Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1
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Uploaded January 29, 2020
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Comments (11)

Mixiemon's avatar
5 years ago
Sabu: I love your inks and the quality of this comic is amazing. I always love comics with limited colors and you use it fantastically. For the story it took me a while to figure out what happened to General Knox in the end. I think what threw me off was that Wes was talking about Dearheart so I originally read it as Dearheart going berserk and killing Knox somehow. That was a bit of a misreading on my part, this was a great comic and it's awesome you came back to do more stuff. Corn: Knox is a cool character and the setting you had this took place in was really interesting. I do like this experimenting you're doing with a painting lineless style. The one thing I think needs improvements for this style is that your human characters and their faces, Wes was the weakest element here and also his poses felt relativley stiff compared to knox and dearhaert. I wanna see more comics of this style and more experimentation like this.
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Batty's avatar
5 years ago
Sab: Man, I loved this comic. The storyline was my kinda story, and the art was so pleasing to look at. What a good use of that vivid red. I admit, I got a little bit confused at what exactly was going on with the henchpeople when Wes attacked, but it didn't detract too much imo. Corn: Your comic was also real pleasing to look at! Love the combination of painterly style with the funky bg and the sharp effects. I felt like your story could've used some work, though; didn't feel like there was much substance to it. Still, a real cool fight sequence!
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Flutterbyes's avatar
5 years ago
Sabulve: Oooohh... clean, bold, excellent use of spot blacks and spot colors. I just love how you render forms and put personality into all the characters, even when their ability to emote is limited. And then you end on a very unsettling note. Please protect this poor muscle creature. Corn: You gave him a suit! :D That is a slick painterly comic, and the choice to interrupt it with shockingly flat effects is appropriately jarring. You have the challenge of having a sound/music themed character in a sound-less medium, so I'm not sure if, other than the name dropping of some musical terms, the powers were effectively more than just another kind of comic book blast. He's still plenty scary though.
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Heathen's avatar
5 years ago
Kozi pretty much hit on all my thoughts here. As for Sab's environment design, Sab, would I be wrong in saying Doom? Or maybe Dead Space? They're great, though. I think Sab could maybe do with a little thinner brush. I love the line work, but more variation between the outlines and the details, and more attention paid to the direction of light sources would give everything more weight. The anatomy is consistently good, especially Dearheart's musculature. The last panel on page 4 is classic, but all of the hands are backwards. Very good hands, though. Overall, I really love the setting and pacing of this comic, and you utilized all the characters perfectly. Art, writing, pacing, and clever and dramatic disposal of your enemy give your comic the edge for me. Corn's side of course has Corn's art, and he's firing on all cylinders here. Dearheart's design is the standout here, and it's clear that both artists in this fight had a ton of fun drawing him. I also love the way Corn depicts Knox's weird body, it's a really sexy, energetic style. The biggest thing going for this comic is the way Corn has characterized Knox and drops a few little bits of dialog that tell the reader everything they need to know about him and his gear. Sab characterized him well, too, but I didn't get that his gun was a sonic weapon. The microphone rifles and mention of Music City, and the "WUB" sfx told me everything about Knox in a very efficient way. Sometimes it doesn't take much, but you have to give your reader those things, and Corn did it well. I do wish the kills were more emphasized and gruesome, but that last panel is so good. One thing I didn't quite get from either comic, though it's done a little better in Sab's, is who Wes is. He really doesn't do anything in Corn's comic, and he's a total badass in Sab's, but I would have liked to know more about him. Why he's naked, what his goals are. I think he and Dearheart were both genetically engineered specimens aboard the ship that escaped and killed the crew, but Knox didn't seem to know about them, so they must not be what he was there to collect. It's not a big problem for the story, but could have been clearer. Oh, one last note, because I saw a few others mention it-- Corn, yeah, ditch the handwritten text. Clean word balloons would greatly improve the quality of these pages. Don't worry about them covering your gorgeous art, because you should be lettering the pages before doing all that painting anyway, so nothing will be lost. If the rough hand lettering is for the sake of time, well, lettering first will save you a bunch of time drawing where the balloons are, so maybe it evens out.
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Rose's avatar
5 years ago
sabuI'm so happy to see more comics from you! Your work is always top-notch, which makes it hard to give any advice on haha. I think the only things I might nitpick are that there seemed to be a lot of shots where the character filled up most of the panel and maybe felt a little claustrophobic??? And some of your line widths could have maybe used more variation, although I feel like it's highly likely that that's just because you did this all in a pretty short amount of time. Either way, if that helps, great, if not, then just never mind me haha. I absolutely love your expressions, especially considering your opponents' characters really only had eyes to work with. I think your use of body language and how you wrote dialogue helped a lot with that. I love these characters and hope we get to see more soon!
cornI love General Knox! His arrogance is great, and I want to see more of it. I think the painterly/lineless style is really working for you, although it felt like it could use a bit sharper detail in some places, especially on characters' faces. Regardless, I loved your use of color, and it also made the stark white sound effects stand out that much more! I'm not sure how I feel about using your handwriting instead of a font, but I do think your idea of using more of a hint of a speech bubble with a transparent background is pretty cool. I like being able to see more of the pretty colors in the background :D I can't wait for more!
To both of you, I have to say that I'm really sad that this is a death tournament because I want to know more about both of these characters ;-;
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Kozispoon's avatar
5 years ago
SABU- I super dig how your work manages to be detailed and rich, but still gives off a simplistic clean look. Corns soldiers got alotta flair, so it was really neat to see you streamline the design to fit with your aesthetic. I think the use of your one color as a red line zippering the soldiers down the middle was cool. Also those backgrooooounds. I gotta know where you get your inspo or references (if any) for your interiors. What personality! CORN- Your colors never cease to amaze. You create such a mood unique to your style that kinda of feels like your trademark. I am thrown by the sudden use of writing in your own word bubbles and text. They feel really rudimentary and off next to such great art. Without looking at this characters bio I can tell just by reading what kind of foe they are (which is such a neat concept!)- also their guns and the effects of the blasts make for a rad effect. Not to mention you made dearheart look kinda badass?? Where your opponent went simple, you went ham with the details and made the character fit in your world. Super dig
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

TheCydork's avatar
5 years ago
AHHHH battle of the cool designs! Seriously both Dearheart and General Knox have such great designs ahh Sabu - Could probably stare at Dearheart all day tbh. The way you draw him is just so appealing, especially his face and claws. He has a great sense of movement and plausibility too despite being an impossible design irl. I also like the strong blacks and reds you use throughout the comic. I had to read it a few times to get what was going on though, and I’m still not sure I totally get it. Were those soldiers the same type of being as Knox? Why were they just sitting in a room with a sound system? And why was Wes naked? Corn - I looove this lineless painterly style and the soft blue palette you chose! I particularly liked the rendering on the goggles, General Knox and Dearheart. The effect on page 3 panel 1 was very cool as well. I couldn’t follow the story clearly either though. Every character and a lot of the environment is similarly coloured which made scenes, particularly fight scenes, hard to discern. There was also basically no backgrounds except the first and last panels. If it’s space, can we at least see some stars? Or more of the floating squares from earlier in the comic?
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Corn Of The Breads's avatar
Corn Of The Breads
5 years ago
Im glad I got to paint a full comic within a week, regardless of how the comic is voted on I was able to make something to push myself and I think it was worth it, I hope yall have a great time reading it!
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Fred's avatar
5 years ago
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Symon_says's avatar
5 years ago
Good entries here you two! Nice flow and story progression too. Keep it up!
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle

Sabulive's avatar
5 years ago
And done! Sent my pages through to the staff email.
Posted on Speed Death Tournament 2020, Round 1 battle