These were some really nice comics, I enjoyed the different dynamics everyone had! I'm with Jade that I'm never sure how to score anthologies like this, but I also really enjoy having them uploaded like this to show the variety of activities for holidays and events!
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Batty/Cy - Man I love the wholesomeness that is on display in this comic. The Colors are nice and the humor is a nice touch. You two did a great job on this one
Fluff/Shen - The Clash of personalities on full display here and the interaction between Celif and Ghost are priceless. the ending was pretty funny too cause at the end of the day, y'all gotta make that dolla dolla!!!
Cab / Rikun - I believe that I have fully told you two what I think about your part on this collab. I thoroughly enjoyed it
and I just now love seeing the hi jinx between Itami and Miranda. Would love to see more of those two in the near future
Kubo - I didn't know all that much about the character Kubo before I read this part so I really didn't know what was going on but at least that lead me to read some more of your stuff and I would recommend it to anyone else. Great job with some character growth that you have going on here and I hope to see more
Arts / Pita - This was an interesting one to read, I like the Monster Leaper stuff and the arm wrestling for the red envelopes. I was just not expecting lil' Zoey there to swipe em like they did. I do love the consistency in the lighting throughout this section. Hopefully we see more of Monster Leaper in the near future and some more Zoey in Octoboer
Batty '/ Footini - I haven't read a lot of Silent comics before (and what I mean by that it is one without speech bubbles) but usually they convey some message through action or display some emotion or message, and I will say that you guys did great on this one. the pacing felt nice and the readability of it is suburb. Love the Jaja and A Day Interaction too. It was wrapped up in a nice lil' bow. Can't wait to see more From Jaja and A Dog
Kubo / Shen - Well nothing says a memorable end like Guts an Gore am i right? but in all seriousness I wasn't expecting this at all. Its clever as it is gory and I like how it touched on the themes in a peculiar way. Decorations, Reunion Dinners, Fireworks, and gift giving are part of the season but I see that Wendigo and Ghost put their own crazy twist on it. It isn't my cup of tea but I can respect it.
And to all the writers and artists that worked on this one did extremely well! I do apologize for not getting this comment in before the voting was done but I was still putting my thoughts together on it (although I did vote on this comic). Hopefully we see more of all the characters in the near future and for those of you reading this comment I highly suggest you go back and read all the character's previous stories as they are entertaining and fun to read.
Finally Great job all around and thank you for giving us this super fun of a read!!!
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Guys, I loved all this! can tell there was really good organization with the variety of characters involved with not too much doubling. everyone used the same kind of coloring system and everything is colored, which is nice to see!
Celif and Ghost had the best chemistry of anyone I think, that dynamic was the highlight for me, and the way the bouncer told them to stop hate fucking in the street was :ok_hand_sign:
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
There’s a good variety of stories here and I enjoyed them all! Good job everyone! :)
Loved the backgrounds in these, enjoyed seeing all these interactions between all these unique characters.
I am always amazed when these collabs happen it seems to bring out each artist’s greatest strengths front and center.
And of course, thank you for the cameo. :D
It brings me great joy.
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
I don't know how to vote on these anthology collabs because each individual collab stands on its own haha. But this was a really fun read. I want a dog to be my friend, and I feel for JaJa. Also do I spy a cameo ;)
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Cy/Batty- I had no idea open houses were a thing on Chinese new year! All the little details where great, I enjoyed this insight into a different culture. I will admit I found the story a lil sickly sweet, but dw that's probably just me being heartless xD
Fluff/ Shen- Its RAEEEEE...ahem, thank you for the cameo :P as for the comic, it was a ton of fun, your art styles complimented each other fantastically every panel was so lively and colourful. These two characters being paired together was a stroke of genius, I hope you two Collab or battle again in the future.
Rikun/ Cab- daaamn that crowd shot was very impressive, what a way to kick off a comic! I think the backgrounds were my favourite thing about these pages. I think your characters and story-telling sensibilities match up nicely, you two make a good team.
Kubo- I really enjoyed this- What's not to like! Top-notch art and a pleasant, quiet scene between two characters. I really like that you took the time to flesh out one of Kubo's side characters.
Arts/ Pita- this was sweet! I loved the warm colours, it gave the comic a cosy atmosphere- the story itself was simple but honestly, I think that's perfect for this kind of collab, very enjoyable!
Batty/ Footini- You told a lot of story in so few pages, it was pretty impressive (I know you winged the story, so I guess this was a surprising outcome!) I liked this a lot, I think you captured Jaja's loneliness very well, so when that adorable dog showed up to keep her company I felt genuinely happy for her. Nicely done.
Kubo/Shen- Ahhh I loved this xDD Hilariously grim & very well executed. Great job guys!
This collab was great! I think my main take away is how solid these pair-ups are, it looks like everyone worked together very well, I hope to see many of these duos again. I also very much enjoyed the subject matter, it was interesting seeing a collab focused. or set during a non-western tradition.
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
@Rikun Thanks, open houses are a thing here for pretty much any festival/holiday event, some people even put posters up with their address so strangers can find them XD However, the initial concept of a Dog cheering Kai up was Batty’s idea! I noticed you left him out of both collabs in your comment, but he had a huge part in this and I don’t think I or Footini could’ve done it without him.
Ah! My mistake! I'll fix my comments to reflect this!
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
@Rikun Thanks, open houses are a thing here for pretty much any festival/holiday event, some people even put posters up with their address so strangers can find them XD However, the initial concept of a Dog cheering Kai up was Batty’s idea! I noticed you left him out of both collabs in your comment, but he had a huge part in this and I don’t think I or Footini could’ve done it without him.
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Cy/Batty: This was a super heartwarming story! I didn't even know the open house was a tradition and I'm so glad it's a thing. It's also great to see Dog starting off the flood of people!
Fluff/Shen: I never would've thought that two horrible bastards could be so funny together. It was short but I think it hit all the right comic beats.
Kubo: I found the character development you gave Harper endearing. Plus seeing some down time with Kubo and the Crowns is pretty great to see.
Arts/Pita: Arts is developing a very distinct coloring style now and I'm all for seeing how it develops! Also, seeing Zoey just swipe those envelopes was adorable.
Footini/Batty: For such a high action, hot blooded character it was really nice to see Jaja take some alone time to self-reflect, especially with a dog! It's giving me some potential story material. Hopefully Dog trusting her will mean dog punching reputation is gone for good.
Kubo/Shen: I keep forgetting that Wendigo has a pretty sick sense of humor and it's great to see.
Overall, I'm so glad I got to participate in this collab, and I think everyone did a great job. I hope we get more eyes reading this!!!
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Ahh finally a chance to sit and savour these :) Thanks, and good job again to everyone who joined!
Fluff/Shen - God I love these assholes. The colours here are so vibrant, and I love how Ghost has these massive snake-looking fangs! I hope I see more of them together in the future hehe
Cab/Rikun - Great splash page, and CHICKEN PURSE
Kubo - Loved this. It's really nice to see Kubo during a quiet moment, and seeing Harper start to open up a little was a pleasant surprise.
Arts/Pita - Really liked the evening lighting and the stylisation of Monster Leaper and Turvok! Zoey is so baby.
Batty/Footini - Absolutely obsessed with Dog's faces in this comic ;w;
Kubo/Shen - I LOVE the layout here. I was honestly tempted to spatter these pages throughout the collab as like chapter titles, but then there aren't chapters in this and it's probably best to keep the gore all in one place XD The titles were stylish and effective with their meanings totally turned on their head, and I dug those little fighting oxen at the top too!
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Credits for Batty and I's story
Story- both (no script just winging it)
Pencils to Inks- Footini
Colors- Batty
Designs for the three JaJa fans by Batty.
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
Credits for Batty and I's collab :)
Writing - Both
Thumbs, inks - Cy
Pencils, colours, dialogue - Batty
Also big thank you to Kubo for doing these rad thumbnails!!
Posted on Happy Moo Year: A Chinese New Year Collabbattle
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