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The Grand Void Bake-Off : Side B


Bake-Off for Five!
By Marcelo Rockman
chat_bubble 6
star star
Final Score: 7.17
The Grand Void Bake-Off : Side B
By Kidlet
chat_bubble 6
star star
Kiderance 'Kid' Wilde
Final Score: 6.39
The Grand Void Bake-Off : Side B
By RamenBean18
chat_bubble 5
star star
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Family Ties
By Batty
chat_bubble 6
star star
Croi Desai
Final Score: 6.67
Shared Delight
By kubo
chat_bubble 6
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.86

Comments (13)

Juxta's avatar
5 months ago
Rockman: You squeeze so many jokes into your dialogue, I had to come back and read over to get some of the references! Impressive! Love how you laid out the sequence, simple but so effective. I need to know where you got that pic for the 'meat cake' LMAO. Kidlet: AHHHH, THIS IS ADORABLE! I mean I expected nothing less from a Kid comic but STILL.... His expressions are just the cutest, and I love how you stylize the other characters! His tarts, the effects, the whole format is so precious... I just want to see more of him now!! Batty: Awesome to see some Diwali influence in Croi's baking! I love how calculated and passionate he is. The weaving in of his family situation alongside the baking was also really clever, I want to know more!! Kubo: AHH! I aim for the amount of professional quality you imbue in your work. The grid layout is SO COOL and everything feels so cohesive, from the outlines to the textures. Ancile is ADORABLE. I love their expressions and mannerisms. So curious too... Their interactions with everyone, The final result, THE RECIPE!! WHAT!! This entire comic is just darling. I want it printed and sitting on my shelf :'p

Kidlet's avatar
5 months ago
Rockman: i just gotta say I love the artand all the creative cakes and desserts you made here. I cackled seeing having made Flying muffins and Croi's cake with teet and Pinecone's... well pinecones and the various cosmic desserts and then there is mob's meat dog cake. Oh god, just seeing the judges reactions was worth it. Had me cackling as I read each reaction. Good luck! Kid: it me~ Ramen: tis sad you werent able to post yours seeing as Pinecone seemed to be well loved in the bakeoff. Heard you were having trouble posting. Still maybe in the future we shall see pinecone trumphantly making a dessert for the next bakeoff. Batty: while it is a short comic I do gotta say that the design of the cake is very pretty just love that its such a relaxing comic that is being remembered by Croi until the last page reminds us that we are still waiting on this mafia boss needs to go rescue kitty. Good luck Croi! Im rooting for you to get her back. Overall I do love the art and the design of the judges, just gives us a relaxed panther in his element. Kubo: I love the display of tri colors you used for this comic as well as the elements of having Ancile learn the art of comfort dessert food. It just put a smile to my face seeing Ancile go to various character and just learn and enjoy about the dessert before making his dessert roll. (I saved the recipe cuz I do want to try and bake this at some point when I have time in the kitchen) the art and the flow of the comic is very fluid and overall fantastic. Think out of all of us in Bracket B, I love your comic the best.

Cab's avatar
5 months ago
Rockman -- once again you’ve made of the funniest comics in a royale i’ve read, I enjoyed all of the reactions from the panel of judges and the bizarre and great treats reveals of the contestants, good stuff sir. Kidlet- amazing looking comic, you so good to read another comic from you its been awhile and this truly was a treat for the eye (no pun intended, okay maybe a little pun), loved this comic and had me on the edge of my seating waiting to see what the judges were gonna score, please make more comics I always enjoy reading them. Batty- excellent comic here, I enjoyed how you showcase the fine cooking skills of Croi and shared with us the readers a bit more of Croi’s family past, I can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up for future tales, keep it up. Kubo- This comic was an fine example showcasing your skills as one of the current best comic makers on the site, I tip my chef cap to ya, another fine crafted tale from your recipe book. Ramen- Sorry we didn’t get any pages from you, I know you were drawing some neat stuff when we spoke online, but I know sometimes real life takes a toll on us all, take care of yourself and eat some tasty cakes and enjoy these great comics shown here.

Snowy's avatar
5 months ago
I absolutely loved your comic, and the end joke was so good! Also, the dog frosting was cute, I'd give Mob a solid 8/10 for that alone, LOL.
Posted on Bake-Off for Five! comic by Marcelo Rockman

Bobert's avatar
5 months ago
Dang, I need to cook this sometime.
Posted on Shared Delight comic by kubo

Bobert's avatar
5 months ago
I can only assume you had a few more pages planned but couldn't squeeze them in. I would have loved to have seen them, what you've got is pretty nice looking and cute and I'll parrot Rocks sentiments about the screentones too.
Posted on Kiderance 'Kid' Wilde feature comic by Kidlet

Bobert's avatar
5 months ago
Even if you did lose motivation for this, you did a complete comic to the best of your ability.
Posted on Family Ties comic by Batty

Bobert's avatar
5 months ago
I'm sorry that you had troubles on your end.
Posted on PineCone feature comic by RamenBean18

Bobert's avatar
5 months ago
I had a good laugh at the final page, that was good.
Posted on Bake-Off for Five! comic by Marcelo Rockman

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
5 months ago
I looooved the cupckaes that Kid made! I'm super hungry now! Lovely art and tones!
Posted on Kiderance 'Kid' Wilde feature comic by Kidlet

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
5 months ago
Loved how Croi told us about why and what he was making, a simple and charming story I enjoyed a lot.
Posted on Family Ties comic by Batty

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
5 months ago
What a pleasant story, very comfy and I loved that you put the actual recipe at the end of the comic.
Posted on Shared Delight comic by kubo

Goldie's avatar
6 months ago
I’m super hyped for everyone’s comics! And thank you to all who joined my event, it warms my heart to see!