Gardenias and Holly
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Uploaded October 27, 2020
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Comments (13)

Rose's avatar
4 years ago
I'm definitely a stan for cute Moka anime boys haha. I love seeing your art every time. Honestly, both of these characters are great, you guys both did a great job, and I can't wait to see more! Maybe go for fewer pages in the future so you can be sure you have time to finish them all to a consistent extent! Can't wait to see more!
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Reecer6's avatar
4 years ago
moka: you know this but i continue to love your comics. fun plot, fun composition, everything's here (except the parts you couldn't finish)! my one nitpick is, it looks like you added the text on the cover page from something that didn't support opacity, like perhaps mspaint and you *really oughta*, because the orange-blue artefacts distract from it and make it kinda hard to read. i know it'd be a bit silly to pick up an art program with layers literally just for that, but i think it's worthwhile! even continuing in traditional, there's a lot you might be able to add in post-processing for future comics. brobin: this is also quite nice and fun! in some of these panels i really like what you're going for structurally but it's brought down due to some combination of wiggly or short brush strokes, and lack of brush variance. i assume that's just because you're not as experienced in digital as you are in traditional. if you keep at digital, you're gonna put out some real cool compositions, i know it!
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Mixiemon's avatar
4 years ago
It's a shame both of you had slumps during this comic period but these are both really good comics and would love to see more of both of these characters.
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Rivana's avatar
4 years ago
It's very interesting that both of your art styles look similar and wonderfully cute. Even the stories/premise are almost identical! I enjoyed both sides but one has an obvious edge over the other to me as it got me invested more into the characters as I read along. Sorry to hear that both of you got into a slump during the battle. But all things considered, I think you both produced pretty good comics and I am glad you're both able to upload them in time - finished or not. So pat yourselves on the back for that and dust those cobwebs off. I hope to see more from both of you :)
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Flytee's avatar
4 years ago
What an excellent match up, I love both of these characters and how clear and distinct their personalities and designs are. Regardless of any crits I have I've come away from this battle a fan of them both. (Please fight meeee) Moka- imo your drawing skills are almost at the quality of a published manga, everything here was so dynamic and confidently drawn. I also love how expressive everyone is, even without dialogue I feel like I could learn a lot about these characters personalities just based on their gestures and facial expressions, which is really admirable. I really hope you can submit a finished comic in the future even if you have to shave down the page count- I think it's an important milestone to hit. Unfortunately, those unfinished pages do drop the quality down quite a lot. In terms of writing, I'll admit the story beats here felt little cliche and overly familiar. I think it worked for a first outing since it allows the reader to nail down your character's ethics early on- but it would be cool to see something more unique in the future. Brobin- I love Picasma's design, its super creative and the way you draw her moving and distorting her body is soexpressive and visually interesting. I also loved the twist at the end, this birds kinda sus, I didn't see that coming at all, which gives you huge bonus points from me. Writing-wise your biggest strength here was the dialogue it had a lot of personality and moved the story along in a way that didn't feel too forced to me.
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

TheCydork's avatar
4 years ago
It's a shame both of you were in a slump for this, I hope you feel better soon and I'd love to see finished versions of these comics. Moka - This was really charming. I'm a slut for calm, sinister characters and you did Ilex's expressions perfectly, and I loved the hook with the magpies following Picasma around, it was very cute. Since this is a debut for both characters, I can't say much about their characterisation, however I felt your writing of Picasma was very similar to Brobin's, so you seem to have captured her well! Most of my crits are things you'd have probably fixed with time, so I'll leave those, but I gotta say Ilex felt... way too familiar to me. I feel like I've seen this exact character several times before, right down to the timing and expressions, and that's why I liked him. He reminded me of characters I'd seen and liked before as opposed to charming me with his own merit. Granted this is his debut, so I hope we'll see more sides to him later on. I can see his appeal fading quickly if he's more of a played straight archetype. Brobin - Honestly same thing to say here on characterisation, Ilex felt like your own character. I guess both of you know each other's characters pretty well! I really like Picasma's design and attitude too. We gotta fight sometime with our old lady vibe bird aliens.
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Brobin_Dragon's avatar
4 years ago
Pocketmouse: Aw, you two made some cute comics!!! It looks like you both had a really fun time making these - they were uplifting to read. Both of your characters are interesting, and they worked really nicely together in each of your stories. Keep it up!
Thanks! :D
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Pocketmouse's avatar
4 years ago
Aw, you two made some cute comics!!! It looks like you both had a really fun time making these - they were uplifting to read. Both of your characters are interesting, and they worked really nicely together in each of your stories. Keep it up!
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Brobin_Dragon's avatar
4 years ago
hhhfjfjgjgj DUDE THAT WAS AMAZING the head angles, beats of the story, you frankly nailed her personality like it should be- *and* you did a title page?! Holy heck
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Mokachahan's avatar
4 years ago
Uploaded with shame~ So I ended up not finishing even though I focused a bit on condensing comics more.... Because I totally couldnt focus these past weeks like a fool! Also I had an incredibly difficult time with some parts of the dialogue-not coming up with it, or arranging it, but rather getting the courage to decide when it wasn't too cringy to let loose my inner edgy teen I have no one to blame but myself, and I hope next time I can upload a finished comic for once in my life OTL Brobin and I had been in quite a slump so we basically decided to force ourselves to have a harsh deadline to do some comic no matter what, and Im just glad I'm slowly remembering how to draw again smh
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Brobin_Dragon's avatar
4 years ago
I think I outta make a beyond battle/artist's comic just about the relative insanity of the last month holy heck ouch Anyway, hope you all enjoy the comics! I think the next few from me will be beyond battles, at least until after December.
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Mokachahan's avatar
4 years ago
Also extended because we figured a debut should have a biiiiit more quality and also teehee we wanna play some Don't Starve Together like bad little children
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle

Brobin_Dragon's avatar
4 years ago
(I meant to write this much sooner, whoopsie-doo!) Just a heads-up for the Voters-To-Be: Moka and I decided that we're taking this battle easy on ourselves, since originally we were going to work on a single collab and split the work haha~ Hope you enjoy what we end up with ^u^ (that being said, we're def past the thumbnailing/base sketch phase at this point haha)
Posted on Gardenias and Holly battle