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Comments (10)

PyrasTerran's avatar
5 years ago
your comic has been reviewed on the latest VCast, now live
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yarnwitch's avatar
5 years ago
Wow. Just. Wow. That is definitely a way to have a new beginning thrust on someone and this is just amazing and raw and so relatable somehow. How many more nights that we didn't see went on like this? This got me a little teary seeing her work through this, maybe I projected too much, but dang. Good job. Great freakin' job.
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ArtsandGoodies's avatar
5 years ago
This is a strong story and it's great to see it mostly expressed through Swan's emotional struggles and her reactions. You did an amazing job with this as well as working with the scrolling layout, in particular the whole shower scene was amazing. My only crit, and i'm not even sure if it's a crit, is that your scenes with limited color are more appealing than when you go for full color with realistic skin tones. The flashbacks as well her crying in the shower where the skin tones fit the mood I find much more interesting. I kind of want to see you just stick with one stylized color palette for a comic where everything falls under those limited colors even if it doesn't necessarily look like it would in real life.
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Animeshen's avatar
5 years ago
Firstly, LOVE your foray into the infinite scroll comic style, you really NAILED the pacing on your first try and im damn impressed. This comic is BRUTAL. Swan is usually so poised and elegant, so to see her so raw like this strings the heart. Shes completely broken, lost everything, but strong enough to pick herself back up and move forward. The scene of her trying to scrub the scars away in the shower was powerful. I think this is your best comic to date- the art, composition, pacing, writing, it was all spot-on and I tip my hat to you. Looking forward to seeing where the Black Swan goes from here!
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Kozispoon's avatar
5 years ago
Seeing a hero be a hero is good, but when someone so super stumbles, or suffers a near mortal wound it makes us look again. I think as a society we think heroes are so immutable, its a shock to the system when that status quo changes. When we get a glimpse of the humanity and character behind the superhero mask. This wasn't just a great peek into Swans character. You flung the doors open and let us see everything. Even things some of us may of winced or even shied away from having to watch. This was raw, uncomfortable, bittersweet and really impactful. I'd wager to say one of the more compelling comics you've done on the site. Gossamer Swan has always been kind of a VOID Veteran staple, but I don't think even the stiffest comic battles hold a candle to the impact this BB had. You took the events of our Scar Match and ran with 'em in a way I don't think anyone expected. I think the condensed 'mini-sode' flavor of the site lends itself to just having a tussle with an opponent, win or lose, and then going onto the next fight. The character isn't truly affected and almost resets for the next battle. I LOVE when Voiders break that mold and weave a narrative battle to battle. Have things from before affect their characters going forward. It's SUPER hard, but it really helps flesh a VOID character beyond just meeting someone in an alley and fighting. Poor Swan. You really sympathize with her throughout this and get an intimate look into her highs and lows. Seeing her put on such a brave face for her parents despite constant nightmares. It was a great idea NOT to bog us down more than once and show those nightmares back to back to us because our imaginations were able to assume the worst based off her behavior each time she woke up. It would've been so easy to just condense her fear in one panel and move on, but you really added weight to that disorientation and terror by dedicating multiple panels to it, all the way up to her turning on the light and realizing she was alone. I think pairing the shower scene with the flashbacks to Swans time in Remy's captivity was a great choice. You chose a present moment where Swan is naked and associating it with a flashback where she was at her most vulnerable. SO GOOD. She's a superhero, but she's still human. Still has breaking points, and even if she's survived it, there are still internal wounds that need time to heal. Ending that whole scene with her curled up on the shower floor tugged at my heart hardcore. I think we all just wanted to give her a hug by the end of it. You made me feel things for a drawing, and that's not easy. Good job. You did this great thing where you had a central theme (which was the recovery of being Remy's captive), but weaved in some great plot elements to explore for a later time: Arena and Swan Swan quitting her dance studio Swan leaving her own home Swan no longer being Gossamer Swan The new chapter and costume I don't wanna harp on them all or else this crit will be a mile long, but Arena and Swan meeting up again in that hospital room. YES. SO MUCH YES TO THIS ENCOUNTER. I don't want to knock the folks who lose, but still use their side of the battle, but MAD respect to you battling other voiders and letting their wins not only influence your character, but make for some really amazing story development. We get this great moment of awkwardness. Of humility and the first steps to these two making amends. It's great they didn't just fix things in this one comic. They left on such bitter terms you realized this couldn't be solved with one hospital visit. That'd it'd take time. Whether or not they bury the hatchet at all. I am super excited to see how this develops. When our Scar Match was being reviewed over the enterVOID airwaves, I fully agreed with the VCast critique that your technical chops when it comes to comics is unrivaled, but your writing/storytelling suffered. If you had both you'd be one formidable opponent on VOID. After reading this BB I honestly think this is an intimidating step in that direction. You hit all the beats I hoped to see and even got deeper into some I didn't expect. I was already shaking in my boots when we battled, but if this keeps up and we rematch, I don't think anyone can stop you. I am beyond thrilled I was able to be a part of this story in a small way, and certainly look forward to seeing this new Chapter for Swan unfold.
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MyHatsEatPeople's avatar
5 years ago
I love this comic, very powerful. Super well done Jay
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JCee's avatar
5 years ago
Finished it ~ I had to separate the pages out for them to fit, since it's styled in a webtoon comic format. Also wanted to stretch my legs in the colour department, it's rusty as hell but more an experiment than anything.
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OberGoat's avatar
5 years ago
Hype, I have it.
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Kozispoon's avatar
5 years ago
SO READY for this.
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MrPr1993's avatar
5 years ago
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