This is awesome. Almost makes me want to make Croco an evil asshole. : P At any rate, great to see a sleazy, but not batshit crazy, guy on void. can't wait to see what trouble he'll stir.
Heathen: actually the breed of rooster he turns into (cemani) has a black comb as well, though you are right its black feathers have an oily shine if it’s clean
I like him.
I can't tell if the husband is supposed to be fat or not. Sometimes he has no neck, and others he has a very slender neck. Fat guys usually have fat necks. Also, you visually undermine the power he holds over his wife by making him so small in the panels compared to her. As she's walking up to the house, he should loom large and confident over her. Then, as she releases the rooster from the cage, she should appear larger than him, showing the change in power dynamic. Then, when we see the tables turned once again, the husband should be large and dominant as he subdues her, emphasizing her helplessness.
Balloon tails should always point as much toward the speaker's mouth as possible. In 1/5 you have the balloon coming out of her crotch when there's plenty of room for that balloon in the upper right of the panel next to her head.
I would recommend using lots of photo reference for the rooster. He mostly looks like a black blob, and you're using generic cartoon bird shapes for the beak. Black feathers, especially in roosters, tend to pick up greens and blues and reds, giving them an oily shimmer, and the comb should still be red. They also have very long, thickly feathered necks. I love that he turns into a rooster instead of a raven or a bat, but because it's central to his character, be sure to get that animal right. Birds are inherently creepy, so he affords lots of opportunity for great weird closeups of chicken heads and feet. It's horror gold.
as the void duke of lineless colored style I grade this as certified fresh
I already brought up the hilights thing but I'm also now noticing the word balloon tails are looking very sad and neglected XC
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