The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost
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Uploaded November 04, 2017
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Comments (13)

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
Alouisse- gosh you draw these fellas so darn cute XD Even bleeding, Adwell is so adorable lol. I love the colours, and the way you used screentones for shading. I think I still prefer when the demon has black text bubbles so we have a clear visual clue of whose in charge even when we cant see his eyes. I'm so happy Adwell got to have this encounter because I love that he got some clear answers on why hes got the demon. If it adversities he needs to overcome to prove his strength, Void is certainly the place to test him! A fight club is an interesting idea to wear the demon out but I feel like more information could happen there. like is that something thats going to come up again? it was MaKenzie's big idea he was leading up to and it kind of seemed to go "oh thats neat". also: fight scene could have been longer lol. Otherwise, huge improvement already from your last couple comics, I'm glad to see you learning so much so fast! Nachte- Welcome back! Im so happy to see another McKenzie battle, I always liked him! I gotta say i ADORE the way you draw Demon Adwell with all his extra eyes and arms. Having Adwell battling through his own psyche and physically tearing the demon away was such a goddam cool moment. This was a fantastic comic from start to finish, loved the pacing and Characterization, i dont even know how i would critique it I just loved it. great job you guys! I hope these two are best friends now!!
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Come on guys, let's give this battle some comment love. Honestly, I love both comics, and I wish I had any real good critique to give them. Both their plots are similar, but I really like how each had a different outcome/resolution to the dilemma. And I’m always a sucker for mentor kind of stories. If there’s anything I had to nitpick at, I’d say I’d like to have seen a bit more polish on the lineart/spotblacks on Nachte’s side. Still, I’m mighty impressed with how many pages you pulled out in two weeks. For Alouisse, I’m not too keen on the half tone sitting on each other characters like that. It looks fine when placed against the backgrounds, but I don’t know if it works as well on the characters themselves? Almost like they’re half-merged with the background tone, if that makes sense? At any rate, I definitely dig your lineart and colour scheme in this one. Overall, good work to the both you! Can’t wait to see more!
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

yarnwitch's avatar
7 years ago
Oh my god. I... i need some recovery from all this awesome. Whew!
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

Nachte's avatar
7 years ago
Ah man that was a really great read! 1. your color choices are really really nice, and I love that texture you put over it. 2. you draw mckenzie better than I draw mckenzie. 3. I really fucking love that we apparently decided to tell the same story with completely different outcomes without consulting each other at all. It's pretty cool how some of the plot echos in each side. Thanks for the battle, it was super fun!
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

Alouisse Ver's avatar
Alouisse Ver
7 years ago
MAN! This comic was fun to do! This was an incredibly fun challenge and I don't even know where to begin with my WORDS. Gawrsh. I love these chars a ton. Father McKenzie seriously is an absolute joy to draw. I wasn't sure about comic etiquette before, but I'll definitely be responding to each and every comment once this is done. Now that I have a better idea of how commenting works. THANK YOU for this wonderful battle, Nachte. You straight up KILLED it with these pages. It was both an immense pleasure and honor doing this. There's going to be more said here! But I just wanted to get these words out there atleast. <3
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

Nachte's avatar
7 years ago
oof, uploaded! I didn't do a cover page, but I was pretty tapped out by the end of this! Had tons of fun drawing it though!
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

William_Duel's avatar
7 years ago
I'm very jealous.
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

Jackster's avatar
7 years ago
Lord have mercy.
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
i am ungodly hype~
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

yarnwitch's avatar
7 years ago
I kept trying to come up with puns but they were all so dirty, so please have a good clean fight!
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

Hellis's avatar
7 years ago
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
7 years ago
The Great, The Good, And The Excited.
Posted on The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost battle