A powerful Magician charged with the protection of humanity, perhaps the world's most powerful.
Augustus was also a father. He may still be, depending on how one defines a couple of key terms. His daughter, Olivia, sacrificed herself in his stead to protect humanity from Oblivion, creating the gestalt entity now known as Oblivia.
He, after a fashion, ended up as Oblivia's caretaker. Who else would take on the responsibility, after all? And it was still his daughter's face that looked back at him with those eyes emptier than nothingness. Still his daughter's voice that echoed with hollow silence. Still his daughter's hands that held pencils to paper and drew. Olivia had never been an artist, but apparently Oblivia was.
He did his best to care for the terrifying stranger in his daughter's skin, especially after it became clear that she meant no harm. But he could not stop missing Olivia, or blaming her disappearance on Oblivion. Blaming it on the consciousness that now puppeteered her.