Something Memorable
Open to any comments or critiques
This comic has been rated suitable for all ages by its creator(s)
Uploaded February 01, 2021
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Comments (13)

Rivana's avatar
4 years ago
What a great match. At first I wasn't sure how these two characters are going to interact and both of you pretty much nailed it. Snowy's inks are getting better and better! Rantu...shit let's collab and lemme color your pencils one day. Love how you frame your shots and damn you went all out in these pages. =O
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Rikun's avatar
4 years ago
Good god, the both of you went all out and I'm loving it! The both of you are great with action!
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Reecer6's avatar
4 years ago
ran2: gooodd your characters and backgrounds alike are so dang tasty, i love your lines and compositions! and OF COURSE 36 pages of this quality in this time is maddening. this is a RIDICULOUS feat and i have nothing for respect for it. on the actual content, this isn't really a complaint, because i know this is just me and everyone else on the planet just inherently thinks 1v1 fights are cool, i am not your audience, but: at around page 12, i realized i was totally just glossing over and mostly paying attention to the background, because already so much had happened that i had forgotten every actual action in the fight, and just mentally conglomerated it all into "a fight." and then of course, the comic didn't end for another 24 pages. this is some fundamental divide in my brain; i can't really appreciate a fight unless there's a very clear progression between every vignette, or they're intrinsically tied in some order. you stick so many cool things together, i can't possibly rightfully appreciate them as they deserve, because they're not advancing anything. and it makes me sad!! i know this should be a cool fight but i can't really get into it! snowy: ironically, because this is shorter, i probably personally enjoyed it more :V these are some great inks as well, probably the best i've seen from you! i think the flow of action wasn't conveyed strong enough for dairyu's big dragonpunch, because at first read i thought she was recoiling from a punch, and then like, recovering by being grabbed by a big maw or something. but i still really liked it! man, misty effects really are your specialty, aren't they
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Mixiemon's avatar
4 years ago
Ran: 36 pages in three weeks is insane and your action shots and compositions are fantastic. however while this is a feat of just what you can do I think you need to pull it back a bit and spend more time on smaller page amounts to refine them and make them look even better. Some good writting advice for a fight scene is that in each page of a fight you want to have the tides of the battle shift noticibly in one way or the other. A lot of the pages, while well done, are forgettable because this doesn't happen. the best example of this is pages 17,18,19 where Dairyu throws an attack that Ran struggles to dodge. These pages don't change the status of the battle and just end up as filler. There is also the dialogue about the graves which doesn't have any sort of payoff, examples of payoffs that could have been done are dairyu breaking a grave that ran would later use as part of an improtu weapon, or just the fight stopping because of a specific grave. As it currently is that dialogue is just there to do some minor characterization but it doesn't lead to anything. Page 13 is a good example of a fight page that changes the flow of the battle. It starts with them both attacking but ends with the status of the fight changing, dairyu has lost a weapon and now has an edge, this is a point of interest that will make us want to keep reading to see what happens on the next page. With this limited time span, you can only do so much and I think you should pull it back so that every page can not only have more impact but you will have more time to refine the pages to make them even better. While this is a really good 36 page sketched comic I think you could have pulled it down to around 20 pages getting it something closer to inks and made every page truley memorable not just in the fantastic action shots and composition but in the story as well. Still amazing that you can do this much in the first place Snowy: These inks are super good, I love how clean they are. this was a quick but impactful fight and I liked the ways you showed Dairyu's godhood. My crit is with the word bubbles. Alot of the bubbles have a huge amount of empty space which makes it look like the words are floating a bit too much so tighten up your bubbles. Also the tiny font to represent whispering doesn't quite get the job across since it more so effects readability forcing people to look closer at it and focus on it more. Since they are also different thoughts they should be in their own separate bubble as well. besides that stuff really quick and good clean comic.
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Putrid's avatar
4 years ago
OK THESE WERE AMAZINGGGG RAN2 Your comics are already amazing, but on this one you ABSOLUTELY outdid yourself. The action sequences were INSANE. The fight had me on the edge of my seat the whole damn time. You definitely did justice to Dairyu, it was definitely a long love letter to Snowy's character. The dialogue was AMAAZING. I'm gonna have to disagree with the crit about characters not interacting with the BG tho; Rantu clearly kept crashing into trees, Hell, he event ended up in one. And while I would love to see your work inked too, you did 36 pages. Which is no small feat AT AAAAAALL. It's clear how you put your heart and soul into this battle. This is your best work so far dude, I'm so fucking hyped to see how Rantu fares in the future. SNOWY YOUR INKSSSS, they are so damn crisp and smooth! The harsh shadows are BEAUTIFUL. The imagery you come up is breath taking! And the way you handled Rantu's character was really really great, too. He looks absolutely adorable in your style to boot. The way you draw clouds and smoke are so so good. The shots where you can see the sky are gorgeous! If anything, my only crit would be the line weight (I struggle with that too, I know it's not easy) but it looks like you're already getting the hang of it AMAZING FIGHT!!
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Animeshen's avatar
4 years ago
this was the something memorable INDEED Ran2- I clicked your song and listened to it WHILE reading the battle and oh my lord did that set a mood, it was an EXPERIENCE. This is probably one of the A#1 TOP fight scenes Ive ever seen. The action was clear, I could always follow the movement, the impacts looked painful and solid. You also didn't skimp on the backgrounds and the expressions you draw are so emotive, I could read this 100 times and not get bored. I don't even mind that it wasn't inked because you spent so much time making the pencils clear that i appreciate you not dividing your work time in half to ink it. fantastic character, fantastic work, FIGHT ME Snowy- on the other hand YOUR INKS ARE TO DIE FOR? theyre so CLEAN and well balanced and the spot blacks are GORGEOUS. Theres something really soft about your art style thats really pleasing, and you have GREAT panelling and composition. fantastic character, fantastic work, FIGHT ME I HAVE BASICALLY NO COMPLAINTS FOR EAITHER OF YOU, BEST BATTLE 2021
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Footini's avatar
4 years ago
mmHMM this my shit right here!!! This my favorite anime now. Ran2- You legit draw some of the best fight scenes on the site. If this had come out last month you would have given the teleport gun fight a run for its money. The action is clear, concise, I'm able to know everything that's going on and and it's all solid work. Main crit I would have is that it would have be good to see this inked as it would have made everything look a little bit bolder and read even better. Maybe it didn't need to be 36 pages of mostly fight but no matter every moment was badass. I do like how Rantu acts like an even trashier Dante and don't you think I didn't catch Dairyu doing that judgement cut at the start. Snowy- Ran2 went DMC you went Okami the action was just as good yet yours had a bit more elegance to it. You did really well at making the two characters play off of each other, even made Rantu seem like almost a charmer. He cleans up well in your style. Between the two your art was more well refined what with those top notch inks you have going on. I would have used spot blacks more in certain areas cause like Cy said since everything is kind of close to the same line width and detail some of the panels have characters and backgrounds running together with very little visual hierarchy to draw the eye toward the subjects. In the parts you do have that everything works better. In the future that or even limited colors would help give the visuals more depth. Now ya'll got me listening to the Furi soundtrack again. And those ran2 call out banners got me listening to Dream Theater now.
Posted on Something Memorable battle

MyHatsEatPeople's avatar
4 years ago
I loved both of these, absolutely fantastic.
Posted on Something Memorable battle

TheCydork's avatar
4 years ago
Ran - Damn dude, the action in this comic was top notch! You definitely evoked the feel of an epic shonen battle. The panelling was really good, I loved panels like the series with Dairyu’s sword spinning through the air on page 15. Also Rantu is a fucking gremlin who I like more and more with each comic you put out. On the other hand, I would liked to have seen this inked, and as epic as the fight is, the environment is really under-utilised to me. There’s these lovely trees, graves etc. that you’ve drawn, it would have been really cool to see them incorporated in some way, rather than having the pair fight in the empty space just in front of them. The fight could’ve gone into the trees, on top of the torii, or into the graveyard to force them both to be more careful with their movements (since iirc both wouldn’t want to damage the graves), stuff like that. PS That song slaps. Snowy - Omg, that nature spirit was so cute! Overall the imagery here was really cool - I love how you draw eyes in Dairyu’s shadow to hint at her true form, I love the stylisation of the clouds and environment in general. Panel 4.1 was also sickkk and you adapted Rantu to your style very well! He almost looks respectable XD I think you could have been more generous with your spotblacks though, or varied line width/colour a little more. Sometimes it was hard to see what the focus of a panel was. So I’m not sure if because of that I missed things, or if this was due to the actual panelling, but the impact/connection of seemed to be missing with most of the hits and made the fight a little hard to follow.
Posted on Something Memorable battle

RanZombie's avatar
4 years ago
"After 9 years in development... Hopefully, it would have been worth the weight!" WHEW So this is definitely the comic I've invested the most time and effort in since i joined Void. Mostly because I was mad inspired to just make a pretty lengthy fight sequence with the specific song of "Something Memorable" in mind. As such, the fight is meant to flow along with said song: That said, I'll admit I didn't focus as much on the plot, so it might feel like a bit of senseless fight. But hey, what's wrong with a little of that every now and then. I definitely enjoyed my time working with it and feel like I learned a couple tricks here and there. Many thanks to SnowyMoth for allowing me to play with Dairyu and just go all SHONEN BATTLE with it.
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Footini's avatar
4 years ago
Ran2, how much will it take for you to draw every panel of Dairyu as the dairstare emote?
Posted on Something Memorable battle

TheCydork's avatar
4 years ago
:eyes emoji:
Posted on Something Memorable battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
4 years ago
YOOO! It's back oN!!!
Posted on Something Memorable battle