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Gwen & Regi vs Kurdis

2 Weeks + 3 Weeks
Regular Match


By snager
chat_bubble 6
star star
Final Score: 6.59
Gwen & Regi vs Kurdis
By Gregly
chat_bubble 5
star star
Gwen & Regi
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.11

Comments (9)

TRM_that guy that is cool's avatar
TRM_that guy that is cool
7 months ago
I'm going to be honest i really like how you wrote Kurdis. The whole thing feels like it could be an episode of some TV show, and I'd watch it.
Posted on Gwen & Regi feature comic by Gregly

TRM_that guy that is cool's avatar
TRM_that guy that is cool
7 months ago
I enjoyed this one gave me the feels. The only bug i could see was on page 5, it's hard to read the text, I had to zoom in on my phone. I like what you did with the page none the less. The foreshadowing let things happen more naturally i feel. (I'm not sure if that's what it's really called but I'm just going with it)
Posted on Magic comic by snager

Hobbittasic's avatar
7 months ago
Dearest Grog- Oh man you have great poses and expressions. Dangerous den of depravity?! Old Lady Gwen needs to step up her game she can have WAY more depravity! Page 8 is a treat! This comic does what it needs to imo. Very cute with a nice lesson.
Posted on Gwen & Regi feature comic by Gregly

Hobbittasic's avatar
7 months ago
What a sweet comic. It has a nice color palette and the water color gives it a great texture. I like how you visualized Gwen's magic coming back. Also you drew Old Lady Gwen so cute I love her expressions in this. The only things I'd note is that the dialogue text was a bit hard to read sometimes and the backgrounds could use some filling out in places. Overall it's a nice read! Good job!
Posted on Magic comic by snager

Gregly's avatar
7 months ago
Snager- thanks for dedicating this to my dad, it means a lot. I'm a big fan of how you use watercolors and you manage them so well, they look great with your loose ink drawings which are full of so much energy. I like the motion in Rejji lifting the door and the flashback page looking like a memory board got me emotional.. and i like the slight foreshadowing with opus being stronger than Rejji in the arm wrestle and then using their strength to save the catto at the end. The little bean kittens throughout are so cute! Thank you so much for this, it's great!
Posted on Magic comic by snager

Snowy's avatar
7 months ago
Since this feels like an incomplete comic, I'll try to just critique what I think could be improved overall, rather than particular points. I like the movement you create with how the characters are positioned and pose, it makes them feel very alive. The expressions are fun too, and I enjoy the way that you draw cats. I wish you were able to edit out the red ballpoint marks since they stand out quite a bit from what you finished the pages with, though I understand there may have been time constraints with that. There were also a few spelling/grammar mistakes that stuck out to me, though the missing apostrophes may just be a personal nitpick and not an actual issue with the comic. I really liked the story of this though, it was a cute lesson of being too worried about the future!
Posted on Gwen & Regi feature comic by Gregly

Snowy's avatar
7 months ago
I'm guessing Stephen Lyons is someone that you knew personally, and that's absolutely fine to honor a comic after them, though it was confusing enough for me to look up the name and find that the only result on Wikipedia is a retired (living) US four star general. Moving on - The pacing and text are the weakest parts of this comic. I have no idea where the characters are in reference to each other, and the worst instance of this is pages 6 and 7. I understand you were trying to create clever paneling, but instead the sequence doesn't show enough of what happens in between. The kitten seemingly jumps onto the couch arms but ends up on the table instead? Page 9 could have used some action lines or movement lines to show motion in the panels, I could have sworn that the table got flipped on the panel where Gwen is pushed back on her chair, and lines of action would have helped explain what happened. I highly suggest either using a ruler for your text if you want to do traditional work and planning out your speech bubbles before drawing the panel contents. As it is, they seem like afterthoughts and almost like they don't matter to the story being told and the font itself looks like you were in a hurry to add the text and it lessens the overall effect of your art. Your watercolors are very nice in this, and some of the effects that you have achieved with them (especially with Regi and Opus) look fantastic. I like the effect that you used for the cat on page 10 and would like to see more vibrant colors from your comics. The sequence of panels of Opus arm wrestling with Regi was cute and I liked the movement of Regi in the panels and how it almost looked toon-ish. Nice work on completing the comic, I hope you make more comics with Opus under his own character profile!
Posted on Magic comic by snager