There's a weird thin outline on your panels most notably on page 1, 3, and 5. Most likely caused by the fill tool. Make sure to always check for those since the fill tool is always going to miss some spots.
I really enjoy that this confronted a lot of what most of the parents of the spider kids would react with, I am curious how it is planned to be resolved though over all really dark and really fun!
Your art continues to improve as does your torment of poor Holden ;_; I like that the introduction of Liane gives us a slightly better understanding of why Louise is so terrifying to Holden but theres still a few puzzle pieces missing I hope you both fill us in one one day. and i think I better draw Lily giving her boyfriend a hug lol oh dear
I'm gonna echo Zee and Sean, there was stuff that could have been expanded on a bit more in that beginning segment. And someone give Holden a shoulder to cry on or a hug or SOMETHING.
OUCH poor kid, she's super cute. Please don't make the baby cry!
Also somebody give Holden a gosh darn hug, he more than deserves one at this point.
Visually this is a cool comic. I'll just say that I basically agree with everything that Sean has said so I don't repeat too much ha ha.
Great work!
I really like the way the setting is built here. Radji, you always expand more and more on how you picture a city block in Void and I love it. The color pallet was a great choice because it definitely compliments the gore in the comic. The story was solid and a bit heartbreaking from the POV of the child. I had to reread the part where the child is being chased into the alley, because at first I didn't noticed she was being pursued by two goons. I think if you had a few more panels showing that chase it would come together a bit more! Good shit, you crazy kids!
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