All Together Now 2018, Round 1
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Uploaded November 06, 2018
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Comments (12)

Mixiemon's avatar
6 years ago
Mort: The colors in this are really good and i love the palettes. Also the story and the way the pan worked against the egg dealer was really funny. The only crit i have to say is changing the colors of the word bubbles for the one page felt off and slightly confusing. The change in color for all the characters on the one page then back to a blue takes me out of the comic slightly. It would have worked better if Egg dealers balloons were the only green ones and Abbas' balloons were the only bright blue ones with everyone else's being the consistent midtone between them. Overall great stuff Pyras: You did really awesome stuff considering all the sucky real life stuff you had going on during this. I love how ridiculous and over the top this story gets and how it just keeps escalating. This was just a really fun read.
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

mortooncian's avatar
6 years ago
Thank you! Sanari just had impeccable bangs as a baby (also i totally reffed her mom from the godopod battle)
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

PyrasTerran's avatar
6 years ago
thanks guys I'm glad you're enjoying the story, if Boogi allows it I wouldn't mind dropping more wizard battles in the future Mort I love the family painting so much, I'm really into these renders
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

William_Duel's avatar
6 years ago
These were both fun! I am a big fan of Jiko so it's always fun to see more Jiko stories.
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

Animeshen's avatar
6 years ago
I think my hyperbole is being taken as fact lol sorry Pyras. I should correct- Pyras' comic wasnt done in one day, BUT, it wasnt far from it, since it was only BARELY three days. still, thats an amazing amount of work for how much time you had good job
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

G.Lo's avatar
6 years ago
MORT: I canNOT get over how lovely your colors and color palettes are! I also really enjoyed the expressions you portrayed with everyone, especially Capslock. There was some coloring/sets that looked a little rushed and unfinished but that's really my only gripe. PYRAS: Holy crap this was done in a day?! Aside from obvious rushed faces, this was a massive amount of work you put out! The writing and jokes were fun, lots of good action. I really liked the character interaction with Abbas and Egg Dealer. I hope we get to see more shenanigans in the future with them! Great job guys!
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

BoogidiBzdo's avatar
6 years ago
@Mortooncian: very nice, expressive paints on there. Those green fumes on Page 8 are super cool! @Pyrasterran: That was some massive battle you depicted. There was a lot going on there, very impressive! I enjoyed reading both of these. They were both fun reads in their own unique ways.
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

Camel's avatar
6 years ago
Thren: Brilliant coloring and brushwork as always. I was thrilled to see you working with the jiko-capslock-shift teamup because you write all of them so well, they all have such life and character. Egg Dealer and Abbas are also written very nicely - with such a collection of larger-than-life characters, it's tough to balance them all out when they're all chewing the scenery, but you hit the balance very well. Also, Shift's puns give me life. without them the world is a gray, barren void. Pyras: I wasn't aware this was done in a day (as shen pointed out below), and with knowing that this is very impressive. Art wise, i'm sure you know the shortcomings, but writing wise, this was actually pretty great - Egg dealer and Abbas are manic and so fun, and the escalation of destruction is fantastic.
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

Animeshen's avatar
6 years ago
Thren: for some reason, Shift FAILING to make a pun at the end is like the funniest goddam thing to me lol. As always your colours and painting style are absolutely beautiful, you even manage to make the egg dealer look halfway passable, which is astonishing considering his introduction is drinking egg yolk from a flask which is one of the grossest things i can think of. I love how utterly fed-up everybody looks right through this entire comic. if i had to crit i'd say theres a lot of places where the backgrounds are sort of phoned in or non-existent but your establishing shots at the beginning and end are lovely. Great work! Pyras: I cant crit this too hard since I know you were having a really rough time this entire deadline, honestly I'm impressed you got as much done as you did. The faces are... i mean, you already know lol but the story is complete and full colour, the poses- especially egg dealer's- are amazing and read even without the proper linework, the jokes are hilarious, and I love how Abbas calls egg dealer "The haggler" lol. For something you practically did in a day this is impressive. (Also i just realized, is that YOU in the front of the line that Abbas turns into a boar?)
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

mortooncian's avatar
6 years ago
swiggity swooty, comic is submitoody
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

yarnwitch's avatar
6 years ago
I'm really excited for this!!!! oh man. just, this will be GOLD.
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle

Animeshen's avatar
6 years ago
Oh man now this is gonna be some shenanigans!
Posted on All Together Now 2018, Round 1 battle