If we do there will have to be a long deadline, I'm testing for Staff Sergeant in May and need time to study. Its gonna take priority over anything else I'm afraid.
Ide like to finish what I started..If Vioer is interested ide like to sceduale a battle for the 1st of may..He can continue his storyline of stealing my DNA and I can go after what I had planned going after on this battle...and get a little revenge..
I'm sorry you had to win your first battle by default, hon. I was looking forward to seeing what Drawdan had planned.
I'm sure we'll see you in future battles though, right Draw? ;)
I can't properly comment on this because I'm so biased but I know how much work you put into this. I know what you did differently what you've improved on since the last time you did sequentials. I know that you're damn amazing for pulling off as much as you did in so little time.
I'm glad you have this project. Now... get to working on beyond the battle!
Lots of great crits guys, preciate it. Thats why I joined.
I do have certain \"comfort poses\" though I tried to keep them to a minimum. I did try some new things in this though because of the time constraint I didnt experiment too much in fear of not finishing.
Paneling is definitely something I need to work on, I have trouble incorporating it into the story telling. Hopefully it'll get better as I go along. I'm gonna try to do better with my planned beyond battle since I'll have plenty of time to plan it out and try new things.
Hope you're feeling better Drawdan, sorry you didnt get to post. I was looking forward to seeing what you had. Sucks to win my first battle this way. We'll have to rematch sometime after the break.
Thanks everybody.
Way to flex them muscles Chief! This was a great fight tho I could have used a bit more fisticuffs. No cutting corners on our fight, you have plenty of advanced notice ;) Being new to seques, it looks like your having some trouble with layout. Especially on page 5. Panels 1 is good and roomy, panel 2 is empty and panel 3 is too crowded. Spread it around. Don't be afraid to open up the shots. Don't go in trying to \"fit\" stuff in just think of it as taking snap shots of the action. Check out some of the panel greats like Kirby, Steranko and Larsen. Those guys are masters at pushing a panel to the limit. Need any help, we're here for you buddy. JV
well done, viper. Sin City inspired color scheme? That's cool in my book. I dig your art style, and yeah, we all could use work on paneling. My only crit is that I think you have some set poses that you use because you're comfortable with them. That pose in page five looks awfully similar to the Mechanic's win pose. My recommendation is to experiment with all sorts of angles and poses, and push past your comfort zone, expanding your horizons a little. The whole point of the site is to grow as an artist, right?
Once again, great stuff. Can't wait to get a piece of the Mechanic myself.
For someone not used to sequentials, I think you did a pretty good job. Phil is right about things looking a bit flat in places specifically in regards to mechanics face. Understandable though considering the simplicity of his mask. I think it would be less pronounces if that simplicity was constant throughout the art.
For example, Mech's face is very simple, with strait lines and simple shapes, but his body and Dred's body where very curved with more complex shapes and shading. Mech's face looks very Mignola inspired, but his body (At least in the comic) doesn't carry that influence. Hope that makes sense.
Only other advice I'd give you is to choose which panels you want to have the most impact, and make them the largest on the page.
For example, the last page lacked impact for me because the finishing blow with the big wrench was on the small side. If that panel filled more of the page the sction would have seemed more important.
All in all though, great fight!
I'll be doing a Beyond Battle during the break, I'll continue this story as well as show Mechanics home base and what he does there.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm fairly new to sequential art.
Good entry Viper!
Drawdan: ... I know you hate winning matches by default, and you mentioned it in a previous battle as well. Try to submit something next time, get yourself some points at least.
ViperChief: Hmmm... this looks more like a scar match than a trophy match (then again... what's the differance). Your art seemed a bit flat in some places (mainly the Mechanic's face due to the simple shapes) but other than that this looked nice! I think this could of had a bit more story to it however, something after the fight maybe (got any beyond battle's planned ;) ) but you did a swell job man!
Welcome to void Viper! Keep it up or something?
I actually just uploaded mine, didn't see this. Sorry about that. If they'll still give an extension with mine loaded that's cool. Not sure how all that works yet.
Ive been sick as a dog with the stomach flu the last 4 days and could use a weeks extension..I remeber you saying you were crunched with time as well viper...If the Council gives us a new deadline of like, the 22nd, we can still close out a 7 day vote before the site goes down in may...
Hoping I can get this done on time, haven't had alot of time to work on it last couple days. The Air Force is tough on the freetime sometimes. I'll try to knock out the last pages tomorrow.
Thanks JV, it took 20 minutes staring at blank paper to think that up. Think I'll try to work it into my Beyond Battle as well, if Drawdan's cool with that.
This should be one heckava battle. Kick some butt you guyz. Viper, I'm really looking forward to what you got in store for us and that tissue sample is freakin' genious. I'm gonna hafta get crafty to take you down, I just know it already! JV
The Mechanic takes a tissue sample, figure he can do something cool with that. Just off the top of my head you could get one of his teleporters, you can come up with anything you think would be useful to dreds though. Good luck!
I dont know, Ive just never done a trophey match before and I thought it be something different. I guess I would snatch some kind of gadget from ya..what trophey are you thinking of?
Comments (28)