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The Great Switcheroo

2 Weeks
The Great Switcheroo


The Great Switcheroo
By Footini
chat_bubble 15
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Louise Ambre-Aliona
Final Score: 6.02
The Great Switcheroo
By Snowy
chat_bubble 15
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Luniel Gekka
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.37

Comments (15)

ItizJR's avatar
9 months ago
I could be wrong. I was just making an assumption on what the problem could be on why I was having such a hard time following even though I've read all of the back story (I believe I have anyway...). Maybe I've just not had to experience getting to that point with a character yet where they have a lot of history that needs to be communicated in the present. Or maybe I'm just not able to follow this particular style of writing. That's very possible. Who knows! I'm a simple man! I wasn't trying to create any sort of drama. I just brought out these points regarding my own personal reading experience and started vomiting words from my keyboard. I'm very passionate about comic creation (as are you! It's very apparent in the effort you put in.) and as I mentioned, reading through the comics, I was very confused as to why my experience was what it was. Because I want to learn what it is about it that's confusing me, so I can counter that in my own projects and create the best experiences I can. No shade here, all love!

SirJellyRaptor's avatar
9 months ago
I also gotta disagree with the criticism of having to go back and read past comics for context. Ultimately comics are a sequential medium. Sometimes that means things are best experienced in sequence. Plotlines progress, characters develop. For someone without context that can get confusing, but the characters comic archive is only 2 clicks away. I can see how the top of page 4 doesn't make much sense when someone is completely new to the characters involved, but as someone who's familiar with the character of Louise, I understood what it was immediately. That particular aspect of the character has been WELL established at this point and I don't see why it shouldn't be used just because someone might not have the context.

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
9 months ago
Snowy: loved your comic, and this side of Dairyu, where we can understand that she is morally grey, everything was easy to follow and easily understood, I disagree with ItizJR on what he said about not wanting to read other comics to understand a story, since I love going back and read other comics if I want to know more about the characters.

Gregly's avatar
9 months ago
Footini- I always like your color choices, the characters all really pop and there's a good sense of space with the long table. I like the grid back and forth on page three... the lineart is very tidy, looks good! Snowy- Love the quality of the lineart and the detail in the characters in your comic! The bgs are effective, the heavily patterned floor and the big ol' pillar give the impression of a big opulent building with only a few details so I appreciate that. The gun is cool and the explanation fits well where you put it between the panels. I like the use of sound effects too!

Snowy's avatar
9 months ago
Thank you guys for the comments, I appreciate them a lot! I hope you do more with Gekka, fluff, he's super fun!
ItizJR: One thing I have noticed with your comics though that I think should be brought up is that I always seem to have a hard time following them (even the last one where you suggested other comics to read first. Where it sounded like you've had to deal with this before already). Where, like current American comics, I would need to have read a bunch of older comics, just to know what's happening.
I appreciate your perspective, but I simply do not make long enough comics to re-explain the context every time I have a battle, unlike your examples of comics that are long enough to include this context. Especially on a site where you can link the other comics (for free), I don't feel obligated to draw panels to draw what I've already drawn in the past. I also don't personally like recaps at the beginning of comics and have actually made critiques about them because it feels like spoon-feeding instead of letting people look on their own. *That being said* I know some of the things I draw are leaps of logic sometimes because it connects in my brain and I forgot to actually establish the link, and that *is* something I am trying to work on! My comment about needing to read previous comics is actually because some people specify never reading them, so I add the context and say that certain comics do need to be read for full context and to not mention their confusion if they haven't. =)
ItizJR: I'm pretty sure it's Dairyu's dragon form looking at the design sheet...But just the act of having to do that to understand what I'm looking at, takes me out of the story. Make it easier for me (and everyone else)!
It was actually supposed to be symbolic Louise's eldritch form! I was wanting to color this comic originally but ran out of time, so I'm willing to accept that it's confusing. Sorry about that!
ItizJR: If you're using a different language for effect, make sure it's correct if you're insinuating that the character's native tongue is actually not English. Because, as a French person, when I get to the French bits, it takes me out.
Absolutely fair! I'll be honest that I misremembered Louise's other comics where I thought she spoke half and half, but looking at them now, she only uses French rarely so I definitely had a misstep there. Thanks for the critique!

ItizJR's avatar
9 months ago
Pretty sure Footini's comment was meant as a joke. So let's all relaxxxx people. In any case, JUST IN CASE it's not a joke, I'll refrain from saying anything about it! Snowy: Very clean looking product overall. Some little nitpicky things that I noticed but not overly important in the grand scheme of things. One thing I have noticed with your comics though that I think should be brought up is that I always seem to have a hard time following them (even the last one where you suggested other comics to read first. Where it sounded like you've had to deal with this before already). I spent some time thinking of this actually as it sort of perplexed me. I'm going to make an assumption here in that I believe the issue is that you have a lot of knowledge about the world you envision in your head. Which I can totally get! Worldbuilding is fun! And leaving things for the reader to discover can also be fun as a writer. Knowing the surprises that you have ready for your reader to discover in your later works. But I believe the issue with how the world is being unraveled to us might be the problem. Where, like current American comics, I would need to have read a bunch of older comics, just to know what's happening. Where old school comics, still took consideration of past canon, while making each single issue an entire arc in it's own. Also, on page 4, although visually stunning...what is it? Is it related to Luna? Is it Gekka's wings maybe? I'm not sure...That's sort of an example of what I mean that: for you, it might be clear what that is, but me (who's brand new to your world), I'm utterly confused. I'm pretty sure it's Dairyu's dragon form looking at the design sheet...But just the act of having to do that to understand what I'm looking at, takes me out of the story. Make it easier for me (and everyone else)! Maybe a wider shot would have been better to show us the entirety of her dragon shape. Take this next one however you like (as it probably affects a minority of readers)! If you're using a different language for effect, make sure it's correct if you're insinuating that the character's native tongue is actually not English. Because, as a French person, when I get to the French bits, it takes me out. For everybody else though, I'm assuming it would most likely have the intended effect.

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
9 months ago
Snowy: Ah! Such clean line art!I'd like to build off this with Gekka dealing with Arahk's! Thankies for using Gekka!

SirJellyRaptor's avatar
9 months ago
Snowy: your inks are nice and clean, as always. Gekka and Dairyu isn't a matchup I would have expected but it works pretty well here.

Putrid's avatar
9 months ago
I think voting is the point of a tournament first and foremost, so asking someone not to is strange. SNOWY!! The quality of your art in this round is beautiful! Very clean and smooth inks, Dairyu and Gekka make such a cool, aesthetic and scary team! I'm itching to see those two interact more now!

Goldie's avatar
9 months ago
Snowy your inks are delicious as always, I love the care you put into everything you do 💕

Snowy's avatar
9 months ago
Bobert: I was lightly shocked by the more amoral streak shown by Dairyu in this comic Snowy. Albeit the amoral ruthlessness you had Gekka display in conjunction with the little snippets of humour were fun, I think you captured his character well with how quick he is to be your friend and then immediately kill you on a whim.
Honestly, I want to do more comics with her amorality, she's not supposed to be overly kind or nice! I thought working with a Yakuza moth would be the perfect chance at testing out showing a different side of her. I'm glad you liked how I characterized Gekka!

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
9 months ago
Gonna comment later about the comics, now. Footini, your comment is pretty petty, if you have any grudge against other people keep it to yourself. Stop being a drama seeker and act like an adult, you are one.

Bobert's avatar
9 months ago
I was lightly shocked by the more amoral streak shown by Dairyu in this comic Snowy. Albeit the amoral ruthlessness you had Gekka display in conjunction with the little snippets of humour were fun, I think you captured his character well with how quick he is to be your friend and then immediately kill you on a whim.

Snowy's avatar
9 months ago
Contrary to what my opponent has said, I would appreciate any comments and votes on this comic. =)