David Birch vs Sovereign Greece
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Uploaded May 01, 2018
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Comments (7)

Rose's avatar
6 years ago
Shen, as someone who I associate with amazing colors, it's awesome to see such strong use of black and white from you! It was rough compared to your usual work, but it held together quite well. The storytelling was amazing, as expected; I especially love the dynamics between Mammon and Greece, especially how it shows Greece's much less serious and wild nature. David's swear replacements were entertaining, and I'm glad you didn't make him a complete idiot haha. The ending was pretty awesome, too, and I hope Orion takes that somewhere because it could be really interesting to see more from that interaction. It's always awesome to see SLAW's plans to ruin stuff, too. Just, like, completely enjoyable comic with solid(-ish) spot blacks!
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle

Kozispoon's avatar
6 years ago
ORION- Welp =/ SHEN- The spot blacks doe! hot damn! This black and white style I think was a great move. Really gave us a cavernous and spooky atmosphere to pair with your sewers. I'll be the first to admit that after your lovechild visual feast, this, shockingly was kinda wavering here and there by way of quality, but considering how much you packed onto your plate, this is a shockingly impressive turnout. You're really finding your feet with story and narrative, and I think your biggest strength is when you have characters just talking. The slow doubt Greece plants in David while they're in the sewers was a fun read. By the end even I was like"yo, uncle murph....are you a bad dude??"
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle

Sabulive's avatar
6 years ago
OH-OH-OH-OH-RION: Seconding yarn, I could sorta understand where things were going until the last page with Arena, making the conclusion hard to get. I'm guessing David Birch lead the police to Greece? I wish you had also blocked out the spot blacks (im guessing where you've placed the Xs) it would've helped make the comic feel more finished. SHREK: I can't believe you did all this in one week wtf. I need your work ethic. I really like this comic, both artwise and writing; I can tell that it was super rushed though, some of the inks are sloppy and I spotted a few typos here and there. The use of spotblacks is excellent but I think it would have really come together more if you used some more crosshatching. Overall, it's a super enjoyable read, especially the bit referencing Mario.
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle

yarnwitch's avatar
6 years ago
Overall, i think this was a good battle. i did have some trouble following orion's, BUT only at the very end. I was on board for most of the comic, even without words, and that's pretty impressive cause i'm kinda dense. When Arena showed up, thats where i got lost. Shen, dude. THIS black and white? You're really strong in this. I want to see more of this from you, personally. And that's some great writing! Good job!
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle

Orion's avatar
6 years ago
Shen your comic was really fun and a pleasure to read thank you for this opportunity. Despite the extension I still had a lot of trouble with this comic and very much bit off more then I could chew. Having dragged it out to a full month I wish I had given myself a better outcome but in the end I ended up with something less then standard passable. I hope next time with my next comic I will take a better approach. Also, really liked the Uncle Murphy joke.
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle

Orion's avatar
6 years ago
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle

Animeshen's avatar
6 years ago
Retribution! >=D
Posted on David Birch vs Sovereign Greece battle