Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint
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Uploaded May 08, 2020
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Comments (8)

Symon_says's avatar
4 years ago
Thank you folks for the constructive feedback. I will reign in the dialogue discrepancies. The font was from 1001freefonts called thunderman. All-caps as in Anime pro or caps lock current font? Must plan my bubble bobble a little better. Mood lighting is something I will need to explore with shade. Wrestle writing weaknesses. Corry introduces Gargonne and AEGIS to the Danger Rangers and they help Raygun against Leviathorah and others I believe. 8D it has been fun thus far
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

Reecer6's avatar
4 years ago
kent: fun comic! always love a little gargonne + aegis, they're a super fun pair <3 . had a concise story and it delivered well. i wish you didn't draw that bad panel, you know the one, i hate it. symon: you're telling essentially the same story as kent in this, which makes for a really easy comparison: i feel like the way this comic is written is weaker than kent's comic, because the main conflict here is relegated right to the end of the comic, rather than encompassing the thing. in addition, it's confused by the additional point that he's a fan of the danger rangers - this feels like it's meant to allow for some development or at least an introspective look on the behalf of someone, but they just step over it like it isn't a factor. it wouldn't really harm the comedic value if you had put in an extra line of dialogue reconciling it to the conflict, imho, like gargonne asking "isn't this a bit rude" or symon being all "betrayed by my heroes." unrelatedly, you have speech bubbles all over the place and it is very hard trying to figure out in what order they're meant to be ready. that's a lot of negative talk though, so don't think i didn't like this comic! i like your commitment to lineless art, you're able to do some really nice detail work with it, especially in page 2, and you have some other great compositional choices. i like how gargonne's leering in the back of the earlier pages too!
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

Rivana's avatar
4 years ago
This is a very close one for me. I actually enjoyed both comics. Symon - I did get a bit confused by the order of reading the speech bubbles sometimes so it might be something you'd want to look into for next time. Maybe a better font too. I am just partial to all-caps in comics XD. I love the little backstory on the Danger Rangers. I did not know Gargonne and Aegis were part of it! Mr Kent - really solid comic! Would love to see you do more shading next time even in b/w format to make things pop and give some dimension to your art. I did get a laugh at that one revelation at the end. Good job to both!
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

Mixiemon's avatar
4 years ago
Kent: You always have a great unique sense of humor and writing in your comics. Your inks are solid as always though some sort of grounding line during the fight scene would have helped. but overall great comic Symon: I really like your color choices in this comic they're all pleasing the eye and mix well with each other while everything is still distinct. While i normally prefer word bubbles with barriers getting rid of the slight shadow your word bubbles had helps a bunch and they look much better without it. also using handwriting is interesting, if you haven't already you can turn your handwritten into a font and should do that to make it done quickly while being faster. Also you should be careful with your bubble placement, when storyboarding and sketching you should have the placement of the bubbles set so the sketches don't feel cramped and the bubbles don't cut stuff off which does happen in some of these panels. You have been improving a good amount with these quint comics and figuring out this style, I want to see you experiment more with the shadow colors since on the faces they seem a little to extreme and sometimes make characters look older than they should be. Good job with the comic.
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

Flytee's avatar
4 years ago
Mister Kent- Great comic, you told a really fun, tight story with nice, appealing art. There were some really funny moments here, I don't really have any crits. Your writing won the round for me. Symon- I like that you directly continued from your last battle- seeing Egg dealing show up and be like "yo the cops are coming" cracked me up. I also love that you hand wrote your font this time (I'm a bit bias) in my opinion the text now fits the art much better, great job there. crits- Some of the speech bubble placement wasn't great & spoilt the flow of the conversation. (eg end of page 5- the placement made me naturally read the statement that's being interrupted before the interruption.)
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

TheCydork's avatar
4 years ago
Mr Kent - I enjoyed the humour in this. I loved that bit at the end with Quint just being kidnapped across the street, and the skeleton robots doing literally no damage to Quint but just egging him on. The background seemed to disappear whenever the skeletons were in the panel, though. Symon - Damn you’re on a roll with Quint! I really like how you rendered that crater on page 2, and I liked that bit of meta humour about internal monologue/poking fun at Quint’s mass of hair . Some of this came across as kinda confusing to me though. For example on page 4 it wasn’t always clear who was speaking, especially since AEGIS has a differently coloured speech bubble to Quint but Gargonne doesn’t, and what did pants have to do with anything? Why was Quint apologising to an officer when there was nobody there?
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

Symon_says's avatar
4 years ago
Mister Kent! Thank you for this opportunity to portray the mercenary duo wrangling Quint. Robots are indeed a reoccurring problem for the blonde boy and who knew they were right across the street the whole time! 8D Hope I did Gargonne and AEGIS some justice in my comic. It was fun while it lasted. Appreciate you and the work you have done!
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle

Symon_says's avatar
4 years ago
The mesmerizing Medusyn v.s. The problematic Progenerator. A who's who of frantic antics, let's get it on!
Posted on Gargonne and AEGIS vs Quint battle