A mysterious wizard who has recently appeared in Void city; or have they always been here? Did they ever even arrived at all? Whatever version of Void city one may inhabit, Saal can be found by those who know to seek their help. Acting as a freelance wizard specializing in psychic phenomenon, Saal is willing to help anyone provided the check clears. Saal is here to put your mind at ease whether it means showing your future, changing your past, granting you knowledge, or helping you forget. Everyone deserves a little peace of mind from your pal Saal. (for a fee of course)
This enigmatic individual is on a mission of some sort; one that remains a mystery to everyone but Saal.
Saal's personality falls on the introverted side, they will often come off as aloof and calculated to new people. Once Saal takes a liking to a person their new friend will find Saal to be very empathetic and caring towards others. Most days Saal likes to keep to themself in their animated walking tower, named Pitter Patter, which wanders around the city in a convoluted route. While in their own element, Saal is confident, skilled, and knows how good they are at what they do. When away from their home or friends, Saal is as timid and nervous as can be.
Saal is an Animancer; they are a magician that focuses on psychic ability and mastery of consciousness. Their abilities include telepathy, precognition, astral projection, psychic constructs and dimensional travel through mind transference, among others. There are countless realties and versions of Saal within them. They can "shift" their consciousness between the different Saals and conduct business among multiple parallel universes.
One of the Animancers' signature abilities is the use of constructs created from their psyche; Saal makes use of three.
The first is Egos, aka Sneakers, a cat-like construct that can shapeshift and provide offensive ability and can act on its own to scout around for Saal. Sneakers often seeks out people that need Saal's services and leads them to the wizard. Then there is the Parabolas, or Parrys, diamond shaped glass like creatures that orbit around Saal and defends them from attacks. The last of these constructs is Animalgus, a being of pure instinct and desire. Saal is able to keep it in check by containing it within their left arm. The arm is able to grant or take knowledge from any living thing it touches, even granting temporary psychic ability. To inanimate objects, it can grant them sentience turning them into a horde of insane golems that only want to consume.