use it for reference for future webtoon comics you do. Having a webtoon comic you can reference for storyboards and framing will help you a bunch in your future endevors.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Footini's avatar
3 years ago
Five minutes in void and Terfle already learning to cuss. He's gonna do well around here.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Rivana's avatar
3 years ago
Spirogs - I am still in disbelief by the quality of this comic and you did it all in 1 week. So impressed and I got nothing to say but praises for you. Well done! Heathen - Shame you weren't able to finish this. I really like where you were going with it and the humor was unexpected and hilarious. Hope to see some finished work from you next time as I always enjoyed your comics.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Flytee's avatar
3 years ago
Spirogs- Terfle is ADORABLE, I loved seeing him in action, the bouncy, weightless way you drew him during the actions scenes was excellent, his agileness really comes across. Overal the art here was top-notch and the story was simple and fun, it worked nicely as an extended introduction to the character. I look forward to seeing where you take Terfle next! Oh and it goes without saying for a 1-weeker this is extremely impressive. Heathen- There are some outstanding page layouts & great moments here, but the poor presentation lets them down. This could've been something special, I hope you get a chance to finish it!
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

TheCydork's avatar
3 years ago
Spirogs - Ah, it’s so fun to see Terfle bounce around and shoot magic at this behemoth! Great first battle, 11 coloured pages for a week is super impressive. Some things I liked in particular were the Terfle eye view scene on page 2, and honestly every shot of Terfle. They’re really endearing. On the flip side, your explosions and magic suffer the same out of place feel as the portals in your intro, being lineless and somewhat blended. PS Did I catch a snippet of that damn mushroom meme in this comic? XD “You cannot kill me in a way that matters”. Heathen - What’s been up with you lately man? I saw you working on pages for this in VC that looked great, and not only did none of them feature except maybe the long chain, but you posted photos of sketches I can barely read as opposed to a more crisp scan. And this is right on the heels of your incomplete in Election Royale. What’s going on? Is it lack of confidence in your ideas? I feel like I’m preaching to the choir here, but on a site with such quick turnaround, especially in 1-weekers, you really have to go with that first idea even if you end up disliking it later on.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

VIRAMEM's avatar
3 years ago
This was a fine scrap, gents! Spirogs: A solid comic to be sure. Great pacing and characterization across the board made this a very smooth read. Terfle really got to showcase his craftiness in a fight as well, so props for that. Something that I think would push things further in future matches would be honing your light sources and shadows to be more drastic where appropriate. A good spot for this is on WW’s big reveal, it’s nearly eclipsing the sun so it wouldn’t hurt the shadows to a bit darker. Maybe a sun/shadow shaft or two caused by the thorns poking out infront of the sunlight as well? You’ve clearly got a process that’s all but weaponized in it’s efficiency so taking the time to pick the nits will take things to the next level. Heathen: I don’t think there’s much to be said that someone with your skill level doesn’t already know regarding this comic. As far as entertainment goes it was damn funny though! The writing has a grim levity to it that’s a perfect fit for a cult in a place like VOID. Additionally, even as a rough the composition for page 3 in particular is excellent! I hope you get a chance to finish it as it seems it will tear some exceptional ass once complete.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

snager's avatar
3 years ago
Terfle, very creative welcome wagon defeat! and the art is so polished! the test has been administered and passed. also, you put Saal in, who is just a great dude to explain what's going on, esp. when footini is the one-human welcome wagon committee in the discord. Heathen: I love the way you demonstrate welcome wagon's trans-reality surface resistance be capturing the corner of your shattered smart phone in the frame of one long panoramic panel, presumably captured with another cellphone. very meta. the cult's informality is just hilarious. 'do i have to put my coffee down' and the donut in the word 'boOm' got me laughing. props to you both!
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Fred's avatar
3 years ago
Terfle is too dang cute, thank you. We look forward to future cuteness.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
To quote Terfle: 'FUK'
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Spirogs's avatar
3 years ago
Dude, Heathen, thanks for a great first match. Absolutely love your “casual office meeting cultists” “thanks Phil!”
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Heathen's avatar
3 years ago
Thanks for the battle, Spirogs, looks like Terfle has survived its first encounter with the Welcome Wagon! This comic is awesome! Great action, everything’s very clear, and I love the spell effects. I really like how you explain Welcome Wagon’s presence and behavior, too. Just an all around fantastic first showing, and I can’t wait to see more comics from you! I had a lot of fun with this, but wasn’t able to ink or letter it in time. I probably shouldn’t have spent time arranging the panels in the long scroll format, but it was an interesting experiment. I’m going to ink, letter, and color this, because layout-wise, it’s all here. As always, any feedback applicable to this stage of the process is much appreciated!
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Bloodsmith's avatar
3 years ago
Fucking sick
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Spirogs's avatar
3 years ago
My body is ready. XD
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

TheCydork's avatar
3 years ago
Spirogs you mad lad
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle

Footini's avatar
3 years ago
oh snap it's on now! kitty going for a car ride.
Posted on Terfle vs Welcome Wagon battle