Serath Klodus is nothing but trouble.
Once the heir to a high-ranking family, she decided the life of high society was not what she wanted. Fleeing from the family (after having stolen a hefty chunk of the family fortune), she carved a swath of violence and chaos through the galaxy until finally being caught.
She was being transported to a high-security space prison when she managed to break out, stealing an escape pod and taking off towards the nearest planet.
Hours later, she crash-landed in Void... and she plans to make the most of her time here.
-Serath is semi-aquatic/amphibious, which means that she does require a bit more water than the average human, mostly to moisturize. Alternatively, mud baths work just as well. She loves a good mud bath. (and she can and will kill for it)
-This also means she's great at swimming
-She has a fascination for magic, and wants to learn how to use it; high technology is commonplace to her, but magic is new and very neat to her
-Is extremely dangerous, with no qualms about attacking and killing anyone who gets in her way or has something she wants. It's a lot easier to steal from the dead, after all.
-Above all, she's here to have fun. A bored Serath is a powder keg waiting to explode; if she's not entertained, she can and will make her own fun at everyone else's expense.