Yoooooooo I really love this so much tbh!! I always love Blue and Rae stories though so that's nothing new haha. I Love the calm heart-to-heart Rae finally got to have with Dairyu, and it feels so rewarding to have Rae coming into her own and growing as a character! There were a few places I found myself disappointed at some of the details being summed up, like when Dairyu gave Rae the food and tip, but I understand this comic was probably getting a bit long and you wanted to cut down on the pages. Honestly I don't have many critiques, other than some kinda nitpicky stuff lol--for example on page 12, in the third panel, there's a flying demon coincidentally right where the first speech bubble points, so it looks like the demon way in the background is the one going "Jeez" (which is fucking hysterical but I'm assuming unintentional lol). Just watching where the tails are pointing would be a good thing probably, especially since usually with the way you do speech bubbles with slightly different text and bubble colors, you could potentially forgo the tails completely.
The only other real suggestion I could give would be to maybe try to push some of your dynamic poses; when Rae is running from the earthquake, she doesn't quite have that feeling of full-on desperate running that'd make sense for this kind of situation. You almost get there with the second to last panel on page 17, but I feel like you could've pushed it just a little more. That falling pose on page 18 is badass though!
Seriously, thank you everyone for taking the time to comment and vote! I really appreciate it <3
@Rivana and Cy
Thanks for the crit as well! I'm going to make sure I get people to proof read my comics. I do double check the spelling but I often miss things, its always been a weakness of mine. u_u; I'll be more careful in the future.
@Kozi Thank you for the comment!
Re- Rae & Blues separation. Its really briefly mentioned in my last battle with Saal, Blue basically just goes off on a mysterious adventure. I originally had a solo Blue comic planned that would expand on things more but I had to skip it.
Re brushes- Its a default brush on Medibang called the Gbrush, I amp up the texture (or "ooz" as they call it) to its maximum. Nothing fancy.
Once again, thanks for reading everyone!
Flytee, I wanna say this was a great read and I love how fleshed out Rae, Blue, and Dairyu are!!! I'm also glad you got to squeeze in some Armageddon too!!
I gotta say, your archive is one I like to come to when a new Rae and Blue entry pops up. I like that everything seems to weave together into a sturdy narrative, and you got me caring so much for these girls.
I'm excited to see what you bring for the Armageddon collab. Give 'em Heck, kiddos!
Another excellent BB from you Flytee. I am a sucker for characters with continuing stories and Rae and Blue definitely does not disappoint. And of course lovely art to look at on top of it all.
If I were to crit, I'd say double check some of the typos/misspellings if you got the time. I've seen a few :)
Flytee I really enjoyed this comic and your stories are always able to stay grounded and relatable despite the wacky setting of Void and you're art is pleasant to look at.
Can't wait to see what happens next in Rae and Blue's story.
It's no easy feat doing a linear story in void, but I think you're really building up something super interesting here. I love this as a prologue for things to come with the arma collab.
The context behind how Rae and Dairyuu was well set up. Even without having to backread this comic as a standalone was a great refresher and reinforced their budding friendship. I did some backreading into your archive to figure out how Rae and Blue got separated and why but I can't seem to find it. Am I missing something obvious?
I'd personally love to know what your brushes and tools are. I love the chunkiness to your coloring and the texture and tooth of the inking brushes you got going on.
Flytee, imma be real with you, it's impossible for me not to feel happy looking at your art. I don't even know exactly what it is, I just love all of your characters and the way you draw everything is so nice. And I think you picked excellent colors for your limited palettes here. Also, I just realized while reading this that Blue gives me some real Chika Fujiwara vibes as far as how cute and positive she is, although Blue is clearly much more aware of what's going on around her haha. Either way, it makes me happy to see these two together again, and I can't wait for the next part of their story! I also love the way you showed the gradual nature of Hell being brought to Void. It must have been surreal for anyone not in tune with those types of magic energies. Especially considering how Void City is always full of weird stuff. Rae seeing a demon peeking around an alleyway corner and saying "this area is kinda sketch" is perfect. And I love how she's so happy about seeing Blue again that she doesn't understand what Blue is saying at first.
TL;DR: I love how you wrote this comic, and your art makes me happy!
I suspect any decent ongoing story has a cliffhanger involved even if it isn't an obvious one, especially when the ground opens up and swallows up the main character.
Nice work. There really wasn't a feeling of disjointed story with the sudden Armageddon introduction. It's almost as if Blue knew the whole time and was scoping things out. I think Dairyu and Rae and Blue would make a great team and they could really learn from one another.
Keep it up Flytee!
Yess I've been waiting for another Rae and Blue comic and this one didn't disappoint! Really into the coloring of this comic the use of red, yellow and blue is done pretty well here. My only issue was that sometimes it was hard to determine the order in which I was supposed to read the speech bubbles it rarely impeded my understanding of the comic but I still ended up rereading every speech bubble on the panel again until I got it right. I'm in a love/hate relationship with your cliffhangers haha I'll be a good patient reader and happily anticipate the next entry in Rae and Blue's adventures :>
Absolutely loved this!!!
The dialogue flows so nicely, and it's very comfortable to read! The typography is very neat and fits so well with the artstyle-
Rae and Blue's chemistry is so cute and it makes me melt aaaaahhh
You are so so good at making a conversation not feel static. The amount of details in the actions every character makes- like pouring tea, adding sugar and such makes the characters feel so so ALIVE
I have so much to learn from you, this is wonderful!
God Flytee I just love your comics. I enjoy every one of them, even, if not more so, the calm little conversations. I definitely noticed you pushing your angles in this one and they added a lot to the comic. The atmosphere was also great here, I love the brush you use, it just works so nicely so even panels without backgrounds don’t feel empty. The blue and yellow lighting for the night scenes was lovely, loved the the little glow you’d get on Rae’s face when she faced open doorways. The rice cooker you added in Dairyu’s dojo kitchen was such a nice touch, really gave personality and a feeling of being loved in along with all the cute little jars of tea! The dialogue felt natural and flowed well, Blue is as cute as ever, it’s great to see Rae opening up and becoming more optimistic even in the face of an apocalypse... yeah. Just really enjoyed this!
I didn’t find much issue with pacing exactly, but I can kinda see how this was rushed? It’s honestly barely noticeable, but the one thing that bugged me was page 9, where instead of a continued conversation it was just a mental synopsis of what happened. The first two panels were fine, with Rae thinking everything clicked, but I don’t like being told “we talked about (insert subject here)”, I wanna see the conversation for myself! But I’m sure that would have taken at least a few more pages so I can understand why you wrapped it up that way. Also I keep noticing typos!! The “prey for mercy” sign especially got me. Let me proofread for you damn it >:P
OK submitted!
A bit of context for this comic- It was originally just going to just be a conversation between Dairyu and Rae- but once Arma was announced I expanded the story so I could tie it into an Arma collab I'm in AND reunite Rae and Blue asap.
There was a lot to do with the page count and time, so sorry if the pacing ever feels awkward or rushed.
Art wise I also decided to push myself waaay out of my comfort zone for this one, particularly with the moped/ scooter and the end scene.
I've done a lot of harsh self-crit while working on this comic but I'm also quite proud of big parts of it. That's about all I've got to say, thanks in advance to anyone who votes/ comments :)
Comments (15)