
Ted Bushberry’s Bio

He is the man with no name (His name is Ted Bushberry) His past is a mystery (He used to be a TV salesman in Steel City) He has come to Void to claim the 150.000 cash price in the Void Invitational Tournament (He is having a mid-life crisis) He knows what it takes to be a hero (He has watched "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" 17 times) His horse is named Gertrude (after his ex-wife) Ted Bushbe.. sorry, "the man with no name" left his city, his friends, his wife (though it could be argued she already left him 10 years ago) and has come to Void in search of adventure, money, babes and his lost youth.. Ted Bushberry was knocked out of the tournament by Jimmy Boom in the third round. In the end Ted crossed swords with notorious criminal and all-round bad guy Lt. Blackader and paid for it with his life. An unmarked cross now marks his grave in the Void Cemetary