▲The Brick and the Ball▽
Open to any comments or critiques
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Uploaded October 26, 2020
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Comments (7)

Rose's avatar
4 years ago
I love how Spoiler's got a whole harem now. Him being basically Steph's stand is rad af. Also, that "Brick Brick: Brick" was an excellent joke. As for Brick's side, I love that this is a fight between two faceless characters. Them staring each other down is so great XD. The one weakness with Brick is that it's hard to make anything deep. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I want to see more out of the box thinking if you keep making comics with him. It would be fun to see even more outrageous stuff than this in the future!
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle

Reecer6's avatar
4 years ago
Orion: Honestly, I really dig using a 24 hour battle to give little vignettes of a greater, more epic story! Gives you the chance to throw out fun ideas without requiring total investment. This was cool! Rikun: The brick gags here are quality, love the flash brick montage; I can't put into words what it's conveying but I like it anyways. Though, I do think you've highly underutilized the mysticality of Spoiler here in just making them a dude who kicks, even if the gags require it.
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle

Flytee's avatar
4 years ago
Rikun you really brought you A game for this one, 3 dynamic, coloured pages in 24 hours is impressive. I liked the simple amusing story and the last panel on page 2 was excellent. Orion- Nice Comic! Honestly, the other crits summed up my thoughts really well? I'm just swinging by to say good job.
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle

Rivana's avatar
4 years ago
Nice job both of you for completing another 24 hr battle. Orion - love that you're playing around with different perspectives in this comic and that there is a continuing theme from your last fight Love the build up but unfortunately we didn't see any resolution or at least the comic feels like it was cut short. Again. I love the red and black combo. It fits the hell theme. Rikun - well done on this one. The pacing is good and the story is funny. Good punchline too! Not sure what you meant to show in the 2nd panel of page 3 but this is a great comic overall esp as a 24 hr battle.
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle

Mixiemon's avatar
4 years ago
Orion: It is cool you have been continuing the story but I think this story either needed another page or two to make a consise ending or just skip the estrella part and have brick just be a guardian straight up so we could more cleary understand the ending. I do love the red tones you have been using this comic. Rikun: this is a very good one day comic. The joke was really funny and the panel shots were really cool in this comic overall. good job on this comic.
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle

TheCydork's avatar
4 years ago
Orion - I agree with Cab, it’s really cool how whenever you do these 24 hour stints, you try and make an overarching story. I think you got a little too ambitious with this one though - an escape from Hell with Estrella herself trying to stop it really needed more time for you to pull off. I had clarity issues with this comic, not being sure what was happening or which order I was supposed to read the bubbles. Brick appears for like one panel and then disappears? What’s up with that? Rikun - There’s something stupidly funny about there just being a literal brick in the alley with that ominous angle. I liked the shots of the Lego as Spoiler got punched, and the last panel showing his cracked final message. This is pretty polished for a 24 hour battle too, good job!
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle

Cab's avatar
4 years ago
Orion---- I been enjoying your continuing storyline from the previous 24hr battles, its been quite ride and I want to see more of it, keep up the good work sir, Rikun-- Like I told you before, you got great storyboard skills, and it truly shines here, you did the best with a silent, show don't tell action in your battle with Spoiler, good stuff.
Posted on ▲The Brick and the Ball▽ battle