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Daku vs Veronica Nightingale

2 Weeks
Regular Match


Daku vs Veronica Nightingale
By Majikura
chat_bubble 16
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Veronica Nightingale
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.97
Daku vs Veronica Nightingale
By Kainsword17
chat_bubble 16
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Final Score: 5.30

Comments (16)

Majikura's avatar
20 years ago
I've been looking forward to this for a while now. Thanks for accepting my challenge kainsword

Majikura's avatar
20 years ago
Booyah, uploaded with time to spare.

Kainsword17's avatar
20 years ago
My fight is now been uploaded, and it is the best fight I've done YET!!!

sheldon's avatar
20 years ago
BIG IMPROVEMENTS AHOY! K.Sword: Big points for you today mate. You attempted a storyline, there was actual partake in a battle, and Nightingale didn't look like a DAKU!! Well done mate, this is proof you're aiming to imrpove yourself. But you still have a long long LONG way to go. Now that most of us can assume how daku is going to finish someone, you're going to have to use some skill in fighting people. Your character will have to win in new ways, using the environment, setting the scene and all that. You'll work on it i know. Your anatomy and backgrounds still need work, and parts like when nightingale jumps up and opens up her fans could be aided by some well drawn sound effects. Even though you got a lot of work to do, you're on the right track mate. Best battle from you ever. Kura X: Pretty good effort for your first battle, although from seeing your profile work, i somewhat expected more. Your art seems very rushed and messy, nothing really clean about it. And when you have a dirty gritty method such as yours, the simplistic anatomy and face of anime doesn't really mix. As the opposite of Daku, i think you rely on your soud effects TOO much inorder to tell the audience whats goin on. That part where daku is thrown back and he skids, i never would have realised that if you hadn't had the sound there. But like Daku, you have a long way to go, but you have a sound skill in story setting and you're on your way, just work on your cleanliness and attention to detail.

drawdan's avatar
20 years ago
Nightingale is some nice work, A little sketchy which im not used to seeing in anime style work, but the layouts are decent and the character anatomy shows skill. I seems a little rushed for your skill level, but I like it. Daku, I agree with your feeling on this battle-looking at your past battle you are showing alot of improvement in story telling and your art. You really need to work on your lettering, that was a major distraction for me and it really takes away from the art. If your going to hand letter, rule it and really take your time-I think I remember an instance were you crossed a word out in the word baloon. Aside from that alot of positive progress-keep chargin with it!

jonas's avatar
20 years ago
fist of satan!! where's halliday when you need him? nice startoff, kura. got some interesting story to go with the slashing. looking forward to reading your next battle. :D and talking about story, I almost saw some in kains entry. getting better atleast.

fel/P2's avatar
20 years ago
ok i agree with shelde kainsword did good on this one,u can see the improvement from each fight take place,i notice u still giving people bug like features but see u slowly getting out of that as well and looks like your getting more fleuent with daku too cause hes coming out nicer in this fight kura this was a nice first fight but i also agree that it looks rushed and look like too many face shots of veronica the whole time.....if ya gonna do that then atleast switch the angles here and there and zoom out more to show some background. And i was dying cause in your fight daku looked like an armored lion to me but its still all good though

Kainsword17's avatar
20 years ago
Ah, Kura X, one small point here. Daku is a moth, not a wasp, OK^_^

Fuudasha's avatar
20 years ago
Ahhh, kainsword, it was a joke man! A joke! Nice entries you two. Best of luck. I'm right tho, right Kura? A joke? Kaaainswoord!! lol Keep up the good work guys, everyone else, stay chill as well. Nuthin but art love here. I'm gonna go nap.

Majikura's avatar
20 years ago
ah hah hah, indeed the dealine crept up on me and I didn't even know it. I'll be sure to take my time on the next one and properly plan it out so I don't have to rely on the sound effects too much. Armored Lion? Hmmm...perhaps I looked at the reference wrong.....and yeah a moth, not a wasp, got it. *nod nod*

Joe Outside's avatar
Joe Outside
20 years ago
Kura X: Nice job, with what everybody said before me (although I don't see it as sketchy as, well, scribbly. Megatokyo is sketchy, if you want a comparison.) Kainsword: I'm definitely seeing improvement with every fight. Keep up the good work.

JTDemon's avatar
20 years ago
definitly seeing an improvement from you Daku! cool stuff . good first fight from veronica, nice bit o' background for the battle too on a final note..! FIST OF SATAN!!!! love it! :)

i_spirit's avatar
20 years ago
Kainsword, try drawing still lifes and figures utilizing the entire grayscale. Once you grasp shadow and light, the technique emerges. You can then find detail in simplicity. Kura X, not bad, but it could've been a little more exiting.

Fanta5y's avatar
20 years ago
Oh yay, Koibito is gonna win~ <3

blinkythemouse's avatar
20 years ago
nice starter kura, some story stuff seemed a bit confusing, although im sure its clear in your bio. i could be totally wrong on this but maybe introduce bits of the organization to us throughout your comics. either way quite nice! tho as its already said, does seem a bit rushed for your work. now the biggy, kainsword! very nice improvement!! veronica looks like veronica, and the whole thing is much clearer as to what is happening. daku is looking better as usual. somemore creativity in the battles is needed and a need for you to write out your text on a seperate sheet and proofread it would be good too. my vote goes to Kura, but if there was an award for most impoved it totally goes to you kain! even tho ya can really give one to kura now... hey.. its the thought that counts

blinkythemouse's avatar
20 years ago
whoops! edit: "can't* give one to kura" yeah.. much clearer now