Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2
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PyrasTerran's avatar
5 years ago
your comic has been reviewed on the latest VCast, now live
Posted on Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2 battle

yarnwitch's avatar
5 years ago
These were both incredibly pleasant in their own ways! Both teams had a good sense of humor as well! I'm happy to see this battle go so well!
Posted on Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2 battle

ArtsandGoodies's avatar
5 years ago
Bloom & Gregly: this is some of the best writing I have seen on my limited time here in void. specifically what you did on page 3 was amazing since saying how she feels miserable as a joke was impact because in the last comic it was a joke so you managed use our preconceived ideas of the characters to flip it on it's head. This also managed to develop your characters in a great way and deepen their bond. In terms of art i would like more shading or highlights but that's a minor nitpick since your style is fun anyways. You two make a great team and I really want to see more of this because your writing is amazing. Sunrise and Flytee: This is a strong step up from your previous comic and great job on it, You action is much clearer in this one and the scene is well set in this. My favorite thing about this is how you drew your opponents characters, they work so well in your style and look awesome. Also I like the moves and attacks you gave for them. The biggest crit i have would be on the action lines. generally action lines need to be longer since the current ones lack impact and don't stand out enough. also another minor crit I have is on page 9 the close up Catherine, it would have been nice if you added some effect or changed the mask slightly for expression like you did at the end of the last comic. However overall you did great and I look forward to seeing more comics from both of you and improving even more.
Posted on Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2 battle

Kozispoon's avatar
5 years ago
BLOOMBEARD AND GREGLY- Please keep up your duo action after this tournament and well into VOID proper. You two make a fabulous team! I am loving the writing and storytelling you've been whipping up about these two throughout the tournament. They've got well beyond snappy one liners and quips and really established a relationship I fully did not expect. Despite not knowing who your next opponents are, you've managed to fit some character development and personal motivations and goals for each which really isnt easy in this battle format. Good on ya! The art has gotten heads and shoulders so much better. From the get go high speed police car chase to the really neat nod to your last match as we transition to this one. It's definitely a great way to start the next round. I especially dig what you did on page 1 with the bottom left panels where your opponents nudge their gaze along with the reader to the next panel to see the rubble and poor victim. Great bit of sequential work there! I don't know if you're just going ham on inspiration and references, but I fell in love with your backgrounds and cityscapes for this round. The 'glitter' of the noontime sun on the ocean and the backdrop of the city skyscrapers (and Caelum) is great. you even mixed it up by allowing us to follow these two on their jog by providing some neat dynamic angles. If I had to nitpick anything, I wish you'd push Scouts expressions more. The flashback to her heroing days has a clear bitter edge when you read her dialogue, but I don't think it's well reflected in her face. Even when she grips the monster claw on page face and is yanked forward, her facial expressions feel lukewarm at best. It's so easy to get visceral and gory with these death matches, but throughout you guys have kept it funny and borerline wholesome. This has gotta be the cutest decapitation I've seen on the site! XD Honestly another great showing from you two. I really hope you make it to the finals! SUNRISE AND FLYTEE- These characters for me have to be the most unlikely duo of this tournament. Their power sets and character are so unexpected, but they definitely make for interesting rounds. Elizabeth's quips and utter disregard for the situation in favor of her zealotry had me smirking throughout and it made for a nice build up of her fevor before we get the payoff of the swarm. There are a couple things I would note for next time- namely your action. A majority of your actions and movements were side scrolly. Meaning everything was done from a side view- even dynamic moments that would've even better served with a different camera angle. The part that sticks out to me is when Scout is flung backwards. It made the throw fall flat and feel kind of underwhelming. I'd also give your panels room to breathe. Lots of your actions and events are done in really tight close up angles where we're right in the thick of the events. Panning the metaphorical camera outwards to take in more of the gym and whats going on around them I think would better serve your needs on establishing everyone and where they are.
Posted on Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2 battle

Sunrise's avatar
5 years ago
Same! Flytee had a lot of fun writing Boris' dialogue, haha. Your characters are super cute and we're so hype to see your side of the battle!
Posted on Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2 battle

Gregly's avatar
5 years ago
aaaaand we're all uploaded! i love these characters- cant wait to see your comic!
Posted on Tag Team Magical Girl Death Tournament, Round 2 battle