You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling.
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Comments (10)

snager's avatar
4 years ago
Radji: why you gotta cuck me like that, bro? lol but i did think it was hot. although, it's weird that the mom was watching the sex act? also I think the final page AFTER where the male spider guy wonders off is kind of unnecessary. Fluff: I liked that you gave your little story breathing room. And all the child spiders were really cute and funny. You went in a totally different direction with what the mama spider and her offspring are like. suggestive, but not where near as smutty or kinky as Radji. I think that's what people call 'tasteful' But I gotta give it to Radji because their comic work looks more practiced and polished, if a bit manic and high energy.
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

ArtsandGoodies's avatar
4 years ago
Radji: amazing inks, and excellent quality overall. i love the final page being all sketchy as a way of conveying the feelings he's going through by the end. I do think in theory the two characters of louise and her daughter look different enough but there are some inconsistencies with how you draw the daughter that end up making her similar to Louise. there are some panels where you draw her short pointy hair long and straight like louises' like all the panels on page 3 her hair looks more like louise's than her own small spikey hair. also her clothes seem to change from the first appearned to the back alley one which is confusing as well. Besides that this was a really great comic good job. Fluff: i love the way you draw Louise and how you draw her face, also your inks are really clean and nice. storywise I'm a little confused why Sidae immediately lashed out at Louise. also you should use a different font because the one you're using doesn't work well for comics. That being said great job with your first battle and good luck with future battles.
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

Rivana's avatar
4 years ago
The most spiderrific battle I've seen so far. Wow, what a 'nice' welcome comic to Sidae from Void on both sides lol. Poor guy must be terrified. Radji - I love your dynamic style. Even the last sketchy page read to me very clearly. You're not afraid to push the boundaries with your stories and I commend you for that. Fluffs - Very solid looking comic! I love the stark black on Louise and her brood but I kinda wished you made more effort to make Sidae stand out as well since this is also about him. I think that would've made your comic even better! He blended too much with the background. I do love your clean line work though! Also kudos to you for battling on a Void heavy hitter like Radji! Brings me back when I dove (pun not intended with the title of my first battle) head first battling Pyras on my first go lol. Boy, I had no idea what I was in for but it was an amazing experience. No regrets. XD Again, great job both of you! Hope to see more of Sidae and the future baby spider =O
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

Flytee's avatar
4 years ago
This was such a fun battle, you both killed it. I don't have much to say that isn't covered in other comments and crits, I will say I love how true to a spiders nature these characters are, it makes them extra monstrous. I'm curious to see Sidae's spawn and how that side of things will be delt with. Oh and Congrats on your first battle Fluff, I can't wait to see more!
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

Symon_says's avatar
4 years ago
At any given point you are within six feet of a spider, fyi. SPIDERS EVERYWHERE! Radji - Marvolous work on this even though reality got in your way. Your character rendition is splendid and the background figures were lovely to behold. Is Louise a grandmother now? Fluffsamasprime - Although your first panel was a little scetchy this comic looked really well polished compared to your intro. Nice work on sticking all Louise's kids in there or at least some we know of. Keep it up and good luck!
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

TheCydork's avatar
4 years ago
Heck yes spider peopleee Radji - Excellent quality as usual! I love the black and white characters on top of this brown, watercolour-style background, it really makes them pop. I love the viciousness of this comic, like it’s just teeth and fighting and creepy glares, it’s great. I’m a simple man lmao give me monsters. Also appreciate that you drew some of the people in the crowd, and gave them all distinct looks! I agree with Kozi in that on the first read I was like wait... who’s who? Louise and her daughter have different hairstyles but other than that look pretty identical. I think part of the confusion also came from the fact that we see the daughter in the crowd, and then a few panels later she’s in an alley attacking someone. It seems immediate, and how could she have changed locations so quickly? I’m also not totally sure what actually happened... did the daughter assault Sidae or did she only need a chunk of his flesh to reproduce? And if the latter was the case, why did she need to strip naked? Fluff - I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Sidae’s secret fangs are sick. I love the way you draw them ripping out of his face! His expressions are great in general, like that one on page 2 when he hears the giggles. I also really like how you stylised Louise here! It feels like your art has already improved since the intro - everything feels a little more confident here - so kudos on that too. Crit-wise, the only thing that really stuck out to me was the word bubbles. They kinda felt like clip art shapes with a generic font, which is weird in a comic. Blambot has some good free comic book fonts, and for future reference try leaving more space around the text in the bubble, making the tails longer and more curved towards the mouth of the speaker. Congrats on your first battle, anyhow!
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

Kozispoon's avatar
4 years ago
Sidae can't catch a break on both comics! hoo... RADJI- Some nice arakh species behavior and story building to be had with the mating hunt. I only wished there could've been more. I would say the only complaint I had was not being able to differentiate Louise from her daughter. When the confrontation happened I wondered if Louise had split herself in two or something. Even unfinished, your inkwork and paneling really sing. Nice work. FLUFF- First battle first battle! And way to go balls to the wall with such an opponent! I fully admire a newcomer who leaps first, fists swinging without a care to where you'll land. What a great match up! I feel you really offered the spotlight to your opponent, which while cool (nice bit of potential turf war plot being seeded here), I'm bummed we didn't get to know more about Sidae.
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
4 years ago
HOLY CRAP RADJI!!! Yours is amazing! It's got it all! Thank you for battling me! I want to get better and go against you again one day! Mah poor spider boi is lucky he escaped with his life.
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

Radji's avatar
4 years ago
I brought back Classic outfit Louise just for this one. Unfortunatly, Real life meant I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted on this comic, but still happy battle of the spiders could take place. Loved your comic, Fluff
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle

CandycornRhino's avatar
4 years ago
Posted on You stepped in the Wrong neighborehood, Spiderling. battle