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Himawari vs Veronica Nightingale

3 Weeks
Regular Match


Himawari vs Veronica Nightingale
By Majikura
chat_bubble 21
star star
Veronica Nightingale
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.40
Himawari vs Veronica Nightingale
By ScorpionOcean
chat_bubble 21
star star
Final Score: 4.79

Comments (21)

ScorpionOcean's avatar
20 years ago
woohoo, a battle! Looking forward to it :)

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
20 years ago
KuraX has received an extension

FanTa_DudE's avatar
20 years ago
*in a kinky yet VERY WRONG japanese school uniform dress* "GO HIMAWARI! GO!!" *girly high-pitched japanese laugh*

Majikura's avatar
20 years ago
phew, uploaded in the nick of time.

Dingo's avatar
20 years ago
himawari, i think your fight would have earned a LOAD more of extra points if you had coloured it. not even shading or reflections, just flat colours would have been better. i'm not taking off major points for quality, though it won't be as high. i think you could have also added some more details....your figures kinda reminds me of plastic dolls. there's lots of room for improvement, and i think you can do lots better. we'll see in your future fights :3 veronica, i liked the crosshatching, and your other methods of shading. good job with the detail in the clothing too. you fill up the space points go to you on quality for that. the guy on the first page reminds me of something offa yu-gi-oh o.o;; no points taken for that.....just thought it was weird. nice fights both of you, they both show potential ;3

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
20 years ago
oooooh, continuation. as you could probably tell i like those. Makes me want to read the next one even more. Have to say though, veronica.... its just a personal opinion, not saying you did em bad, i just hate all the hair styles in this..... they are all screaming yu gi oh at me..... but other than that I liked it, and all the cameos and all that. himawari... very simple here. Clean though, which is good. I could see this as being some pages out of a coloring book. Maybe next time go for some shading or tones or maybe even simple colors to liven it up a little. Great effort from both of you though.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
20 years ago
btw..... vencil, huh? searching for him, Kura? Seem to recall his old tag team partner spending a great deal of time with the pointy toothed ghoul..... >_0

FanTa_DudE's avatar
20 years ago
Hima... Very consistent Nice clean art with a fair grip on anatomy. It's great that it's not too typical manga-looking. As been said, adding colors would have added a surprisingly great deal (it always grabs the attention, especially of your opponent goes b&w!). U gotta make ur panels more dramatic and dynamic ie. make a punch feel like a PUNCH etc. That's usually achieved thru non-static camera angles ...and time and practice, of course. Plot and storytelling could use some more of that dramatics as well. You have some very promising stuff... great potential... Stick around Void and you'll see for yourself what i mean. Ver... i don't see much wrong about it. Dynamic panels. Great storytelling. Intriguing plot. There's that certain minor photocopy-like degradation (Photoshop Levels?) with the line art that bothers me a tad little. Minor. But you did a much better job of drawing Himwari than I did for my [still pending] battle! Good fight to the two of you. We all love seeing two chicks goin hard at it!

Fanta5y's avatar
20 years ago

Wyvern's avatar
20 years ago
I gotta say I was expecting more from Himawari, the art, though clean, was not as good as I thought I'd see based on the fighter pics in the profile. I hate to say it, but that image of the robber running away at the 'crime' line almost made me laugh! Since you do have a clean style though, if you add colours I'm sure itll be better, and all you have to work on then the most is filling up your pages - waaay too much white space. Kura - good job, though not as good as your last comic, it was still a well done piece. ^^

jho's avatar
20 years ago
wow can a dress be ripped easily like that?

Majikura's avatar
20 years ago
Yu-gi-oh hairstyles? What the hell..... Dan, I'd like to take you up on the challenge, but unfortunately there's several other people i have to get back to at the moment...

Varis's avatar
20 years ago
Woot! Good job, Ver. I liked it. But I can see what they mean by the yu gi oh hairstyles. And for some reason, your fight just looks... (for lack of a better word) staticy. Hima, your fight was pretty basic. I can also see the colouring book comparison. One thing I didn't like was that it was all white. Even if your fight is going to be B & W, throw some greys in there to balance it out. Very basic, but neat. Rock on, mates. Great job.

ScorpionOcean's avatar
20 years ago
okay, some stuff came up and this fight was horribly rushed but Kura you did a great job. I'm was originally going to color this but I didn't. I'll try to step it up for the next battle :) Good job Kura! Watch your back ;)

Majikura's avatar
20 years ago
Watch my back? in some kinda gang or something?