Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout
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Uploaded January 08, 2018
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Comments (7)

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
This was a lot of fun, everyone did such great work! Thanks for making the last collab so amazing! special shoutout to skulls, pyras and kura for helping me get this together when i was dying at the very end, and I'm glad you all had so much fun making this with me! I hope now you all get into some fantastic battles!
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle

zee's avatar
7 years ago
Lots of lovely art as usual, all! I really like how a lot folks teamed up this time around, some of the pairs feel pretty fresh and that's capital N- Nice. Collabs are always fun to see, great effort from everyone, this was a fun way to wrap up the year!
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle

G.Lo's avatar
7 years ago
I haven't even gotten half way there yet but hoLY CRAP YOU GUYS ARE FRIGGIN INCREDIBLE. Can't wait to read the rest!
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle

Symon_says's avatar
7 years ago
Best holiday story I have ever read! Seems like many characters have prior history and others are kind enough to start some with the new bloods. Good stuff y'all! Keep it up.
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle

Goldie's avatar
7 years ago
Reading all of these was a delight! Everyone did such a fantastic job~ For those that collabed with me, thank you so very much! I enjoyed it so much even through the health problems. AND BOY THAT ENDING //eyes emoji //sweat emoji
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Very lovely work from everyone! I had a lot of fun collabing with my partners, learning new things every time and putting out such awesome stuff together. I won't lie, the festivities have made it a bit tricky to get this collab done, but you all did great regardless! It was a joy to see a lot of sweet, funny and sometimes dramatic stories and moments laced within. I'm so happy we pulled through and put together something for this, and man, DAT ENDING. And finally, a BIG BIG thank you to Shen for all her hard work in organising this event as well as Secret Santa. I'm gonna miss these big comic collab events, but hey, maybe one day they shall return ~
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle

Hellis's avatar
7 years ago
Thank you to all those that I collabed with. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun forwarding Matildas story in this, your colors make my Inks look way better then they are! Thank you Shen for that amazing job you did on our little one pages having all the work in the world to do with other collabs! Amazing job everyone!
Posted on Sovereign Greece's Winter Holiday Blowout battle